With stunning bravery, AliciaLuo volunteered her trash can to be the designated receptacle for corroded batteries. The whole Lounge was in awe-- how fantastic! How daring! The bin was commemorated with a special tape and sharpie logo, and put on top of the newly-assembled shelves alongside the Dorm's poster of The Room. It was truly the elevation the battery receptacle deserved. Cheers and celebration abounded.
Thus, for the year of 2022, East Dorm Corroded Batteries Cleaner was born. There was a brief crisis of legitimacy during the first Dorm Meeting of 2022 (LenaKryukova wanted the position but Alicia had been voted in), so technically both Alicia and Lena are Corroded Batteries Cleaners.
(Note: I wrote this while sleep deprived and instead of doing Stat Mech homework. And in case you think I am exaggerating how thrilling we all found this, trust me, I'm not. It'll end up in the yearbook - EllenFerranto, DormHistorian)
From left to right, AliciaLuo and LenaKryukova. ZoeWorrall is taking a photo.