//***********************************************************// //* Blob analysis package 8 August 2003 *// //* Version 1.0 *// //* Input: IplImage* binary image *// //* Output: attributes of each connected region *// //* Author: Dave Grossman *// //* Email: dgrossman@cdr.stanford.edu *// //* Acknowledgement: the algorithm has been around > 20 yrs *// //***********************************************************// #if !defined(_CLASSE_BLOBEXTRACTION_INCLUDED) #define _CLASSE_BLOBEXTRACTION_INCLUDED //! Extreu els blobs d'una imatge bool BlobAnalysis(IplImage* inputImage, uchar threshold, IplImage* maskImage, bool borderColor, bool findmoments, blob_vector &RegionData ); // FUNCIONS AUXILIARS //! Fusiona dos blobs void Subsume(blob_vector &RegionData, int, int*, CBlob*, CBlob*, bool, int, int ); //! Reallocata el vector auxiliar de blobs subsumats int *NewSubsume(int *SubSumedRegion, int elems_inbuffer); //! Retorna el perimetre extern d'una run lenght double GetExternPerimeter( int start, int end, int row, int width, int height, IplImage *maskImage ); #endif //_CLASSE_BLOBEXTRACTION_INCLUDED