The Robotic Freshman

Introduction Progress Landmark Set Pictures! References

Team Members:

Andrew Campbell Erik Shimshock

Project Plan:

We plan to modify our "robotic freshman" from Project 1 in order to give it a more advanced visual input system that will allow it to detect and map artificial landmarks placed in the landscape.

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In order to accomplish our goal we had to modify our VideoTool code to recognize green pieces of construction paper as artificial landmarks, and then use the dimensions of the paper to calculate its position relative to the robot.  The MapTool had
to be modified to allow it to place a landmark on the map when told to do so by the wandering client.  Finally, the wandering client had to be modified to ask VideoTool if it spotted a landmark, and to pass the location of the landmark to MapTool if
one had been located.

Because this project is an extension of Project 1, the underlying framework of the robot is the same.  The Evolution uses a subsumption architecture like that proposed by Rodney Brooks to move from a wandering state to a sensing state when an obstacle is detected, and from the sensing state to a turning state that adjusts the robot's psoition based on the sensing data, then finally from the turning state back to the wandering state when the turn is complete.

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Landmark Recognition and Location Estimation:

We used the Evolution's webcam to detect and extract information about our green construction paper landmarks.  The first task was to highlight pixels which we thought were green.  We did this by empirically definining restrictions on the r,g,b, hue,saturation, and value characteristics of a pixel.  Inevitably this leaves some noise pixels which the program thinks are green, but which are not a part of our rectangle landmark, so we must somehow deal with these so as to lessen the impact on later analysis.  We make the assumption that if the rectangle is being observed by the camera it will be the largest green object in view (not an unreasonable assumption in our leprechaun-free basement hallways).  So we use a connected component analysis to find the largest section of connected green pixels and ignore all other pixels in later analysis.  If there are not enough

Now assuming that we do see a green rectangle in the camera's view, we need to get an estimate of where that landmark is with respect to our robot.  To figure out its distance from the camera, we determine the height (in pixels) of our rectangle (or blob).  If it is not a minimum height, we declare no landmark is visible (either there is no landmark and we're looking at some other small green blob, or the landmark is just very far away and thus too small to see reliably).  The pixel height of the rectangle, and its distance from the camera share an inverse relationship: the shorter the distance from the rectangle to the camera, the taller the rectangle will appear to the camera.  We model this relationship as an equation: distance = constant / pixel_height.  Theoretically this constant would be the product of a known distance and pixel height, but we chose to take an empirical approach to determining the constant.  We took a large set of calibration data (images and distance measurements) and used graphing software to determine the best constant for our equation.  So using this forumula we can calculate an estimate for the distance to the landmark.  Impressively this was usually able to estimate the distance to within plus or minus 5 cm.

Finally we had to determine the angle of the landmark from the robot's perspective.  To calculate this we determined the centroid of our rectangle looked at its horizontal location on the camera.  We empirically determined the viewing angle of our camera, and thus connected the leftmost column of pixels seen on the camera with the minimum viewing angle and the rightmost column of pixels with the maximum angle.  Then for any pixel we used its horizontal location to interpolate what angle it must correspond to.  For example our camera could see from -20 to 20 degrees, so a pixel with an x coordinate of 50 in a 200 pixel wide window would be estimated to be at an angle of 10 degrees (assuming positive degrees are defined to be those left of center).  Correcting for a systematic shift that appeared, our program was usually able to estimate the angle of the landmark to about plus or minus 3 degrees.

Here is a zip containing our modified VideoTool, MapTool, and Wandering client.
And for those interested in the highlights, here are links to the Wanderer, the VideoTool source, and the MapTool robot source.

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The Set challenge was excellent practice in computer vision techniques.  To run our modified version of VideoTool, save pictures of the Set game in C:\BMPs then run VideoTool.exe.  Hit 'S' to load the pictures into the 12 waiting frames, then 'X' to have Video Tool solve the problem.  It will output what it believes each card contains, then the sets that it detects.  Our Set-solving code is available here.

Our code solves the set problem through the following method.  Each card image is sent to a processing function that converts it from a picture to a binary matrix, where 1 corresponds to a pixel that is likely part of the shape according to our color detection code, and 0 is background.  As this is done, the color of the shape is determined by counting which color dominates in the shape as the matrix is constructed.  The color information is passed back to be saved for future reference, and the binary matrix is passed on to 3 more functions to determine the number, shape, and texture of the figures on the card.

The counting code simply looks through the matrix until it finds a 1, indicating a part of the shape, then performs a BFS to mark the entire shape as counted.  If there are enough pixels in the shape(~450) it is determined to be a valid Set shape.  This is to help weed out false shapes created by the similarity of certain parts of the background to green pixels.  When the code is done, it returns the number of shapes it counted, hopefully bewteen 1 and 3.

The texture code processes the binary matrix by drawing vertical lines through the shapes and tracking 2 important pieces of information: the maximum number of "on" pixels, and the number of times a transition from an "on" pixel to and "off" pixel occurred.  The second piece of information can be used to easily distinguish the striped shapes, since they contain many transitions.  Empty and filled shapes have similar number of transitions, however, so the information on the maximum number of "on" pixels encountered is used to differentiate the two cases.  When the function is done, it returns an integer code corresponding to the texture it believes the card has.

The shape code draws 10 horizontal lines from the left edge of the card to left-most edge of the first shape.  The column number at which the shape edge occurs is stored in an array.  When all 10 values have been calculated, the function analyzes how many times a transition of more than 3 pixels occurs between two measurements.  This gives an decent overall impression of the shape on the card: ovals always have 4(or possibly less) large transitions, squiggles have from 5 to 7, and diamonds have 8 or 9.  The function passes back an integer code corresponding to the shape it believes is on the card.

Once all the information is gathered, the program chooses any 3 different cards and checks to see if they are either identical or disjoint for a given attribute.  It can thus easily report when a set occurs.  So far all sets tested on the current code have been valid, so the code is deemed solid, though it is possible some detection glitches may still exist.

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Pictures and Movies:

RobotandGreenOur robot hunting green landmarks.

little landA picture of MapTool adding the landmarks as blue squares.

It MOVES! Avoiding Stairs
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Achieving Artificial Intelligence through Building Robots by Rodney Brooks.

Dervish: An office-navigating robot by Illah Nourbakhsh, R. Powers, and Stan Birchfield, AI Magazine, vol 16 (1995), pp. 53-60.

Experiments in Automatic Flock Control by R. Vaughan, N. Sumpter, A. Frost, and S. Cameron, in Proc. Symp. Intelligent Robotic Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 1998.

Monte Carlo Localization: Efficient Position Estimation for Mobile Robots by Dieter Fox, Wolfram Burgard, Frank Dellaert, Sebastian Thrun, Proceedings of the 16th AAAI, 1999 pp. 343-349. Orlando, FL.

PolyBot: a Modular Reconfigurable Robot Proceedings, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Fransisco, CA, April 2000, pp 514-520.

Robot Evidence Grids (pp. 1-16) by Martin C. Martin and Hans Moravec,CMU RI TR 96-06, 1996.

Robotic Mapping: A Survey by Sebastian Thrun, CMU-CS-02-111, February 2002

Robots, After All by Hans Moravec, Communications of the ACM 46(10) October 2003, pp. 90-97.

The Polly System by Ian Horswill, (Chap. 5 in AI and Mobile Robots, Kortenkamp, Bonasso, and Murphy, Eds., pp 125-139).

An Army of Small Robots by R. Grabowski, L. Navarro-Serment, and P. Khosla, SciAm Online May 2004.

If at First You Don't Succeed... by K. Toyama and G. D. Hager, Proceedings, AAAI 1997.

RRT-Connect: An Efficient Approach to Single-Query Path Planning by Steven LaValle and James Kuffner.

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Introduction Our Approach Progress Pictures! References