DormCrotchTwo?: The two bastards (Pitzer students, by rumor) who sprayed a chemical fire extinguisher into the lounge, depositing white stuff on everything (including, coincidentally, AndrewSchoonmaker and his other PlayStation2?) and making life miserable for those who were in the lounge.
DormCrotchThree?: The philistines who decided to "redecorate" the bar by coating it with ugly pink paint.
DormCrotchFour?: The jackass responsible for the OtherOtherOtherOtherWindowBreakingIncident. (EastDorm has a right to feel persecuted if only because of the frequency with which its windows get broken; I think it beats all of the other QuadDorm?s in number of window breakings per year and total over the past couple of years, or at the very least window breakings caused by non-residents).
Suggested remedy for these morons: testicle removal with a GrapeFruitSpoon?.
This list should probably be extended backwards too, to DormCrotchZero?, DormCrotchNegativeOne?, and so.