[Home]History of NoisilyInsane

Revision 12 . . (edit) June 20, 2007 0:04 by WL-120.CINE.HMC.Edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 11c11
It can also be useful to appear NoisilyInsane, but in a particularly unconvincing manner, so as to trick people into thinking that you are actually SaNe. In this situation, I guess your actual state would be QuietlyInsane, but it might be better expressed as MetaInsane?. Or maybe MetaInsane? would better be used to describe what happens when you think you're InSane?, but really aren't. Or something like (or unlike) that.
It can also be useful to appear NoisilyInsane, but in a particularly unconvincing manner, so as to trick people into thinking that you are actually SaNe. In this situation, I guess your actual state would be QuietlyInsane, but it might be better expressed as MetaInsane. Or maybe MetaInsane would better be used to describe what happens when you think you're InSane, but really aren't. Or something like (or unlike) that.

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