Brian will recommend that, as he had graduated, the tenses on this page be taken with a grain of salt.
Once a FrOsh from BoilerSuite, then a SophoMore in TimeSuck, now the mysterious but quietly bitter upperclassman that lurks in the lounge, playing AngBand on his oh-so-tasty LapTop?. You know the one... coated in delicious rubber for your protection, with a handle for carrying. Soultooth II is dead. I need either a resurrection, or a new laptop. The problem I have with that currently is that it seems practically impossible to find a good laptop with any pointer control other than a touchpad, which I hate. -- IBM's Thinkpads are very nice and have that silly little eraser mouse.
- Laptop nipple, please. --MacKenzieStuart
- I learned that as a Laptop Clitoris, I suppose it depends on the gender of your laptop though
- I always heard it called a Fondle Button. --AdamField
- Hasn't IBM stopped making hardware entirely now, though?
In the fall, he makes a triumphant return to
EastDorm, living in BackHall
?. You'll know his door as the one with hand-made "I Support" signs, since he lost the ones he'd had previously.
A victim - perhaps one of the first victims - of the infamous Spring 2005 SoapOperaSemester.
Performed in the 2003 RockyHorror? show, and directed in 2004, and sat back as producer and technical manager of the 2005 show. Officially refuses to have any administrative part in it for 2006, as soon as the club gets the goddamn boxes of props out of his closet. He'll hold onto the speakers for the year, though.
Schedule, Spring 2006, according to Portal:
CSCI 157 Computer Animation 3.0 Sweedyk T R 14:45 16:00
CSCI 131 Programming Languages 3.0 Marshall M W 14:45 16:00
CSCI 184 Computer Science Clinic II 3.0 Kuenning T 11:00 11:50
CLAS 008A Introductory Latin 3.0 Finklepearl MTWR 10:00 10:50
CSCI 196 Computer Science Colloquium 0.0 Erlinger W 19:00 20:00
PE 10 CPR, Emergency Response, First Aid 0.0 Katsiaf T 19:00 22:00
PE 1.39 Self Defense: Mixed Martial Arts 0.0 Ruediger M W 18:00 19:00
PE 1.05 Archery 0.0 Town M W 11:00 12:00
Total: 12.0
Not according to Portal
CSCI 157 Making Shiny Things 3.0 Sweedyk T R 14:45 16:00
CSCI 131 Abuse of Parentheses 3.0 Marshall M W 14:45 16:00
CSCI 184 Hysterical Panic 3.0 Kuenning T 11:00 11:50
CLAS 008A Chauvinism and Dead Languages 3.0 Finklepearl MTWR 10:00 10:50
CSCI 196 Nelson Speaker Series 0.2 Erlinger W 19:00 20:00
PE 10 Red Cross Card Collection 1.0 Hillegas T 19:00 22:00
PE 1.39 Hitting and Being Hit By People 0.3 Ruediger M W 18:00 19:00
PE 1.05 Putting Holes in Paper 1.0 Town M W F 11:00 12:00
SO 80S Personal Relationship Seminar (with lab) 6.0 SMTWRFS 00:00 23:59
JOB 121 Grading LSD 1.0 Sweedyk M 20:00 22:00
JOB 122 Archery Instruction 1.0 Urbano S 09:00 12:00
THTR 69 The Rocky Horror Show 3.0 Buchanan MTWR 22:00 23:59
LIFE 101 Finding an Apartment in Santa Clara 1.0 [To Be Determined]
Total: 26.5
His preferred flavors of crack are AlphaCentauri (having instigated many of the attempts at multiplayer) and AngBand variants, notably ToME. He tends to be bad at FPS, or RTS, or, well, anything that requires fast reaction time and reflexes. The notable exceptions to this tendency are DanceDanceRevolution and SuperMonkeyBall.
- I hold the (dubious) honor of having beaten SuperMonkeyBall2?'s Story Mode, including sitting through all the cutscenes.
- See also CataList/BrianYoung. My DDR pads are somewhat abused, but one of them has a particleboard filler, which can make things interesting. Not so sure it actually helps the buttons not stick, but I think it makes rapid steps easier.
As a CrackMonger
? and former member of
TimeSuck, he has various forms of crack available for lending:
- RolePlaying books
- All Dungeons and Dragons core rulebooks, 3.0 and 3.5
- Scarred Lands source books, including Relics and Rituals and Creature Collection and their sequels
- Epic Level Handbook
- Other random supplements, some more broken than others
- Fluxx
- IllumiNati?, with the Y2K and Brainwash expansions
- TotalAnnihilation
- AlphaCentauri and Alien Crossfire
- TiberianSun?, RedAlert2?, and the related expansions
- StarWars books: The almost-complete NewJediOrder? series
- Occasional installments of Funny Times
- RoboRally
- ManyOthers
- "You're wearing post-regurgitated shoes?!" -BrianYoung
- "Okay, the first one to summon me a greater balrog wins a cookie" -BrianYoung
- As my ToME characters continue to die young...(Sorceror tried to disarm a trap, failed, and got nailed by 4 poisoned Seeker Bolts. Bye-bye, 150 HP) -- ChainMaille
- "Gandalf's more into fire magic than catching people magic" -BrianYoung, upon being asked why Gandalf didn't catch Saruman when he fell off Orthanc
- "Galileo sucks for cuddling." --BrianYoung
- Yeah, I always preferred Copernicus myself. --MacKenzieStuart
- I would much rather Kepler myself; he's got that equal area in equal time law going, for that whole body experience. --PhilMiller
- "Less talk, more cock!" --BrianYoung, to MacKenzieStuart
- "You can wash Stumpy. You can't shellac the peccary!" -BrianYoung, to the lounge
- "I think we should have never moved beoyond the point of hitting someone over the head with a club and dragging them back to your cave. I guess we just replaced clubs with alcohol and caves with dorm rooms."
- "I am more woman than you will ever be, Phil." -BrianYoung
- "I remain neutral in all tickle conflicts. I am the Switzerland of tickling" -BrianYoung
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