// VideoTool.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <math.h>
// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here 

#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

// ARGH! why is this necessary ??
#define _NO_HMC_WINSOCK_
#include "SmallSocket.h"

using namespace std;

// these are the two functions you'll need to write
void RGBtoHSV( double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v );
void processRed( IplImage* frame, IplImage* f_p );

void setGlobals();  // the code appears at the very bottom of this file

char wndname[] = "VideoTool";
char wndname2[] = "Undistorted image";
char wndname3[] = "Painted image";

// here, static refers to the fact that these variables
// are local to this file (they're not available in other files,
// which is safer because it allows reuse of their names)
static CvSize imageSize;
static CvPoint old_click_pt;
static CvPoint new_click_pt;
static double framenum;

// global points for drawing boxes, defining loops, etc.
static CvPoint pt1; 
static CvPoint pt2; 
static CvPoint pt3;
static CvPoint pt4;
static CvPoint pt5;
static CvPoint pt6;
static CvPoint pt7;

// global calibration data
static float* M; 
static float* D;

// more global variables
// these are simply recording all the different states you
// can put the program in via the keyboard
static bool bmpRecording = false;
static bool capturing = true;
static bool getImageFromFile = false;
static bool getImageAgainFromFile = false;
static bool getImage0FromVideoBMPs = false;
static bool saveNextImage = false;
static bool quittingTime = false;
static bool detectRed = false;
static bool showing_savedImage = false;

static char* filename = new char[150];
static char* filename2 = new char[150];
static int frameNumber = 0;
static int keyCode = -1;

// pointers to images in memory
static IplImage *frame;
static IplImage* undis_frame;
static IplImage* undis_frame_painted;
static CvArr* undisMap;

// globals for tuning parameters by keyboard...
static int blueValue = 255;
static int redHueHighSatLowerBound = 320;
static int redHueHighSatUpperBound = 25;
static int redHueLowSatLowerBound = 320;
static int redHueLowSatUpperBound = 25;
static int redHueLowerBound = 320;
static int redHueUpperBound = 25;
static int numInCenter = 7;

bool isRed(double h, double s, double v)
	//double lowerbound = (redHueHighSatLowerBound - redHueLowSatLowerBound) * val + redHueLowSatLowerBound;
	//double upperbound = (redHueHighSatUpperBound - redHueLowSatUpperBound) * val + redHueLowSatUpperBound;

	if ((h > redHueLowerBound || h < redHueUpperBound) && s > 0.15)
		return true;

	return false;

// handle mouse clicks here
void mouse_callback(int event, int x, int y, int flags)
		// cout << "(x,y) = (" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;

		// reset old_click_pt
		old_click_pt.x = new_click_pt.x;
		old_click_pt.y = new_click_pt.y;

		// get new click point -- note the coordinate change in y
		new_click_pt.x = x;  // coming in from the window system
		new_click_pt.y = imageSize.height-y;  // window system and images have different y axes

// print pixel information
void pixelInformation(IplImage* f)
	if (f == NULL) return;

	// see if things have changed...
	if (new_click_pt.x != old_click_pt.x || new_click_pt.y != old_click_pt.y) // has it changed?
		// draw a line from old to new
		// cvLine(frame,old_click_pt,new_click_pt,CV_RGB(255,0,0),/*thickness*/1,/*connectivity*/8);
		// set the old = the new
		old_click_pt.x = new_click_pt.x;
		old_click_pt.y = new_click_pt.y;
		// print the RGB values and coordinates of the newly clicked point:
		// note that blue is #0, green is #1, and red is #2 !!

		/* note that this uses the undistorted frame right here... */

		// this is insane!!!
		// see the processRed function for an explanation
		// of why we need "realy"
		int realy = new_click_pt.y;
		if (getImageAgainFromFile || getImageFromFile) 
			realy = imageSize.height - realy;
		uchar* pixel = cvPtr2D(f,realy,new_click_pt.x);

		cout << "(x,y) = (" << new_click_pt.x << "," << new_click_pt.y << ") with (r,g,b) = ("
			 << (int)(pixel[2]) << "," << (int)(pixel[1]) << "," << (int)(pixel[0]) << ")";

		double hue,sat,val;

		cout << " and (h,s,v) = (" << hue << "," << sat << "," << val << ")" << endl;

// the thread for the server
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc( LPVOID lpParam ) 
   	char recvbuf[80];
	char sendbuf[80];

	string t("HI");
	SmallSocket SS(SmallSocket::SERVER);

    sprintf( recvbuf, "Server Started", *(DWORD*)lpParam ); 
    //MessageBox( NULL, szMsg, "ThreadFunc", MB_OK );
	while (true)
		cout << "Received: " << recvbuf << endl;
		if (recvbuf[0] == 'q') {
			// set a variable that tells it to quit...
			quittingTime = true;
		    // cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
			//	cvDestroyWindow("result");

		if (recvbuf[0] == 'e') {
			// just an example of passing in more information
			// and using sscanf to extract it
			// sscanf(recvbuf,"q %lf %lf %lf ",&savedXforLog,&savedYforLog,&savedTforLog);
			//the connection requires that something come back...
			// note that we're sending two zeros every time here...
			sprintf(sendbuf, "%d %d", 0, 0);

		// pause for a bit...

    return 0; 


int main( int argc, char** argv )
	// in case you want to log things...
	//ofstream logfile("logfile_out.txt");
	//ifstream loginfile("logfile_in.txt");

	// set up the globals...

	// start the server's thread 
	// make sure that all imageprocessing is in main's thread
	DWORD dwThreadId, dwThrdParam = 1; 
    HANDLE hThread; 
    char szMsg[80];

    hThread = CreateThread( 
        NULL,                        // default security attributes 
        0,                           // use default stack size  
        ThreadFunc,                  // thread function 
        &dwThrdParam,                // argument to thread function 
        0,                           // use default creation flags 
        &dwThreadId);                // returns the thread identifier 
    // Check the return value for success. 
    if (hThread == NULL) 
        sprintf( szMsg, "CreateThread failed." ); 
        MessageBox( NULL, szMsg, "main", MB_OK );

	 * set up the video windows
	cvNamedWindow( wndname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	cvNamedWindow( wndname2, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	cvNamedWindow( wndname3, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

	 * set up the mouse input
	//cvSetMouseCallback( wndname, mouse_callback );
	cvSetMouseCallback( wndname2, mouse_callback );

	 * more camera-specific stuff
	CvCapture* capture = 0;
	capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);

	// this is allocating the undis_frame once (it will get written each time)
	// get one frame and then copy it...
	if (cvGrabFrame(capture)) 
		frame = cvRetrieveFrame( capture );
		undis_frame = cvCloneImage(frame);
		undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(frame);
		// now let's set up the undistortion parameters
		// note that the docs say 3*wider, but that did not work
		// 3*wider _and_ 3*higher worked...
		undisMap = cvCreateMat( imageSize.width*3, imageSize.height*3, CV_32SC3 );
		// need to release this at the end of the program...
		cvUnDistortInit( frame, undisMap, M, D, 1 );
		cout << "No camera??" << endl;
		capturing = false;

	// main loop
	while (!quittingTime)
		if (capturing)
			if( !cvGrabFrame( capture ))   break;
			frame = cvRetrieveFrame( capture );
			if( !frame ) break;

			// cvUnDistortOnce( frame, undis_frame, M, D, 1 );  // might take some extra time...
			cvUnDistort( frame, undis_frame, undisMap, 1 );
			undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(undis_frame);
		else if (getImageFromFile || getImageAgainFromFile)
			if (getImageFromFile) {
				// ask for a frame filename
				int i;
				// should factor this path out!!
				if (getImage0FromVideoBMPs) { 
					i = 0;
					getImage0FromVideoBMPs = false;
				else {
					cout << "What image number (in C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs): ";
					cin >> i;
				sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",i);
				// we probably need to release the images returned by cvLoadImage somewhere...
				//frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				//undis_frame = cvCloneImage(frame);
				undis_frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				undis_frame_painted = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				if (undis_frame == NULL) {
					cout << "Could not find that image.\n";
				getImageFromFile = false;
				getImageAgainFromFile = true;
			else if (getImageAgainFromFile) {
				undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(undis_frame);

		// click only on undis_image

		// save the images to a file, if desired
		if (bmpRecording == true && capturing == true)
			sprintf(filename,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\BMPs\\image%05d.bmp",frameNumber);
			cout << "Captured single image (dist): " << filename <<  endl;
			sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\BMPsUnd\\image%05d.bmp",frameNumber);
			cout << "Captured single image (undist): " << filename2 <<  endl;
			//saveNextImage = false;
		    //if (getImageFromFile) {
			//	bmpRecording = false; 

		// here we can add graphics to each frame
		// in order that they show up on the screen
		// we also decide what to display in this routine
		if (detectRed == true)

		 * display everything in the windows
		cvShowImage(wndname, frame);
		cvShowImage(wndname2, undis_frame);
		cvShowImage(wndname3, undis_frame_painted);

		//handle key presses
		 * quits
		if( (keyCode = cvWaitKey( 10 )) == ((int)'q') ) {          
			break;                       // quit everything
		 * we use = and - to increase and decrease blueValue
		else if (keyCode == (int)'=') {
			if (blueValue < 251) blueValue += 5;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'-') {
			if (blueValue > 4) blueValue -= 5;
		 * we use n and m to increase and decrease redLowerBound,
		 *    and , and . to increase and decrease redUpperBound.
		else if (keyCode == (int)'n') {
			if (redHueLowSatLowerBound - 1 > redHueLowSatUpperBound) --redHueLowSatLowerBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation Red is [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'m') {
			if (redHueLowSatLowerBound + 1 <= 360) ++redHueLowSatLowerBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)',') {
			if (redHueLowSatUpperBound - 1 >= 0) --redHueLowSatUpperBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'.') {
			if (redHueLowSatUpperBound + 1 < redHueLowSatLowerBound) ++redHueLowSatUpperBound;
			cout << "Low Saturation [" << redHueLowSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueLowSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;

		else if (keyCode == (int)'j') {
			if (redHueHighSatLowerBound - 1 > redHueHighSatUpperBound) --redHueHighSatLowerBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'k') {
			if (redHueHighSatLowerBound + 1 <= 360) ++redHueHighSatLowerBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'l') {
			if (redHueHighSatUpperBound - 1 >= 0) --redHueHighSatUpperBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;
		else if (keyCode == (int)';') {
			if (redHueHighSatUpperBound + 1 < redHueHighSatLowerBound) ++redHueHighSatUpperBound;
			cout << "High Saturation [" << redHueHighSatLowerBound << "..." << redHueHighSatUpperBound << "]" << endl;


		 * records video to bitmaps (files)
		else if (keyCode == (int)'f') {                           
			if (bmpRecording) {
				cout << "Stopping the writing to bitmaps\n";
				bmpRecording = false;
			} else {
				cout << "Starting to write to bitmaps\n";
				bmpRecording = true;
			showing_savedImage = false;
		 * gets image from a file # in ./VideoBMPs
		else if (keyCode == (int)'g') {
			cout << "Getting image from file.\n";
			capturing = false;
			getImageFromFile = true;
			getImageAgainFromFile = false;
			bmpRecording = false;
			saveNextImage = false;
			showing_savedImage = true;
		 * toggle continuous video
		else if (keyCode == (int)'s') {
			if (capturing) {
				cout << "Stopping continuous capturing.\n";
				capturing = false;
				getImageFromFile = false;
			else {
				cout << "Starting continuous capturing.\n";
				capturing = true;
				getImageFromFile = false;
				getImageAgainFromFile = false;
				/* reset undis_image */
				// note this assumes that everything went well
				// initially with the first captured frame... !!
				undis_frame = cvCloneImage(frame);
				undis_frame_painted = cvCloneImage(frame);
				// not to mention that these transition images have to be released!
			showing_savedImage = false;
		else if (keyCode == (int)'e') {
			// emulate server behavior
			saveNextImage = true;
			showing_savedImage = false;
		 * toggle finding red (and displaying)
		else if (keyCode == (int)'r') {
			detectRed = !detectRed;
			cout << "Toggled red detection. Red detection is ";
			cout << (detectRed ? "active." : "inactive") << endl;
		 * the spacebar advances the image in the VideoBMPs directory
		else if (keyCode == (int)' ') {
			if (showing_savedImage == true)
				int i;
				sscanf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",&i);
				sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",++i);
				undis_frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				undis_frame_painted = cvLoadImage(filename2);

				// wrap around!
				if (undis_frame == NULL) 
					i = 0;
					sprintf(filename2,"C:\\Program Files\\ERSP\\sample_code\\driver\\VideoTool\\VideoBMPs\\image%05d.bmp",i);
					undis_frame = cvLoadImage(filename2);
					undis_frame_painted = cvLoadImage(filename2);
				getImageAgainFromFile = true;
				getImageFromFile = false;
			 * initial hit of the space bar...
			else {
				cout << "No image from file is currently showing..." << endl;
				cout << "Getting image 0 from VideoBMPs.\n";
				capturing = false;
				getImageFromFile = true;
				getImageAgainFromFile = false;
				getImage0FromVideoBMPs = true;
				bmpRecording = false;
				saveNextImage = false;
				showing_savedImage = true;

	// release things before quitting
    cvReleaseCapture( &capture );

} // end of main

// just in case you'd like to use these...
inline double mymin(double a, double b) { return a<b?a:b; }

inline double mymax(double a, double b) { return a>b?a:b; }

// read about HSV at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space
// and http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html#RGB%20to%20HSV%20&%20HSV%20to%20RGB
// The function below was copied directly from the second webpage cited above and tweaked only slightly.
void RGBtoHSV( double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v )
	r = r/255;
	g = g/255;
	b = b/255;
	double min, max, delta;
	min = mymin(mymin( r, g), b );
	max = mymax(mymax( r, g), b );
	*v = max;				// v
	delta = max - min;
	if( max != 0 )
		*s = delta / max;		// s
	else {
		// r = g = b = 0		// s = 0, v is undefined
		*s = 0;
		*h = -1;
	if( r == max )
		*h = ( g - b ) / delta;		// between yellow & magenta
	else if( g == max )
		*h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta;	// between cyan & yellow
		*h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta;	// between magenta & cyan
	*h *= 60;				// degrees
	if( *h < 0 )
		*h += 360;


// here is where we seek out the red molding and indicate what we've found
// the input named "frame" is the source location of our pixels
// the "output" named f_p is the destination for drawing
void processRed(IplImage* frame, IplImage* f_p)
    // some useful local variables...
	int r,g,b;
	double hue,sat,val;

	// pixels are handled as uchar*'s
	uchar* color;     // a pixel from the input, "frame"
	uchar* painted;   // a pixel from the output, "painted"

	// this draws a rectangle from pt4 to pt5 with the color
	// specified by the three RGB values in the CV_RGB macro
	// the R, G, and B channels are all 0 to 255...

	// see the "this is insane!" caution below in order to
	// use graphics on the live video stream...
	cvRectangle(f_p, pt4, pt5, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1); // 1 == thickness
//	cvLine(f_p, pt4, pt5,CV_RGB(0,255,0),1,8);      // 1 == thickness, 8 = connectedness

	// This loops through the pixels in the rectangle specified
	// by pt4 and pt5 (see setGlobals for their corners)

	int xlow = (int)mymin(pt4.x,pt5.x);
	int xhi = (int)mymax(pt4.x,pt5.x);
	int ylow = (int)mymin(pt4.y,pt5.y);
	int yhi = (int)mymax(pt4.y,pt5.y);

    // Start doing stuff here.

    // Parameters.
	int samplerate = 1;
    double mouldingthresh = 0.2;

	bool failed;
	int xstart, ystart, xend, yend;

	int numsamples = (xhi-xlow)/samplerate + 1;

	int* yminvals = new int[numsamples];
	int* ymaxvals = new int[numsamples];
	int xentry = 0;
	int numreds = 0;

	int numcreds = 0;  // The number of reds found in a row in the center of the picture
	int tempnumcreds = 0;  // The current maximum number of reds in a row
	int xcenter = xlow + (xhi-xlow)/2;  // x coordinate for a vertical line through the center of the picture

	for (int x = xlow; x<xhi; x++)		//the x direction goes left to right       
		int ymax = -1;
		int ymin = yhi + 1;

		for (int y = ylow; y<yhi; y++)  //the y direction goes top to bottom
			// this is insane!!!
			// unfortunately, access to the pixels is different depending on
			// the source of the pixels: static images and video reverse their
			// y orientations

			// we handle this here...
			int realy = y;
			if (getImageAgainFromFile || getImageFromFile) 
				realy = imageSize.height - realy;  // reverse if static image

			// note that we need to use "realy" in each of these cases
			color = cvPtr2D(frame,realy,x);    // get the pixel we care about
			painted = cvPtr2D(f_p,realy,x);    // get the pixel we (might) change

			r = (int)(color[2]);  // the red component of the pixel we care about
			g = (int)(color[1]);  // the green component of the pixel we care about
			b = (int)(color[0]);  // the blue component of the pixel we care about

			// you might want to call this here!
		 	// gratuitous drawing routine, just to show how it works
			if (isRed(hue,sat,val))
				painted[0] = blueValue;  // sets blue to 255
				if (x % samplerate == 0) 
					if(ymin > realy)
						ymin = realy;
					if(ymax < realy)
						ymax = realy;

				painted[1] = 0;    // sets green to 0
				painted[2] = 0;    // sets red to 0

			// This if statement figures out the number of reds in a row through the center of the picture.
			if(x == xcenter)
				if (isRed(hue, sat, val))
					if(tempnumcreds > numcreds)
						numcreds = tempnumcreds;
					tempnumcreds = 0;

		if (x % samplerate == 0) 

			if(ymax > -1)

			yminvals[xentry] = ymin;
			ymaxvals[xentry] = ymax;


			if (ymax > -1)
				// Mark those two points green.
				uchar* yminpt = cvPtr2D(f_p,ymin,x);    // get the ymin point
				uchar* ymaxpt = cvPtr2D(f_p,ymax,x);    // get the ymin point
				yminpt[0] = 0;
				yminpt[1] = 255;
				yminpt[2] = 0;
				ymaxpt[0] = 0;
				ymaxpt[1] = 255;
				ymaxpt[2] = 0;



	// If we found more than the threshold value of reds in a row in the 
	// center of the picture, we detected a red molding through the center.  
	// Draw a vertical line through the center.

	if(numcreds > numInCenter)
//	cout << "Center line is getting drawn\n";
		CvPoint top, bottom;

		top.x = xcenter;
		top.y= ylow;
		bottom.x = xcenter;
		bottom.y = yhi;
		cvLine(f_p, top, bottom, CV_RGB(128,128,255),2,8);      // 1 == thickness, 8 = connectedness

	// Clearly, if we haven't found anything red in some portion of the
	// samples, we've failed to have a red moulding anywhere around.

	if( (((double) numreds)/numsamples) < mouldingthresh)
		failed = true;
		return; // nothing to draw, life sucks
//	cvCircle( f_p, pt4, 10,  CV_RGB(255,255,0), /*thickness*/ 1 );

	// Otherwise, we must find the red line.  For now, we assume there are
	// no other large red objects in our picture.  

	// So, we just figure out the starting position of the red line (first
	// n x in a row which have red), and then average all the y positions
	// for the starting y.  Repeat from the other end to find the end of
	// the red line.  Note: Victoria feels that this detection method may
	// have problems in practice.

	int numinrow = 10;
	bool foundstart = false;
	bool foundend = false;

	for(int i = 0; (i < numsamples-numinrow) && !foundstart; ++i)
		int numfoundinrow = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < numinrow; j++)
		if(yminvals[j+i] > -1)

		if(numfoundinrow == numinrow)
			foundstart = true;

		return; // failed to find enough columns containing
			// red in a row to conclude we have a line

	xstart = i*samplerate;
	ystart = 0;
	yend = 0;

	for(int k = 0; k<numinrow; k++)
		ystart += yminvals[i+k] + ymaxvals[i+k];

	ystart = ystart/(numinrow*2);

	for(int i = numsamples-1; (i > numinrow) && !foundend; --i)
		int numfoundinrow = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j > -numinrow; j--)
		if(yminvals[j+i] > -1)

		if(numfoundinrow == numinrow)
			foundend = true;

		return; // This should never happen, because we found that many
			// in a row before, but for sanity's sake . . . 

	cvCircle( f_p, pt3, 10,  CV_RGB(255,255,0), /*thickness*/ 1 );

	xend = i*samplerate;

	for(int k = 0; k > -numinrow; k--)
		yend += yminvals[i+k] + ymaxvals[i+k];

	yend = yend/(numinrow*2);

	//cout << "I think the line goes from (" << xstart << ", " << ystart;
	//cout << ") to (" << xend << ", " << yend << ")" << endl;

	CvPoint start, end;

	start.x = xstart + xlow;
	start.y = ystart;
	end.x = xend + xlow;
	end.y = yend;
	cvLine(f_p, start, end,CV_RGB(255,128,255),2,8);      // 1 == thickness, 8 = connectedness

	delete[] yminvals;
	delete[] ymaxvals;

void setGlobals()
	// mouse click locations (old and new, to tell if we've
	// clicked on a new point
	old_click_pt.x = 0;
	old_click_pt.y = 0;
	new_click_pt.x = 0;
	new_click_pt.y = 0;

	// in theory these should get deleted at the end of the program, too...

	// this is the calibration matrix of the camera
	M = new float[9];
	M[0]=    393.1788940f; M[1]=      0.0000000f; M[2]=    162.8373871f;
	M[3]=      0.0000000f; M[4]=    395.7017517f; M[5]=    121.8078156f;
	M[6]=      0.0000000f; M[7]=      0.0000000f; M[8]=      1.0000000f;

	// these are the distortion parameters of the camera
    D = new float[4];

    // theseimage sizes are hard-coded, but should probably be obtained for each
    // image individually -- however, with our cameras and images, this is safe.
	imageSize.width = 320; imageSize.height = 240;

	// set up some global points for drawing, etc.
    int margin = 12;
	pt1.x = margin; pt1.y = margin; 
    pt2.x = imageSize.width-margin; pt2.y = imageSize.height-margin; 

	pt3.x = imageSize.width/2;
	pt3.y = imageSize.height/2;

	pt4.x = 80; 
	pt4.y = 12;

	pt5.x = 240;
	pt5.y = 228;

	pt6.x = 92; 
	pt6.y = 24;

	pt7.x = 228;
	pt7.y = 216;


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