[Home]History of TrevinMurakami

Revision 48 . . March 18, 2014 11:21 by jfdmzpr03-ext.jf.intel.com [Not dead. Just doesn't update much.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Removed: 1,2d0
This page is dead

Changed: 40c38,39
* 2011-: Folsom, CA
* 2011-2014: Folsom, CA
* 2014-: Rancho Cordova, CA

Removed: 43,47d41
* PuzzlePirates
** Oh no... YPP. -A recovering addict
* being an awesome comm for NS
* Civ4? Beyond the Sword (i.e. crack of the purest time suck)
** plus Fall from Heaven is amazing

Changed: 50,55c44,54
* TF2
* L4D and L4D2
* StarCraft 2
** finally beat campaign on 10/16/10. Lateness due to other more pressing concerns like Research.

* Lots of Indie Games
* Archived:
** PuzzlePirates
*** Oh no... YPP. -A recovering addict
** being an awesome comm for NS
** Civ4? Beyond the Sword (i.e. crack of the purest time suck)
*** plus Fall from Heaven is amazing
** TF2
** L4D and L4D2
** StarCraft 2
*** finally beat campaign on 10/16/10. Lateness due to other more pressing concerns like Research.

Added: 72a72
** now false since early 2014

Changed: 93c93
* Intel in Folsom, CA (2011-present)
* Intel as a Product Engineer in Folsom, CA (2011-present)

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