A not-
FrOsh (except to upperclasspeople) in East 162, as of the 2008-2009 school year. Is
NotEvil. Also slightly addicted to games like PuzzleBobble4
? and Sudoku.
Now is back to playing PuzzlePirates -- Palindromia on Viridian. Sigh.
Is no longer playing. The lack of a mouse does that.
Apparently a FroshClone, along with ChristineMcGinn?, as shown at TrickOrCheese.
- I don't know about that. Yes, you were able to dress up as each other, but in general you don't look all that similar. Now, you and MarissaQuitt, on the other hand...
- Marissa!? But... she's short! I mean...
- Darn straight! And proud of it. (Because what else could I be? Certainly not tall!) --MarissaQuitt
- The FroshClones don't look all that similar normally, either. And I don't see any particular resemblance to Marissa. --NotLori?
- ::blink, blink:: Someone is not-me? Beyond simply not being me? ::is disconcerted:: Also, the FroshClone nature lies in others not being able to tell said clones apart, not necessarily any actual significant physical resemblance. Or something. -Lori
- Yeah, really. The four of us don't really look very much alike, people just kept forgetting which one was which. I still get called Katy from time to time. --LizKadison
Since Christine is no longer at Mudd, this doesn't really apply so much. What's the protocol for deleting out-of-date comments with lots of other peoples' edits attached?
- My feeling on it is that it's your home page, so you can delete what you like. On other pages, the protocol seems to be to leave outdated conversations be. --MacKenzieStuart
- Perhaps just move the conversation to the bottom of the page. People seem to do that with out of date stuff a lot. --ChrisRoberts
"I think sex should count as a hard class."
A NerdyThingThatIsSexy.
A NerdyPersonWhoIsSexy.
I make SnowballCookies.
One of the EastDormPresidents for the 2007-2008 school year.
Attempting to gather collective wisdom about throwing parties on-campus -- PartyPlanning.
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