Harvey Mudd College
CS 121 Project, Spring 2000

1.  Introduction
    This document is to serve as a Software Requirements Specification
    for the eForms project to be completed for CS121 during the spring
    semester of 2000 at Harvey Mudd College.  

1.1 Purpose

    This SRS is a formalization of the specifications of the eForms
    system.  It presents function and non-functional requirements, use
    cases, and general overview of the project and its structure.  It
    also discusses issues of security, maintainability and
    reliability as they pertain to the completed project.
    This document is intended to be of use to the development team as
    a reference, Professor Keller as an indication of our progress and
    a tool for use in our evaluation, and the directors of the Harvey
    Mudd Orientation 2000 program (Greg Prier and Angie Kurle), who
    were initially responsible for the project.

1.2 Scope

    The eForms product will be a combination of several different
    subsystems, which will allow a page of HTML forms to be generated,
    placed on the web, with the results stored in a database which can
    then be queried by an administrator.  The administrator can also
    edit the forms as they appear online, which may or may not alter
    the database itself, add new forms pages to be filled out (several
    can be active concurrently, so the database must be capable of
    handling this), or remove pages.  All of this will be done via the
    web, allowing for maximum flexibility and modularity, as well as
    minimizing the amount of technical knowledge required of the
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

    Front-end client - The HTML forms page that is filled out by the
    user, which submits to a CGI script that checks the input for
    validity and enters it into the database.
    Back-end client - The Tk plugin applet that is used by the
    administrator to add forms, change forms, view information and
    generally administer the system.

    Administrator - The privileged user that is allowed to make
    changes and use the back-end client.

    Database - The SQL database used to store the information gathered
    by the front-end forms.
    User - A user of the front-end client that fills in their
    information and submits a form.

    System - The software, not the hardware on which it runs, unless
    otherwise specified.

1.4 References

    No references to date

2. General Description

2.1 Product Perspective

    This product will be entirely stand-alone given a server with the
    following installed software:
	1. Perl 5.003 or higher
	2. Apache 
	3. SQL
	4. php
2.2 Product Functions

    1. HTML Forms
    2. Form creation / generation
    3. Form administration
    4. Database Queries
    5. Security    

2.3 User Characteristics

    This system is being designed to be usable on both the front-end
    and back-end clients by users with as little technical knowledge
    as possible.  eForms is designed to be installed on a system by a
    sysadmin with a good knowledge of how the system works, but
    shouldn't be a complicated installation, since it uses only
    standard functionality in Apache and SQL.  It is intended to be as
    easily maintained as possible, working solely from the back-end
    client and with little knowledge of the computer system that the
    program actually resides on.  Additionally, the system will allow
    for checking of validity on the input sent to it by the user of
    the front-end client, thus preventing obviously improper data from
    being entered into the system.  (For example, blank input, letters
    for numeric fields, etc.)  

2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies

    The current planning state for the eForms project makes the
    following assumptions:
        1. The Tk plugin for Netscape functions properly and is
           obtainable for the current versions of that browser.

	2. Apache security will be enough to verify the administrative
           users of the back-end client.

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.1.1 Functional Requirement 1
    HTML Forms
	   Dynamically loaded from CGI
	   Multiple concurrent users up to the allowable limit by the
	      Apache setup
	   User authentication
	   Input verification / validity checking 
3.1.2 Functional Requirement 2

	   Form Generation
		  Create new forms
		  Modify existing forms
		  Delete forms

	   Form Administration
		  Enable / Disable exisiting forms	 

	   Database Queries
		  Add/remove users
		  Generate hard copies of completed forms
		  Generate blank forms
		  Correlation queries (allow the administrator to fill
		      out a version of the form specifying ranges of data
		      the return.)
		  SQL interface
3.1.3 Functional Requirement 3

	   Store users
	   Store form data
	   Interpret queries

3.1.4 Functional Requirement 4
	   Protection / Concurrency

3.2 Performance Requirements

3.2.1 Performance Requirement 1
    Back-end queries must have a maximum 10 second response time.

3.2.2 Performance Requirement 2

    System must support 250+ users in the database.

3.2.3 Performance Caveats

    Space is not an issue.  The system will not be designed with
    regard to excessive space use.

    Web server issues, such as concurrent users, some security, and
    serving time are not our concern.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

3.3.1 Time

    The project must be completed entirely by 5/11/00.

3.4.1 Security
    Users in the system must be authenticated by standard security
    systems already enabled on the web server.

    Software security will be maintained through standard Unix
    security measures.

3.4.2 Maintainability

    The system should not require any maintenance beyond what is
    implemented in the back-end.

3.4.3 Reliability

    The system should be as reliable as the web server.

4 Use Cases

4.1 Front-end use cases

4.1.1 FE-SF: Select Form
    User selects a form to fill out.

4.1.2 FE-LI: Log In

    User supplies identification, probably in the form of name and
    password.  System checks to see if user is authorized to complete

4.1.3 FE-FOF: Fill Out Form

    User supplies information in the form where required.  This is
    accomplished in a typical manner for HTML forms.

4.1.4 FE-S: Submit Form

    User presses submit button.  Form is submitted to the database.
    If the user has already completed a form, then the system will ask
    the user whether they wish to replace the form with the new copy.

4.1.5 FE-V: Verify form, modify information

    In the event that the form was not completed in a satisfactory
    manner (data incomplete, missing, or incorrect format) the user
    will be requested to modify the contents.

4.1.6 FE-LO: Log out

    User logs out of the system.

4.2 Back-end use cases

4.2.1 BE-LI: Log In

    Administrator supplies identification in the form of name and
    password.  System checks to see if administrator is authorized to

4.2.2 BE-MF: Modify Form

    Administrator uses form generation tool to modify an existing

4.2.3 BE-CF: Create Form

    Administrator uses form generation tool to create new form.

4.2.4 BE-DF: Delete Form

    Administrator deletes a form.  If the form is in use, the
    administrator will be strenuously warned.

4.2.5 BE-E: Enable Form

    Administrator enables a form, allowing it to be filled out by
    users, and the data to be stored in the database.

4.2.6 BE-D: Disable Form

    Administrator disables a form, so that users can not fill out the
    form anymore.  Data stored in the database is not removed.

4.2.7 BE-AU: Add User

    Administrator adds a user.

4.2.8 BE-RU: Remove User

    Administrator removes a user from the database, with all filled
    out information thus far.

4.2.9 BE-GCF: Generate Completed Forms

    Output to the screen the completed version of the forms.  That
    way, the forms are available on hardcopy and at least resemble the
    snail mailed ones.

4.2.10 BE-GBF: Generate Blank Forms

    Output the blank version of a form, for example use or for use in
    hardcopy format by those not using the system.

4.2.11 BE-Q: Run a Query

    Administrator fills out a form with patterns instead of actual
    entries.  Database returns all matches to the patterns entered.

4.2.12 BE-SQL: Run an SQL statement

    Provides administrator with a way to run an SQL statement directly
    from the back-end.

5 Scenarios

5.1 Front-end client submission

Alfred, a user, bring up the URL for the front-end client CGI.  After
logging on using his username and password, Alfred
fills out the form with his information, hits submit, and the
information is sent to the CGI for processing.  It turns out that he
accidentally filled in his date of birth incorrectly (he had "Feb"
rather than a numeric answer of "02"), so he needs to
fill out the form again.  The system tells him this, and lets him make
the necessary changes.  He does this, resubmits, and it is accepted.
The CGI enters his information in the database, and Alfred is now done.
Alfred logs out.

5.2 Back-end client form creation

Bonnie, an administrator, finds that ABC Forms needs a new form to
gather information on the habits of household animals.  She logs on as
an administrator and goes to the Create New Form option.  She fills in
the information she thinks she wants, creates the form and goes to
check it on the web.  After a while she realizes that they didn't
include options for finding out the habits of household fish, so she
goes back to edit the form using the Modify Form option.  That done,
she republishes it, and goes on about her business.

5.3 Back-end client database query

Clyde, another administrator (and Bonnie's partner incidentally),
needs to find information on the users of ABC Forms.  He opens up
Bonnie's new form that gathers information on the habits of household
animals and fills out only a few bits of information, those
representing cats that sleep all day, and that for dogs that sleep all
day.  When he hits submit, the program queries the database, it
returns all information that has dogs or cats that sleep all day and
returns that information to him.