EastiePeople have Crack lying around that they aren't addicted to currently but would love to see other people making use of. List your
CrackCollection (if you wish) here:
- SettlersofCatan?
- Super Monkey Ball (GameCube)
- Resident Evil (GameCube)
- Eternal Darkness (GameCube)
- Various SNES games including SuperMetroid, MarioAllStars?, and ManyOthers
- HomeWorld
- Rainbow Six
- Thief: The Dark Project
- Thief 2: The Metal Age
- TheSims? (Warning: Surprisingly Addictive)
- Forsaken
- Earthworm Jim 3D (PC port of the N64 game)
- Alpha Centauri
- Jedi Knight
- Doom II (from the DoomSeries)
- Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders (A fantasy-based Doom Clone)
- Hexen (sequel to Heretic)
- StarWars TrivialPursuits?
- DiabloIi
- TheSims?
- Bridge (the card game . . .)
- Chemistry Set
- Chess Clock
- Cribbage
- Aliens vs Predator II
- Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
- DiabloIi
- HalfLife
- HalfLifeII
- HomeWorld: Cataclysm
- Jedi Knight II
- TheLongestJourney?
- Lord of the Rings Board Game
- Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
- Myst III: Exile
- Myth: The Fallen Lords
- Myth II: Soulblighter
- Myth III: The Wolf Age
- PrinceOfPersia: The Sands of Time
- Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire
- Riven
- Sacrifice
- StarControlTwo
- Star Control III
- StarCraft
- Startopia
- StarTrek Voyager EliteForce?
- StarWars: KotOR?
- Stronghold
- Thief: The Dark Project (ThiefTheDarkProject)
- Thief II: The Metal Age
- Thief: Deadly Shadows (Thief III)
- Unreal Tournament
- Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC)
- WarcraftIII
- Wheel of Time
- 3 in Three
- Chess clock
- Tarot (the game, not the fortune-telling device)
- Books by Daniel Pinkwater and ManyOthers
- A 4-cube
- A 5-cube
- Escape From Monkey Island
- Myst III: Exile
- WormsArmageddon
- various PlayStation games, including some FinalFantasy, BustAMove, EinHander, and a few others
- a large subset of the complete Calvin and Hobbes collection
- chess and bridge books and equipment (sorry, no clock)
- an impressive Weird Al collection (15 CDs and 20 music videos)
- DeusEx
- HalfLife
- HalfLifeII
- Myst III: Exile
- Riven
- Myst
- Clue
- US Navy Fighters (woohoo, 1996!)
- Battlefield 1942
- StarCraft
- RollerCoaster? Tycoon 2
- WarcraftIII (and expo)
- AgeOfEmpires? II: Age of Kings
- MaxPayne?
- Enter the Matrix (don't play this.)
- ChexQuest (DO play this)
- EVE online (you'd need an account...)
- Chessmaster 5500 - yep, kind of old. Not THAT old... I still have 2000 (the DOS version) at home...
- Rogue Squadron 3d
- Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Hoyle Card Games!!!
- WorldOfWarcraft (again, need an account; I'm not sure Blizzard will even let you install of the same CD, though...)
- KingsQuest Collection
- Tribes 2
- X-wing vs TIE Fighter
- SIM Tower
- Gentoo (UNIX OS... does this count as crack?)
- Fedora (LINUX variation... see above quandrary)
See also: