[Home]History of GlennWillen

Revision 15 . . June 13, 2005 14:45 by pool-71-102-117-28.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net [KissiGraph]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Apparently a SeventhFloorEastie, according to the chart: a freshman majoring in ComputerScience at CarnegieMellonUniversity? after being rejected by HarveyMuddCollege. No, he's not bitter (about that).
Apparently a SeventhFloorEastie, according to the chart: a freshman majoring in ComputerScience at CarnegieMellonUniversity? after being rejected by HarveyMuddCollege. No, he's not bitter (about that).

Added: 10a11
** Funny, I applied there and then... went there when I didn't get into Mudd. --GlennWillen

Changed: 15c16,18

Author of KissiGraph.

Changed: 17c20

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