[Home]History of EricCorona

Revision 6 . . June 7, 2020 0:04 by cpe-75-80-178-152.san.res.rr.com

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 7c7,9
Lived below AndreaChen and KatieJohnson frosh year, was blessed by cries of "I'm a gremlin" and "Oh my god Andrea" via the ceiling. Could hear Andrea stomping and strutting her stuff above quite often. Quote: "most of it was screaming." He is a very good friend. Wants a single but not to be single ;). Is a mentor.
Lived below AndreaChen and KatieJohnson frosh year, was blessed by cries of "I'm a gremlin" and "Oh my god Andrea" via the ceiling. Could hear Andrea stomping and strutting her stuff above quite often. Quote: "most of it was screaming." He is a very good friend. Wants a single but not to be single ;). Is a mentor.

Katheryn thinks he has balls.

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