// VideoTool.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

/* This version has been heavily modified by Victoria to detect artificial landmarks for
 * the project.
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <tchar.h>

#include <math.h>

// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here 

#include "cv.h"

#include "highgui.h"

// ARGH! why is this necessary ??

#define _NO_HMC_WINSOCK_

#include "SmallSocket.h"


using namespace std;

// these are the two functions you'll need to write

void RGBtoHSV( double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v );
void processLandmarks( IplImage* frame, IplImage* f_p );

void setGlobals();  // the code appears at the very bottom of this file

char wndname[] = "VideoTool";
char wndname2[] = "Undistorted image";
char wndname3[] = "Painted image";

// here, static refers to the fact that these variables

// are local to this file (they're not available in other files,

// which is safer because it allows reuse of their names)

static CvSize imageSize;
static CvPoint old_click_pt;
static CvPoint new_click_pt;
static double framenum;

// global points for drawing boxes, defining loops, etc.

static CvPoint pt1; 
static CvPoint pt2; 
static CvPoint pt3;
static CvPoint pt4;
static CvPoint pt5;
static CvPoint pt6;
static CvPoint pt7;

// global calibration data

static float* M; 
static float* D;

// more global variables

// these are simply recording all the different states you

// can put the program in via the keyboard

static bool bmpRecording = false;
static bool capturing = true;
static bool getImageFromFile = false;
static bool getImageAgainFromFile = false;
static bool getImage0FromVideoBMPs = false;
static bool saveNextImage = false;
static bool quittingTime = false;
static bool detectLandmarks = true;
static bool showing_savedImage = false;

static char* filename = new char[150];
static char* filename2 = new char[150];
static int frameNumber = 0;
static int keyCode = -1;

// pointers to images in memory

static IplImage *frame;
static IplImage* undis_frame;
static IplImage* undis_frame_painted;
static CvArr* undisMap;

// globals for tuning parameters by keyboard...

static int blueValue = 255;
static int redHueHighSatLowerBound = 320;
static int redHueHighSatUpperBound = 25;
static int redHueLowSatLowerBound = 320;
static int redHueLowSatUpperBound = 25;

struct landmark{
	int color1;
	int color2;
	int color3;
	int markNumber;

struct landmark* landmarks[7];
static int rvals[7] = {0, 255, 255, 220, 0, 0, 0};
static int gvals[7] = {0, 255, 0, 140, 255, 0, 0};
static int bvals[7] = {0, 255, 0, 90, 0, 255, 0};

static int hueLowerBounds[7] = {0, 30, 320, 10, 70, 200, 0};
//                             N, ?, 320, 0, 70, ?, ?

static int hueUpperBounds[7] = {0, 100, 15, 30, 160, 240, 360};
//                             N, ?, 25, 30, 160, 0, 0

static bool hueWraps[7] = {false, false, true, false, false, false, false};
//static int redHueLowerBound = 320;

//static int redHueUpperBound = 25;

//static int numInCenter = 7;

//static int orangeHueLowerBound = 0;

//static int orangeHueUpperBound = 30;

//static int greenHueLowerBound = 70;

//static int greenHueUpperBound = 160;

static double satLowerBounds[7] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.50, 0.50, 0.30, 0.20, 0.0};
//                               NNN, ???, ????, 0.30, 0.30, ????, ???

//static double satLowerBound = 0.30;

static double satUpperBounds[7] = {0.0, 0.30, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
static double valLowerBounds[7] = {0.0, 0.40, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.0};
//static double valLowerBound = 0.10;

static double valUpperBounds[7] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.99, 1.0, 0.99, 0.99, 0.3};
//static double valUpperBound = 0.99;

// Definitions for the minimum sizes of landmarks

/* for a vertical line to count as being "through" a landmark, 
it must be at least minVertLen long, with at least minPercentColor 
of the pixels in said line being the appropriate color.  The next 
appropriate color must appear before maxSectionSep pixels, and meet 
the same requirements.  Likewise for the third section of the landmark. */
static int minVertLen = 5;
static int minHorizLen = 50;
static int maxSectionSep = 15;
static double minPercentColor = 0.90;

// Information to report back to our master control when it asks over the socket

static bool isLandmark = false;
static int whichLandmark = 0;
static int distLandmark = 0;
bool isColor(int color, double h, double s, double v)
	//double lowerbound = (redHueHighSatLowerBound - redHueLowSatLowerBound) * val + redHueLowSatLowerBound;

	//double upperbound = (redHueHighSatUpperBound - redHueLowSatUpperBound) * val + redHueLowSatUpperBound;

/*cout<<"Checking for "<<color<<endl;
cout<<"hue is "<<h<<" should be between "<<hueLowerBounds[color]<<" and "<<hueUpperBounds[color]<<endl;
cout<<"sat is "<<s<<" should be between "<<satLowerBounds[color]<<" and "<<satUpperBounds[color]<<endl;
cout<<"val is "<<v<<" should be between "<<valLowerBounds[color]<<" and "<<valUpperBounds[color]<<endl;
	if ( (( !hueWraps[color] && h > hueLowerBounds[color] && h < hueUpperBounds[color]) ||
		  ((hueWraps[color] && (h > hueLowerBounds[color] || h < hueUpperBounds[color])))) && 
		(s > satLowerBounds[color] && s < satUpperBounds[color]) && 
		(v > valLowerBounds[color] && v < valUpperBounds[color]))
		return true;

	return false;

// handle mouse clicks here

void mouse_callback(int event, int x, int y, int flags)
		// cout << "(x,y) = (" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;

		// reset old_click_pt

		old_click_pt.x = new_click_pt.x;
		old_click_pt.y = new_click_pt.y;

		// get new click point -- note the coordinate change in y

		new_click_pt.x = x;  // coming in from the window system

		new_click_pt.y = imageSize.height-y;  // window system and images have different y axes


// print pixel information

void pixelInformation(IplImage* f)
	if (f == NULL) return;

	// see if things have changed...

	if (new_click_pt.x != old_click_pt.x || new_click_pt.y != old_click_pt.y) // has it changed?

		// draw a line from old to new

		// cvLine(frame,old_click_pt,new_click_pt,CV_RGB(255,0,0),/*thickness*/1,/*connectivity*/8);

		// set the old = the new

		old_click_pt.x = new_click_pt.x;
		old_click_pt.y = new_click_pt.y;
		// print the RGB values and coordinates of the newly clicked point:

		// note that blue is #0, green is #1, and red is #2 !!

		/* note that this uses the undistorted frame right here... */

		// this is insane!!!

		// see the processRed function for an explanation

		// of why we need "realy"

		int realy = new_click_pt.y;
		if (getImageAgainFromFile || getImageFromFile) 
			realy = imageSize.height - realy;
		uchar* pixel = cvPtr2D(f,realy,new_click_pt.x);

		cout << "(x,y) = (" << new_click_pt.x << "," << new_click_pt.y << ") with (r,g,b) = ("
			 << (int)(pixel[2]) << "," << (int)(pixel[1]) << "," << (int)(pixel[0]) << ")";

		double hue,sat,val;

		cout << " and (h,s,v) = (" << hue << "," << sat << "," << val << ")" << endl;

// the thread for the server

DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc( LPVOID lpParam ) 
   	char recvbuf[80];
	char sendbuf[80];

	string t("HI");
	SmallSocket SS(SmallSocket::SERVER);

    sprintf( recvbuf, "Server Started", *(DWORD*)lpParam ); 
    //MessageBox( NULL, szMsg, "ThreadFunc", MB_OK );

	while (true)
		cout << "Received: " << recvbuf << endl;
		if (recvbuf[0] == 'q') {
			// set a variable that tells it to quit...

			quittingTime = true;
		    // cvReleaseCapture( &capture );

			//	cvDestroyWindow("result");


		if (recvbuf[0] == 'e') {
			// just an example of passing in more information

			// and using sscanf to extract it

			// sscanf(recvbuf,"q %lf %lf %lf ",&savedXforLog,&savedYforLog,&savedTforLog);


			//the connection requires that something come back...

			// note that we're sending two zeros every time here...

			sprintf(sendbuf, "%d %d", 0, 0);

		if (recvbuf[0] == 'l') {
			// just an example of passing in more information

			// and using sscanf to extract it

			// sscanf(recvbuf,"q %lf %lf %lf ",&savedXforLog,&savedYforLog,&savedTforLog);


			//the connection requires that something come back...

			// note that we're sending two zeros every time here...

			sprintf(sendbuf, "%d %d %d \n", isLandmark, whichLandmark, distLandmark);
			for(int i = 0; i<80; i++)
				if(sendbuf[i] == '\0')

		// pause for a bit...


    return 0; 


int main( int argc, char** argv )
	// in case you want to log things...

	//ofstream logfile("logfile_out.txt");

	//ifstream loginfile("logfile_in.txt");

	// set up the globals...


// set up the landmarks which are valid

	for (int i = 0; i<7; ++i)
		landmarks[i] = new struct landmark;
 	landmarks[0]->color1 = ORANGE;
	landmarks[0]->color2 = GREEN;
	landmarks[0]->color3 = ORANGE;
	landmarks[0]->markNumber = 0;
 	landmarks[1]->color1 = BLUE;
	landmarks[1]->color2 = RED;
	landmarks[1]->color3 = BLUE;
	landmarks[1]->markNumber = 1;
 	landmarks[2]->color1 = RED;
	landmarks[2]->color2 = BLUE;
	landmarks[2]->color3 = RED;
	landmarks[2]->markNumber = 2;
 	landmarks[3]->color1 = GREEN;
	landmarks[3]->color2 = BLUE;
	landmarks[3]->color3 = GREEN;
	landmarks[3]->markNumber = 3;
 	landmarks[4]->color1 = BLUE;
	landmarks[4]->color2 = GREEN;
	landmarks[4]->color3 = BLUE;
	landmarks[4]->markNumber = 4;
 	landmarks[5]->color1 = INVALID;
	landmarks[5]->color2 = INVALID;
	landmarks[5]->color3 = INVALID;
	landmarks[5]->markNumber = 5;
 	landmarks[6]->color1 = INVALID;
	landmarks[6]->color2 = INVALID;
	landmarks[6]->color3 = INVALID;
	landmarks[6]->markNumber = 6;

	// start the server's thread 

	// make sure that all imageprocessing is in main's thread

	DWORD dwThreadId, dwThrdParam = 1; 
    HANDLE hThread; 
    char szMsg[80];

    hThread = CreateThread( 
        NULL,                        // default security attributes 

        0,                           // use default stack size  

        ThreadFunc,                  // thread function 

        &dwThrdParam,                // argument to thread function 

        0,                           // use default creation flags 

        &dwThreadId);                // returns the thread identifier 

    // Check the return value for success. 

    if (hThread == NULL) 
        sprintf( szMsg, "CreateThread failed." ); 
        MessageBox( NULL, szMsg, "main", MB_OK );

	 * set up the video windows
	cvNamedWindow( wndname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	cvNamedWindow( wndname2, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	cvNamedWindow( wndname3, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

	 * set up the mouse input
	//cvSetMouseCallback( wndname, mouse_callback );

	cvSetMouseCallback( wndname2, mouse_callback );

	 * more camera-specific stuff
	CvCapture* capture = 0;
	capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);

	// this is allocating the undis_frame once (it will get written each time)

	// get one frame and then copy it...

	if (cvGrabFrame(capture)) 
		frame = cvRetrieveFrame( capture );
		undis_frame = cvCloneImage(frame);
		undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(frame);
		// now let's set up the undistortion parameters

		// note that the docs say 3*wider, but that did not work

		// 3*wider _and_ 3*higher worked...

		undisMap = cvCreateMat( imageSize.width*3, imageSize.height*3, CV_32SC3 );
		// need to release this at the end of the program...

		cvUnDistortInit( frame, undisMap, M, D, 1 );
		cout << "No camera??" << endl;
		capturing = false;

	// main loop

	while (!quittingTime)
		if (capturing)
			if( !cvGrabFrame( capture ))   break;
			frame = cvRetrieveFrame( capture );
			if( !frame ) break;

			// cvUnDistortOnce( frame, undis_frame, M, D, 1 );  // might take some extra time...

			cvUnDistort( frame, undis_frame, undisMap, 1 );
			undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(undis_frame);
		else if (getImageFromFile || getImageAgainFromFile)
			if (getImageFromFile) {
				// ask for a frame filename

				int i;
				// should factor this path out!!

				if (getImage0FromVideoBMPs) { 
					i = 0;
					getImage0FromVideoBMPs = false;
				else {
					cout << "What image number (in C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs): ";
					cin >> i;
				sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",i);
				// we probably need to release the images returned by cvLoadImage somewhere...

				//frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);

				//undis_frame = cvCloneImage(frame);

				undis_frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				undis_frame_painted = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				if (undis_frame == NULL) {
					cout << "Could not find that image.\n";
				getImageFromFile = false;
				getImageAgainFromFile = true;
			else if (getImageAgainFromFile) {
				undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(undis_frame);

		// click only on undis_image


		// save the images to a file, if desired

		if (bmpRecording == true && capturing == true)
			sprintf(filename,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\BMPs\\image%05d.bmp",frameNumber);
			cout << "Captured single image (dist): " << filename <<  endl;
			sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\BMPsUnd\\image%05d.bmp",frameNumber);
			cout << "Captured single image (undist): " << filename2 <<  endl;
			//saveNextImage = false;

		    //if (getImageFromFile) {

			//	bmpRecording = false; 



		// here we can add graphics to each frame

		// in order that they show up on the screen

		// we also decide what to display in this routine

		if (detectLandmarks == true)

		 * display everything in the windows
		cvShowImage(wndname, frame);
		cvShowImage(wndname2, undis_frame);
		cvShowImage(wndname3, undis_frame_painted);

		//handle key presses

		 * quits
		if( (keyCode = cvWaitKey( 10 )) == ((int)'q') ) {          
			break;                       // quit everything

		 * we use = and - to increase and decrease blueValue
		else if (keyCode == (int)'=') {
			if (blueValue < 251) blueValue += 5;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'-') {
			if (blueValue > 4) blueValue -= 5;
		 * we use n and m to increase and decrease redLowerBound,
		 *    and , and . to increase and decrease redUpperBound.
		else if (keyCode == (int)'n') {
			if (redHueLowSatLowerBound - 1 > redHueLowSatUpperBound) --redHueLowSatLowerBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation Red is [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'m') {
			if (redHueLowSatLowerBound + 1 <= 360) ++redHueLowSatLowerBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)',') {
			if (redHueLowSatUpperBound - 1 >= 0) --redHueLowSatUpperBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'.') {
			if (redHueLowSatUpperBound + 1 < redHueLowSatLowerBound) ++redHueLowSatUpperBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;

		else if (keyCode == (int)'j') {
			if (redHueHighSatLowerBound - 1 > redHueHighSatUpperBound) --redHueHighSatLowerBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'k') {
			if (redHueHighSatLowerBound + 1 <= 360) ++redHueHighSatLowerBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'l') {
			if (redHueHighSatUpperBound - 1 >= 0) --redHueHighSatUpperBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)';') {
			if (redHueHighSatUpperBound + 1 < redHueHighSatLowerBound) ++redHueHighSatUpperBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;


		 * records video to bitmaps (files)
		else if (keyCode == (int)'f') {                           
			if (bmpRecording) {
				cout << "Stopping the writing to bitmaps\n";
				bmpRecording = false;
			} else {
				cout << "Starting to write to bitmaps\n";
				bmpRecording = true;
			showing_savedImage = false;
		 * gets image from a file # in ./VideoBMPs
		else if (keyCode == (int)'g') {
			cout << "Getting image from file.\n";
			capturing = false;
			getImageFromFile = true;
			getImageAgainFromFile = false;
			bmpRecording = false;
			saveNextImage = false;
			showing_savedImage = true;
		 * toggle continuous video
		else if (keyCode == (int)'s') {
			if (capturing) {
				cout << "Stopping continuous capturing.\n";
				capturing = false;
				getImageFromFile = false;
			else {
				cout << "Starting continuous capturing.\n";
				capturing = true;
				getImageFromFile = false;
				getImageAgainFromFile = false;
				/* reset undis_image */
				// note this assumes that everything went well

				// initially with the first captured frame... !!

				undis_frame = cvCloneImage(frame);
				undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(frame);
				// not to mention that these transition images have to be released!

			showing_savedImage = false;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'e') {
			// emulate server behavior

			saveNextImage = true;
			showing_savedImage = false;
		 * toggle finding red (and displaying)
		else if (keyCode == (int)'r') {
			detectLandmarks = !detectLandmarks;
			cout << "Toggled landmark detection. Landmark detection is ";
			cout << (detectLandmarks ? "active." : "inactive") << endl;
		 * the spacebar advances the image in the VideoBMPs directory
		else if (keyCode == (int)' ') {
			if (showing_savedImage == true)
				int i;
				sscanf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",&i);
				sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",++i);
				undis_frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				undis_frame_painted = cvLoadImage(filename2);

				// wrap around!

				if (undis_frame == NULL) 
					i = 0;
					sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",i);
					undis_frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
					undis_frame_painted = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				getImageAgainFromFile = true;
				getImageFromFile = false;
			 * initial hit of the space bar...
			else {
				cout << "No image from file is currently showing..." << endl;
				cout << "Getting image 0 from VideoBMPs.\n";
				capturing = false;
				getImageFromFile = true;
				getImageAgainFromFile = false;
				getImage0FromVideoBMPs = true;
				bmpRecording = false;
				saveNextImage = false;
				showing_savedImage = true;

	// release things before quitting

    cvReleaseCapture( &capture );

} // end of main

// just in case you'd like to use these...

inline double mymin(double a, double b) { return a<b?a:b; }

inline double mymax(double a, double b) { return a>b?a:b; }

// read about HSV at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space

// and http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html#RGB%20to%20HSV%20&%20HSV%20to%20RGB


// The function below was copied directly from the second webpage cited above and tweaked only slightly.


void RGBtoHSV( double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v )
	r = r/255;
	g = g/255;
	b = b/255;
	double min, max, delta;
	min = mymin(mymin( r, g), b );
	max = mymax(mymax( r, g), b );
	*v = max;				// v

	delta = max - min;
	if( max != 0 )
		*s = delta / max;		// s

	else {
		// r = g = b = 0		// s = 0, v is undefined

		*s = 0;
		*h = -1;
	if( r == max )
		*h = ( g - b ) / delta;		// between yellow & magenta

	else if( g == max )
		*h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta;	// between cyan & yellow

		*h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta;	// between magenta & cyan

	*h *= 60;				// degrees

	if( *h < 0 )
		*h += 360;


// here is where we seek out the red molding and indicate what we've found

// the input named "frame" is the source location of our pixels

// the "output" named f_p is the destination for drawing

void processLandmarks(IplImage* frame, IplImage* f_p)
    // some useful local variables...

	int r,g,b;
	double hue,sat,val;

	// pixels are handled as uchar*'s

	uchar* color;     // a pixel from the input, "frame"

	uchar* painted;   // a pixel from the output, "painted"

	// this draws a rectangle from pt4 to pt5 with the color

	// specified by the three RGB values in the CV_RGB macro

	// the R, G, and B channels are all 0 to 255...

	// see the "this is insane!" caution below in order to

	// use graphics on the live video stream...

	cvRectangle(f_p, pt4, pt5, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1); // 1 == thickness

//	cvLine(f_p, pt4, pt5,CV_RGB(0,255,0),1,8);      // 1 == thickness, 8 = connectedness

	// This loops through the pixels in the rectangle specified

	// by pt4 and pt5 (see setGlobals for their corners)

	int xlow = (int)mymin(pt4.x,pt5.x);
	int xhi = (int)mymax(pt4.x,pt5.x);
	int ylow = (int)mymin(pt4.y,pt5.y);
	int yhi = (int)mymax(pt4.y,pt5.y);

    // Start doing stuff here.

    // Parameters.

	int samplerate = 1;
    double mouldingthresh = 0.2;

	int numsamples = (xhi-xlow)/samplerate + 1;

	int* yminvals = new int[numsamples];
	int* ymaxvals = new int[numsamples];
	int xentry = 0;
	int numreds = 0;

	// First, we create the arrays to hold pointers to the fun stuff for each landmark

    int* landNumInCol = new int[3];  // the number of pixels found thus far in this part of the landmark

	int* landNumInColColor = new int[3];  // the number of above which are the correct color

	int* landXStart = new int[3];  // The beginning of the landmark 

	int* landYStart = new int[3];  // The beginning of the landmark

	int* landXEnd = new int[3];  // The end of the landmark

	int* landYEnd = new int[3];  // The end of the landmark

	// Zero everything

	for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i)
	landNumInCol[i] = 0;
	landNumInColColor[i] = 0;
    landXStart[i] = 0;
	landYStart[i] = 0;
	landXEnd[i] = 0;
	landYEnd[i] = 0;
	int landNumSep = 0;  // The number of pixels since the end of the last section

	/* this can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.  0-2 are landmarks we look for, 3 means we have all three of them. */
	int landSearchFor = 0;
	bool inLandmark = false;  // We are currently inside some section of the landmark

	bool nextLandmarkFound = false;  // WTF??

	for (int x = xlow; x<xhi; x++)		//the x direction goes left to right       

		int ymax = -1;
		int ymin = yhi + 1;
		for(int currMark = 0; currMark < 7; currMark++)
			int color1 = landmarks[currMark]->color1;
			int color2 = landmarks[currMark]->color2;
			int color3 = landmarks[currMark]->color3;

			for (int y = ylow; y<yhi; y++)  //the y direction goes top to bottom

				// this is insane!!!

				// unfortunately, access to the pixels is different depending on

				// the source of the pixels: static images and video reverse their

				// y orientations

				// we handle this here...

				int realy = y;
				if (getImageAgainFromFile || getImageFromFile) 
					realy = imageSize.height - realy;  // reverse if static image


				// note that we need to use "realy" in each of these cases

				color = cvPtr2D(frame,realy,x);    // get the pixel we care about

				painted = cvPtr2D(f_p,realy,x);    // get the pixel we (might) change

				r = (int)(color[2]);  // the red component of the pixel we care about

				g = (int)(color[1]);  // the green component of the pixel we care about

				b = (int)(color[0]);  // the blue component of the pixel we care about

				// you might want to call this here!


				// And here we begin the great search

				if (isColor(color1, hue,sat,val)) // Then we've found what might be the first part!

					if (landSearchFor == 0)  // This is the first section of the landmark

						if(landNumInCol[landSearchFor] == 0)
							/* We need to mark this as the starting point. */
							landXStart[landSearchFor] = x;
							landYStart[landSearchFor] = y;
							inLandmark = true;
						landNumSep = 0;
					else if(landSearchFor == 1 && inLandmark)
					else if(!inLandmark)
					else if (color1 != color3 && landSearchFor == 2 && inLandmark)

				if (isColor(color2, hue,sat,val))
					if (landSearchFor == 1) 
						if(landNumInCol[landSearchFor] == 0)

							/* We need to mark this as the starting point. */
							landXStart[landSearchFor] = x;
							landYStart[landSearchFor] = y;
							inLandmark = true;
						landNumSep = 0;

					if (landSearchFor == 0 && inLandmark)
						if(landNumInCol[0] > minVertLen)
							/* We need to mark this as the starting point. */
							landXStart[landSearchFor] = x;
							landYStart[landSearchFor] = y;
							inLandmark = true;

					else if ((landSearchFor == 2) && inLandmark)
						/* looking for color 2 now, and this isn't it. Note that and move on */
					else if (!inLandmark)
				if (isColor(color3, hue,sat,val))
					if (landSearchFor == 2) 
						if(landNumInCol[landSearchFor] == 0)

							/* We need to mark this as the starting point. */
							landXStart[landSearchFor] = x;
							landYStart[landSearchFor] = y;
							inLandmark = true;
						landNumSep = 0;

					if (landSearchFor == 1 && inLandmark)
						if(landNumInCol[1] > minVertLen)

							/* We need to mark this as the starting point. */
							landXStart[landSearchFor] = x;
							landYStart[landSearchFor] = y;
							inLandmark = true;

					if (!inLandmark)
					if(color1 != color3 && landSearchFor == 0 && inLandmark)
				if (!( isColor(color1, hue,sat,val) || isColor(color2, hue,sat,val) || isColor(color3, hue,sat,val)))/*neither orange nor green */

				if (currMark == 6) // all done with this row

					for(int i = 1; i<7; ++i)
						if(isColor(i, hue, sat, val))
							painted[0] = bvals[i];
							painted[1] = gvals[i];
							painted[2] = rvals[i];
				/* Now, we check to see  if we got thrown out of a landmark this time, or if other fun stuff has happened */
					if((((double)landNumInColColor[landSearchFor] / landNumInCol[landSearchFor]) < minPercentColor) && landNumInCol[landSearchFor] > 2)
						if(landNumInCol[landSearchFor] > minVertLen)
							landXEnd[landSearchFor] = x;
							landYEnd[landSearchFor] = y;
							inLandmark = false;
							/* no landmarky goodness here.  Try again starting here. */
							for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i)
								landNumInCol[i] = 0;
								landNumInColColor[i] = 0;
								landXStart[i] = 0;
								landYStart[i] = 0;
								landXEnd[i] = 0;
								landYEnd[i] = 0;
							landNumSep = 0;
							landSearchFor = 0;
							inLandmark = false;
				else if(landSearchFor != 3)
					if(landNumSep > maxSectionSep)
						/* no landmarky goodness here.  Try again starting here. */
						for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i)
							landNumInCol[i] = 0;
							landNumInColColor[i] = 0;
							landXStart[i] = 0;
							landYStart[i] = 0;
							landXEnd[i] = 0;
							landYEnd[i] = 0;
						landNumSep = 0;
						landSearchFor = 0;
						inLandmark = false;
			if(landSearchFor == 2)
				if(landNumInCol[landSearchFor] > minVertLen)
					landXEnd[landSearchFor] = x;
					landYEnd[landSearchFor] = y;
					inLandmark = false;
				/* no landmarky goodness here.  Try again starting here. */
				for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i)
					landNumInCol[i] = 0;
					landNumInColColor[i] = 0;
					landXStart[i] = 0;
					landYStart[i] = 0;
					landXEnd[i] = 0;
					landYEnd[i] = 0;
				landNumSep = 0;
				landSearchFor = 0;
				inLandmark = false;
			if(landSearchFor !=3)
				/* no landmarky goodness here.  Try again starting here. */
				for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i)
					landNumInCol[i] = 0;
					landNumInColColor[i] = 0;
					landXStart[i] = 0;
					landYStart[i] = 0;
					landXEnd[i] = 0;
					landYEnd[i] = 0;
				landNumSep = 0;
				landSearchFor = 0;
				inLandmark = false;
				nextLandmarkFound = false;
				isLandmark = false;
				whichLandmark = 0;
				distLandmark = 0;
				isLandmark = true;
				whichLandmark = currMark;
				distLandmark = landYEnd[2]-landYStart[2];

				/* we found a landmark.  Draw a pretty line where we think it runs from/to */

				CvPoint start, end;

				start.x = landXStart[0];
				start.y = landYStart[0];
				end.x = landXEnd[2];
				end.y = landYEnd[2];
				cvLine(f_p, start, end,CV_RGB(255,128,255),2,8);      // 1 == thickness, 8 = connectedness

				cout<<"Found landmark "<<currMark<<endl;


	cout<<"No landmark found.  Last values were: "<<endl;
	cout<<"landSearchFor = "<<landSearchFor<<endl;
	cout<<"landNumInColColor = "<<landNumInColColor[0]<<", "<<landNumInColColor[1]<<", "<<landNumInColColor[2]<<endl;
	cout<<"landYStart[0] = "<<landYStart[0]<<endl;

void setGlobals()
	// mouse click locations (old and new, to tell if we've

	// clicked on a new point

	old_click_pt.x = 0;
	old_click_pt.y = 0;
	new_click_pt.x = 0;
	new_click_pt.y = 0;

	// in theory these should get deleted at the end of the program, too...

	// this is the calibration matrix of the camera

	M = new float[9];
	M[0]=    393.1788940f; M[1]=      0.0000000f; M[2]=    162.8373871f;
	M[3]=      0.0000000f; M[4]=    395.7017517f; M[5]=    121.8078156f;
	M[6]=      0.0000000f; M[7]=      0.0000000f; M[8]=      1.0000000f;

	// these are the distortion parameters of the camera

    D = new float[4];

    // theseimage sizes are hard-coded, but should probably be obtained for each

    // image individually -- however, with our cameras and images, this is safe.

	imageSize.width = 320; imageSize.height = 240;

	// set up some global points for drawing, etc.

    int margin = 12;
	pt1.x = margin; pt1.y = margin; 
    pt2.x = imageSize.width-margin; pt2.y = imageSize.height-margin; 

	pt3.x = imageSize.width/2;
	pt3.y = imageSize.height/2;

	pt4.x = 80; 
	pt4.y = 12;

	pt5.x = 240;
	pt5.y = 228;

	pt6.x = 92; 
	pt6.y = 24;

	pt7.x = 228;
	pt7.y = 216;


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