Often crappy papers receive grades better than those written with quality.
(Gee, sounds about like the content on this node. Was this REALLY neccessary guys?) Yes, it was.
I define it to be the wrapping paper I bought at Vons. Because it's true. --ArielBarton
A Crappy Hum Paper
Stephanie Grush
This is a hum paper. Yes, that is my thesis. My thesis is that this is a hum paper. However, since I am repeating myself, it is not a very good paper. Therefore, this is a crappy hum paper. However, because I define this to be a hum paper, it is a hum paper.
In order to ensure the hum-ness of this paper, I will mention a hum. Art is a hum. This hum paper is not art. Micah paid me to do this paper, and therefore it is not art.
In conclusion, you should go read FrogsAreBad. It was a commission from Julie, and therefore might not be art, but I did it for free, so it might still be art.
Bibliography: Yeah, right.