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Revision 5 . . (edit) November 8, 2010 14:48 by 173-19-227-244.client.mchsi.com [fmt]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 5a6,16

ProfessorLittle Quotes:
*"Every time you see a clock, you should have an anxiety attack.”
*"Usually born leaders are 'Tall white males'. Having been a short white male all my life, I’ve never really bought this as a theory."
*"I’ve spent my entire life trying to figure out how to be taller. I have cowboy boots with heels on them!"
*"I'm brilliant, and you're okay too."
*"Some things don't work for compromises, like having children! If the wife wants a child and you don't, you don't just go 'Well then, lets have an abortion or put the child up for adoption right away!'"
*"If I look at this and see a tree, and you see a bowling ball, there's no point in chopping it down or going bowling. At some point, we need to decide to just go fishing."

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