The opposite of a
GoodIdea. Beware: many
BadIdeas appear to be
GoodIdeas at first glance. Being a
DumbAss (or
JasonWinerip) (completed by
JasonWinerip) is a good example of a
See the NapalmIncident for a particularly instructive example.
As of 12:57 AM on Monday, October 15, this was a checklist. It was reverted to its original state, and then turned back into a checklist at 1:55 AM
Rules: an item may only be checked off if it is intentionally completed to check the item off the list. Incidents inspired by actual events must in fact be redone with the intention of being checked off. Items may not be added for the express purpose of completing them.
A BadIdea:
- a 12 page celebratory fuck. --JohnWalseth in response to SeemaPatels GoodIdea
- going NoisilyInsane -- Completed by JasonWinerip
- sending four emails to every user on turing
- sending ten thousand emails each to about a dozen users on turing, including yourself, your clinic team, and your faculty advisor
- taking a deep breath after diving into a swimming pool -- completed by JasonWinerip
- Taking a deep breath immediately after diving into a swimming pool is a much worse idea.
- chugging snow cone mix (Some would disagree)
- shaving at 4am --<SecondThought> UnworthyIdea?
- shaving when your electric razor's battery is about to run out
- shaving when the light in your bathroom has burned out
- eating an incompletely frozen Dove bar --<SecondThought> Waste of a Dove bar.
- pumpkin soccer in the courtyard
- doing the physics reading on relativity during chem lecture--<SecondThought> GoodIdea
- carrying a discarded server case back to your room from academics before measuring if it will actually fit inside
- sticking a half-eaten burrito in the fridge for later
- FroshStems <SecondThought> If it were possible to take it pass/fail, it might be a GoodIdea.
- Discharging a fire extinguisher into a crowded dorm lounge that's not on fire.
- Liberal usage of a vinegar hose after a fire extinguisher has been discharged into a crowded dorm lounge that wasn't on fire.
- Pulling Satan in RoomDraw Pulling SamWard, however, is a GoodIdea
- Back-in angle parking.
- Swimsuit pictures of Paul Erdos
- Lighting your pants on fire while wearing them
- Lighting your ex-girlfriend's pants on fire while she's wearing them
- Lighting anyone's pants on fire while they (or you) (or both) are wearing them.
- CrackInTheAC following SuperMovieNight? <SecondThought> GoodIdea!
- Arranged marriages by RoomDraw
- It's obviously not a fertility festival!
- Sex change for RoomDraw
- Staying up for the entirety of LOTRaThon
- as read by espeak (or other computer voice synthesizer)
- See CrossBurningIncident.
- Getting too worked up over CrossBurningIncident (yes it was a bad thing, but it is possible to overreact to bad things, too)
- DeathTruthOrDare? (no, I haven't actually done it... it came up in a conversation).
- Tightening a clamp onto ones wrist until it cannot be removed without either ripping skin or finding some sort of lubricant.
- community-chat-l - completed by East-Dorm-Chat-L
- Finding the resonance frequency of cinderblock
- Using this knowledge near the academic end of campus during FinalsWeek
- TwisterChess <SecondThought> A GoodIdea among GoodIdeas.
- LarpChess
- Attempting to get from the top to the bottom of the EastDorm staircase, in a cardboard box.
- Sitting under the cardboard box while someone attempts this.
- Capture the Flag and Random
- WoT-a-Thon
- DanceDanceRevolution: The Holiday Mix
- JonabinScheible
- Getting sucked into HighScore
- An ITR Game wherein the necromancer has a ranged attack that automatically turns everyone he sees into a zombie (courtesy of a dream I had last night). I managed to lose as the necromancer, but only because I decided to be nice and not use it on the last clump of three people, and instead tried to stab them all.
- Putting Methylene Blue in Raspberry snow cone syrup
- Referring to the Alexander horned sphere as "the tauroid sphere".
- CheeseTea?.
- prologsh <SecondThought> GoodIdea!
$ ls
- 25 pounds of cornstarch.
- ...Five tons of flax?
- 25 pounds of cornstarch mixed with appropriate amounts of water, however, is definitely a GoodIdea.
- You say that, and the temptation is nigh-on overwhelming. Still a BadIdea, though.
- Painting in acrylic paint when you have a paper cut
- Painting outside with color tinted sunglasses on?
- mostlyharmless: Painting after dark outside by porch light
- Reading the label on the back of your pants while wearing them
- What's so bad about this? Mine says "Machine Wash Cold".
- MusicalChairs (in the lounge or elsewhere).
- DuctTape hair ties. With the sticky side toward the hair.
- Knowing TheGame in a Biblical sense
- LegendOfSuperIndigoMonkeySmashBallCaliburMayCry
- QuantumNightmareDeathMaoDiploLARPChessersOfCatan?
- Strawberry Jerky
- Mistaking A1 for fudge sauce, and tasting it on your ice cream before noticing your mistake - Completed by JasonWinerip
- Staying up for the entirety of ItrGames and/or CrackInTheAC during TechWeek of a Pomona theater production.
- Tickle-Me-Stumpy
- World of Natural Selection
- Drunken Polka
- Torah Tossing
- Doing the Time Warp on the new Louch --completed by KevinOelze and MartinPyne freshman year.
- With laptops
- The Time Warp: Now With 300% More Laptops!
- For some reason I just read that as "Now With 300% More Leptons!"
- Directing "LSD: The Movie: Based on: The Hit CS Class"
- RoomDraw RoomDraw Revolution
- I'm totally going to get Martin and Kwang to do this.... - ChrisSauro
- One pad for the inner dorms and one pad for the outer dorms? --MartinPyne
- MusicalRoomDraw??
- Six Types of Werewolf
- Human (naked) K_n graphs on couches
- Note that this is only a bad idea inasmuch as it's a waste of a couch full of naked people. If you define borders/connectedness in terms of sexual acts, it becomes a great new way to structure your orgies. --MikeBuchanan
- DDR Twister
- Making enough citrus juice for the dorm, minus a juicer
- Wagering lengths of one's penis in a poker game
- Cs5? taught in Perl
- Scripps Core added to Mudd Core
- Molten Core added to Mudd Core
- But you'd have so much fun with feminist post-modernism!
- Birthday showering... beginning with the day of birth! (No Martin, no torturing the poor little baby...)
- Dance Dance Fnord (see FnordJr for details)
- Cutting toenails with a pocketknife at 2 AM (see AndrewHunter's thumb if you need evidence)
- Majors Othello (Othello played with people representing different majors, if the name's insufficiently obvious)
- Why is this a BadIdea? I like the idea of conniving Engineering tricking Biology into thinking Chemistry is cheating on him with Physics.
- Think board game, not book. KevinBergemann and KevinOelze sometimes play a similar game in the lounge, except with names instead of majors.
- I'm sorry Biology, but Chemistry just likes us better. I hope you don't take it too badly. -A PhysicsMajor
- That's okay, Chemistry and Biology are really just friends with benefits --A BioMajor
- (Doesn't even factor in here... still single) -- A CSMajor
- Multithreaded peer to peer networking (see AndrewHunter's summer job)
- Sleeping in the lounge. -- Completed by JasonWinerip
- LSD project: NetHack MMO
- Snakes On a Plane: The Musical
- What are you smoking? This isn't just a GoodIdea, it's a GreatIdea?!
- It really is. Someone needs to make this, now.
- Scooter piggy-back rides
- Yardstick vs. Baseball Bat: Fight!
- Strip CS Grutoring
- Definitely NOT happening... There'll be no girls grutoring in bathing suits either. :-P
- Similarly: strip a cappella concert
- Forgetting to turn on your alarm the day of the E&M midterm. (All came out well, though.) -AndrewFarmer
- HuffingKittens?
- Partner switch before NatselPath? in CS70
- also procrastinating on NatSelPath?... (*hint* *hint* to those of you currently in CS70!)
- Creating NerdyPeopleThatThinkTheyAreSexy
- TheLegendofZeldaTheTVShow?
- Watching four consecutive hours of TheLengendofZeldaTheTVShow? for FMM
- College completion run.
- RiskOpoly? (play Risk, determining the outcome of each battle by completing a game of Monopoly. Details left to reader.)
- Or MonopoloRisk?, in which... something something.
- Clearly, Risk played on a Monopoly board - each space would clearly have to have different effects, and if you controlled a monopoly, you could upgrade your armies on those spaces. Would be interesting, in that each square would be adjacent to precisely two others.
- On a related note - Settlers of Monopoly has also now officially been declared a bad idea.
- Naked roulette in the lounge.
- Strip Russian Roulette (put one bullet in a gun, spin the cylinder, put gun to head, pull the trigger, you either die or take off a piece of clothing).
- EastDormTheMusical
- Black hole as masturbatory aide
- Grand Theft Hyrule
- What? No, this is a brilliant idea!
- Completion run of TimeSuck
- Completion run of TheGame (48 losses in 24 hours)
- You mean 50 losses in 24 hours (this is possible)
- Completion run of FreeCell
- TechReport on RLC lab without the benefit of BabyStems.
- Half-blind Starfox
- ... SuperSmashBrothers, with four teams of two.
- ... Majora's Mask
- ... STGs. (Touhou, Ikaruga...)
- [Samus/MasterChief lesbian slash]. (Apparently Master Chief is female. Who knew?)
- It's the Spartan from Dead or Alive 4, who was in fact female. The number on her armor matches the ID number for the DOA4 Spartan.
- Deleting the BadIdea page. - Completed by ArenOlson
- ...when the admin is at the beginning of a very bad week.
- ...or, for that matter, even in general.
- Filling pages with unused WikiNames.
- Staying up all night when you have a paper due... only to finally start working on it at 8 am. --completed by KevinOelze (courtesy of Death Note being there to rewatch instead of writing my paper)
- Kevin types 7 words. "There, now I've worked on my paper. Next episode!"
- Perpetrating the WorstPrankEver
- Watching [''"Manos" The Hands Of Fate''] without the barely sufficient shield of MST3K -- Completed by JoshuaEhrlich, ArenOlson, SkyeBerghel, TimChallener
- Turning your dorm room into the largest meth lab west of the Mississippi
- Sticking your finger through the hole in the inertial disc in Mechanics Lab
- Letting AlexHagen continue to talk after he says "So there's this duck..."
- Letting BobChen talk at all --completed by ArenOlson, SkyeBerghel, DanCiliske
- Turning to look at your own computer screen when trying to make someone else see TubGirl? --completed by JasonWinerip (object of attempt did not actually look)
- Cron job to edit TheGame page daily.
- Cron job to edit TheGame page every 30 minutes (p.s. I just lost)
- Bumping this page every 30 minutes to announce a loss (p.s. I just lost)
- Bumping this page every 30 minutes to announce another completed BadIdea.
- Sex in a hammock
- "Dude, how could you not have had sex in a hammock?" "I'm afraid of dragonflies!"
- Post wisdom tooth extraction make out session. Especially if both parties had undergone the surgery.
- Listening to what the BadIdeaBears say. -- completed by ArenOlson
- ChrisSauro and KwangKetcham as CS70 partners. -- completed by KwangKetcham and ChrisSauro
- ChrisSauro and KwangKetcham as CS105 partners. -- completed by KwangKetcham and ChrisSauro
- ChrisSauro and KwangKetcham as domestic partners.
- Machining campus during RoomDraw
- /usr/bin/yes > yes.txt
- Completed by ChrisSauro
- /usr/bin/yes > yes.txt &
- /usr/bin/yes /usr/bin/yes | bash
- /usr/bin/yes "/usr/bin/yes &" | bash
- yes(){yes&;yes&;yes&};yes
- Funny, that sounds remarkably like what YourMom was saying last night
- FnordCompletionRun
- Reading BadIdea after you should be asleep. This will result in you doing things from the page. - completed by JasonWinerip
- Double-quad power set completion run
- Fantasy RoomDraw
- Finding PatriAaronForwalterFriedman and fucking him.
- <SecondThought> GoodIdea -TrystanKoch
- If you refrain from kissing him (and haven't done so already), that would give you an interestingly inverted pair of Patri numbers.
- StumpyChallenge - completed by JasonWinerip
- EastDormEntranceExam
- Completing every GoodIdea in one day
- Doing JayMarkello's homework for him just for the sake of completing every item on the BadIdea's page
- Masturbating during any course while present at said course
- Using the BadIdea page as a checklist - completed by JasonWinerip
- Starting an edit war over turning the BadIdea page into a checklist - completed by MaxGibiansky
- Starting a fire during a fire warning
- Asking WestDorm not to start a fire during a fire warning
- QuadrupleDouble
- <SecondThought> GoodIdea, if both you and your roommate can stand it. Makes it very easy to start a 4 person game of Settlers.
- <SecondSecondThought?> Scripps already has TripleDoubles?. Don't give them any further ideas. -GrumpyOldLady? (aka Katz)
- Speed run of life.
- Contact completion run (meaning every word in the English language, I would suggest the unabridged OED for the checklist)
- Giving everyone a man name and then editing everyone's FunWiki page to reflect that, even when the names are insipid and inane.
- Note that giving everyone a man page would be a GoodIdea. Or at least funny.
- Except for those of us that would require a woman page... Hey, a woman can use unix commands too!
- Redub the Portal song as a tribute to the Third Reich
- So I'm glad they got burned/Think? of all the things we learned/for the Germans who're still alive.
- Insisting that Controlled Substance is the best thing ever...and forgetting to tell people you're talking about a band.
- Crosstitution
- Organic Synthesis: the drinking game
- Polka Freezetag
- Nondeterministic Fourier Transform
- Making a emailing list
- NorthBall
- Presidential Elections using the BCS
- Setting your computer on fire.
- Joking about lynching Tiger Woods. On television. When you're interviewing another golfer.
- RaW? Hat Linux (RaW? = Robe and Wizard)
- Real life [Nanaca Crash]!
- ItrGames using real weapons
- Stacking all your classes on one day, so as to save time the rest of the week
- Playing TheGame for money
- (It should be noted that ChrisFerguson is actually quite fond of this idea)
- Competing to get onto the StrangeInjuries? page
- Skateboarding into the EastDormLounge from the courtyard -- completed by SkyeBerghel
- Especially when there is a monitor in the way
- Using crutches as ski poles while on a skateboard
- FantasyCommunityL
- A community-l drinking game
- Setting two e-mail addresses to forward to one another -- completed by ArenOlson
- Especially if they aren't smart enough to realize that they're sending each other the same e-mail
- it should be noted that Gmail is too smart to kill its servers by forwarding in an infinite loop between 2 e-mail addresses
- Especially if you e-mail one immediately afterward
- Especially if you use Knuth to do it
- [Nintendo Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy]!
- Roomdraw ladder: You can challenge people above you for better numbers.
- JasonWinerip
- Exactly how would one 'do' this?
- SettlersOfRoomDraw (Settlers played on the RoomDraw boards)
- Leaving a quesadilla in a powered-on toaster oven indefinitely.
- STD completion run
- To make it more interesting, start with AIDS, then try to get the rest before "your time runs out"
- Advertising on Funwiki - BUY Ch3ap V1agra
- A BadIdea completion run
- But, you'd have to complete the completion run before the completion run was complete.
- QuaternionHearts
- Never clogging RecentChanges and this page with spammy completion runs (come on guys, complete this one!).
- It's impossible to complete this one (see BadIdea completion run above, in particular), however, getting the HighScore is still very possible.
- Editing the RecentChanges page, turning all links to Rickrolls (originally completed, not for credit, by DavidLapayowker).
- Drinking Katamari -- every time you pick up an object, you take a drink
- Wouldn't that result in more time drinking than playing the game? By the end of it, though you'll definitely be seeing stars of one type or another.
- Dating your students.
- Reading House of Leaves alone. In the dark.
- Note that Reading House of Leaves is in fact a GoodIdea.
- Playing FunwikiContact on this page. Please read that node if you want to play, and edit it if you have opinions about the preliminary rules listed there. (Completed by KevinOelze, ArenOlson, AndrewFarmer, MartinPyne, AdamField, and of course, JasonWinerip)
- The first letter is 'D'
- Use this to get a natural 20
- This game's not quite the same as Final Fantasy Tactics.
- It's what you might say if you just lost TheGame.
- It's not "dammit, this is what I get for rooming with AdamField".
- Does it subtitle?
- Was Paul blinded on the road to this town?
- Contact (f9087af03968b9a75a67376447f88bcf)
- Challenge
- [Damascus]
- Fuck me, that was one of the Wikipedia pages I visited last night when watching the Doctor Who serial The Crusades and then replaying Assassin's Creed, where Damascus is one of 4 cities. I'm gonna go kill myself in shame, cause I was trying to think of cities in that area that started with D.
- The first 2 letters are "Du"
- And cover!
- Not Duck. On another note, go Ducks! University of Oregon, here I come.
- of Earl
- Not Duke. On another note, my dog's names are Duke and Danny.
- Macbeth need not fear til this Birnam Wood come here.
- Contact (9120de62314800f485d40290f181cdf6)
- The first 3 letters are "Dum"
- Do prom night babies go here?
- No, it's not the dumpster.
- Is it a stupid donkey?
- experimentally determining the shortest chain of the same letter that shares an MD5 hash with a shorter chain of the same letter.
- editing all links for a page on funwiki (using [[Page | Name]]), for great hilarity
- Making every page redirect somewhere else, and then making every link to it redirect to a page that redirects to the actual page (See my page and the links to it from here for an example.) All links in FunWiki, while overly complicated, would work as expected. RecentChanges would get interesting though, since nothing would be where RecentChanges thinks it is. -- JasonWinerip
- Installing Windows on your Ubuntu partition instead of your blank partition. Completed not for credit by KevinOelze
- IsaacAsimov? CompletionRun?
- Completion Running his literary works, however, is a GoodIdea
- Not so much. While it is good, the page count is well over the scouter crushing minimum and it may cause insanity trying to finish it.
- Create a WikiNode? called TubGirl?, consisting of a single image
- Then set this as your username and start editing pages
- Then someone else creates GoatSe? and does the same
- Engage in a massive edit war
- I'd never do anything like that. --TheGame
- Showing the police on the doll where I touched the GoodIdea page.
- Dividing by ZeRo.
- Turning FunWiki into /b/
- "I wonder if this forkbombs....Oh well, let's run it!"
- "I wonder what this exe file does, that I don't know where it came from or how it got into this folder... Oh well, let's run it!"
- That totally made me reinstall Windows at the start of my frosh year.
- On a related note, recursively creating nested folders. Apparently, create enough, then delete them, and you end up fucking over your XP install
- On a note related only to that one, recursively chmod'ing root on a new linux install, changing the owner of every file to yourself. But I definitely didn't experience that one first-hand, 5 minutes after the first time I tried a linux distro...
- On another note related to that other note, hacking up your Windowx XP box
- On another note that is related to many other notes, C#. Or C.
- Hey! I actually like C#, oddly enough. Microsoft has made a lot of truly crappy products in its time, but C# is not one of them. J#, though, there was a bad idea.
- I have nothing against the language, it's the note that bugs me... ;)
- Retardly long, meaningless threads of things that aren't BadIdeas? on BadIdea
- Since they're a BadIdea, that automatically means that they shouldn't be deleted from the BadIdea page. Also, you already completed that with your FunwikiContact on this page.
- sudo emerge *
- Reading this entry still makes me cry blood. --ChrisSauro
- Came across it again. Still crying blood. --ChrisSauro
- I think reading this page is now a BadIdea for me since it has yet again caused me to cry blood. -- ChrisSauro
- Oh my god the blood. It is coming out of my eyes and it is everywhere. Why do you do this to me? -- ChrisSauro
- I need to stop reading this page because every time I get here I once more cry blood. It's not cool, guys. --ChrisSauro
- Leaving a faucet running. While you go work out for an hour and a half. With something blocking the sink's drain. In your Sontag kitchen. While you're the only person living in the suite.
- Don't most sinks have an emergency drain?
- You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?
- Windsurfing in a tropical storm.
- Dry ice dildos.
- EIT Completion run.
- Pizza with penises as toppings.
- Using real blood as a substitute for fake blood
- Causing the BadIdea page to hit the character limit (legitimately)
- Through completions of things on it
- In a competition to see who can complete the most
- Using wiki software which has a character limit.
- I don't know, some might argue that the existence of only finitely many BadIdeas is a good thing
- 5C fountain completion run in sub-freezing weather
- East Dorm's New Clothes --AlanKraut
- Flaming paper airplanes (see HumPaperBurningParty)
- Paying for another persons travel fare to Mudd because you're lonely at grad school.
- vimacs.
- Pet crocodiles. Or pet alligators. Or, really, any pets that could eat their owners when grown.
- Ipecac drinking contest.
- also, Ipecac Vodka shots were discussed
- Train drifting. Imagine Mario Kart style drifting where the locomotive occupies both rails.
- Completed by TheInternet? ([here]). Also, who's been reading Densha de D?
- Creating a FunWiki page describing certain SocialPhenomena, even if not intended as judgmental. --The Author of Said Page
- Speed-reading the entire WheelofTime? series.
- East dorm porno
- Sursedenions (cf. surcomplex numbers)
- Extreme RoomDraw: All participants start underground, no further east than Galileo Foyer. The first person to initial the whiteboard on the door of a room wins the room.
- RoomDraw Bingo
- Turning RoomDraw into a board game that remotely resembles Descent
- Strip Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
- Wait, in what ways is this a BadIdea? Having witnessed Strip Prisoner's Dilemma, I can vouch for the fact that it's awesome. --KevinMcSwiggen
- Was it iterated? That part seems important to me since it implies one of two possibilities. First, clothes are not replaced and so participants will run out quickly. While, depending on the attractiveness of the participants, this may in and of itself be a GoodIdea, it doesn't work well for post-nude rounds since there are no further clothes to be lost. The second possibility is that clothes are replaced which means that the PD can still work but, depending on the clothing amounts used, nudity will either be brief or nonexistent (the former in the case of sufficient clothing loss to cause nudity, but the clothing must be replaced for the next round; the latter in the case of insufficient clothing loss to cause nudity). All in all, Strip Iterated PD just doesn't work very well. Single round continues to be a pretty good idea, though, especially as part of a larger game. --ChrisSauro
- I think it may be a reference to the fact that the IPD has strategies that allow you to dictate your opponent's score regardless of his or her strategy. In other words, everyone loses! - Mitchell Horning
- Making a list of WaysSexIsLikeTutoring
- Twitter
- Social Experiment: Listing all the people in your biology class, with their facebook picture, and their score on their last bio test, and sending out a survey asking who you would reproduce with.
- Shipping people you know and with whom you interact -- completed by EastieFrosh in 2011
- Accidentally machining SontagDorm
- Configuring your IRC client to wake you up if somebody pings you (Completed by ChrisSauro)
- Using Clinic or SoftwareDevelopment group assignments as dating recommendations
- Armbands for the LoungeNazis (old, but wasn't on the list).
- Operating the lounge toaster oven under the influence of alcohol.
- RoomDrawFutures?
- Buses with legs
- Obtaining a strong Patri number that is lower than your weak Patri number.
- Double-blind OcarinaOfTime? run (it's like half blind but, unbeknownst to the controlling player, the watcher can't see the screen either)
- Triple-blind OcarinaOfTime? run (like above, but this time, unbeknownst to the first two players, the controls are actually being operated by a third person who can't hear the instructions).
- These are only bad ideas for those hoping to see the game completed. For those seeking entertainment, definitely a GoodIdea
- Battle RoomDraw. Fight to the death for a room in East.
- <SecondThought> At least the loser won't be pulling a room elsewhere that somebody actually wants.
- What if we take the person who closes campus and everyone who did not pull before said person and put them on an island somewhere and do this BattleRoyale? style? Solves the housing issue and, more importantly, keeps me entertained.
- Looks like someone took my idea and bastardized it. Here is the original formulation of BattleRoomDraw?. On a certain day, everyone wakes up with a collar on their neck and a weapon (frying pan, crossbow, machine gun, etc.) in their mailbox. If you are in a room with the correct number of people at the end of three days, the collar *doesn't* kill you and you pull the room. Many of the current features of RoomDraw are carried over by this scheme. The random numbers are replaced with random weapons. In lieu of rounds, seniors are simply informed of the date RoomDraw will start, juniors are aware that it will happen but are left to guess at the date, and freshmen wake up confused and bewildered. In-dorm status is effected by allowing seniors currently living in a dorm to fortify it in the weeks preceding. On top of everything, it would certainly solve the housing population crisis!
- Accidentally taking 2 NoDoze? instead of 2 Tylenol when trying to go to sleep
- RoomDraw-style course registration. Every student signing up for a class can pull another student to be their lab/recitation/etc partner. Machine all the good classes!
- Drinking MarioKart. Specifically, taking a drink every time you swear.
- Inter-dorm [Diplomacy] - because GoCrossCampus? wasn't bad enough!
- [Visual Prolog] - It's prolog, but object-oriented!
- The only way to survive is to release the [Kraken].
- BetrayalAtCosmicSettlersOfRiskOpoLife?.
- DiplomaticBetrayalAtCosmicSettlersOfRiskOpoLife??
- Omni-haunt Betrayal - play up to 13 haunts at the same time! (Every haunt roll automatically fails, and the presence of a haunt/traitor does not stop future haunt rolls.) Bonus points for reworking the flavor text so it actually makes some sort of sense.
- <SecondThought> AwesomeIdea
- Slightly reworked, that could be all kinds of interesting. 13 haunts sounds like it would not work... but how about one haunt per player (with a unique traitor per haunt)? Give everyone a victory condition, first person to succeed in their condition wins (kind of like that all-psycho game of psycho killers.) I'd totally try that. No, seriously, I kind of want to try this now. --AdamField
- At 24HourCrack this year, there was a poly-haunt game of Betrayal (keep rolling for haunts, without the rigged rolls) that ended up very similar to that. There were four haunts, with three unique traitors (the fourth was the treasure hunt). It was fun, and the players even made it somewhat sensible flavor-wise (Sarah brought the house to Planet A, but accidentally brought along the star sickness from Planet B, so had to work with the humans to prevent it from spreading...). It was definitely a GoodIdea (though too long to be played regularly). --EmmaDavis
- Editing this page.
- Editing this page without actually adding a BadIdea (or commenting on one). --AdamField
- Double-house poly-haunt Betrayal played with 12 people. Two (connected) houses, two haunts, two sets of characters. Oh god. (Actually, it was fucking hilarious, but definitely a BadIdea.)
- Dealing out all the roles and all the characters for Bang!.
- So much as looking at the ViennaBites.
- A startup to innovatively disrupt parliamentary procedure
- Not watching all the KaijuBooska episodes