John - Here is the zip file with my windows version of pyro I have Python2.2 installed, as well as the other packages that the Pyro installation page suggests, though I don't think too many of them get used. Most, if not all, of those packages are at the top level of the zipped folder. Usage: Unzip everything. If you put the unzipped folder (named Pyro) into C:\Zach, you won't even have to change very many path names. Make sure the Aria simulator is installed somewhere. Start the Aria simulator -- this needs to be done first, I believe. It should be listening for connections on Tcp port 8101. Double click (or run from the command-line) the file C:\Zach\Pyro\pyro-2.0.2\pyro\bin\ The pyro Tkinter interface should appear. Click the Simulator button on the left. A path name to a simulated map should appear, but it won't load -- I'm afraid you'll need to load the map manually from the simulator's "Files" -- "Load World" menu options. Click the Robot button on the left of the pyro winodw. A path name to the Aria robot will appear. Also, a connection between that robot and the Aria simulator will be made. Click the Brain button on the left of the pyro window. A path name to MySimpleBrain will appear. That brain will be loaded, and the run and step buttons should work, as well as all of the usual python stuff. That's it! A few notes: - The openGL interface has some problems with the Aria robot/simulator -- I haven't debugged them yet. - Clicking those buttons on the left of the pyro window is suppoed to bring up file-choosing dialogs, but the windows and linux versions of these dialogs are sufficiently different so as to stop it from working. Another thing to be fixed sometime, but the hard-coded versions (I hope) are OK to get you started. - There may be some path names you need to set in the code, especially the graphics code or the main executable. If your Aria stuff is in the default location and you put the unzipped Pyro folder into C:\Zach, it might just all work out-of-the-box. - Good luck! Zach Dodds