[Home]History of KingdomOfLoathing

Revision 15 . . (edit) October 20, 2011 14:11 by JonathanBeall [*Hadn't thought about that game in a while.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 35,36c35,36
* JonathanBeall - JiBB (just started again after a break of a year)
* AdamField - neminem (unlike the people above, is actually still playing. If you find this node, and want any help/meat/items, find me in-game or on the forums)
* JonathanBeall - JiBB (years ago)
* AdamField - neminem (unlike the people above, is actually still playing. If you find this node, and want any help/meat/items, find me in-game or on the forums. Also if you want a whitelist to Muddwarts, same thing. It's not terribly chat-active, but it has all the clan shinies and dungeons always open for your use.)

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