Future Plans

Initial Plans for Robot "Hide and Seek"

The raw ideas
Close-up of software model

Textual Representation

MCL finishing work:
* camera (MCL - red y/n) (tagging - green y/n) - Matt
* run on robot - Chris
* moving sonar - Chris
* write script to start all stuff - Chris
* use calibrations

1st goals:
* recognize other robot (tagging)
  -  by map
  -* by vision - Matt
  -  by wireless (using WAPs)
  -  by nerf
* infrastructure (big) - Chris

2nd goals:
* mapping?
* adaptive learning / genetic algorithms

Seeker algorithms:
* wander
* random go to points (pathfinding)
* rMCL (MCL of other bot -> go to largest clump of particles)
* ML

Hider algorithms:
* wander
* hide in a corner
* pKrMCL - (know starting position; run rMCL, figure out where seeker is and
	  where it's going, run away)
* ML

  +- Vision  other bots
  |       |  |
Robot     e.py -- MapTool
 | |       | |
 | + Sonar + |
 |           |
 + BaseDrive +