Roleplaying Interests:
- Rapine & Slaughter for Fun & Profit
- How to be an evil bastard
- Twisting the Letter of the Law towards Evil Ends
- Contact Killing 101
- How to Start & End Wars (with only 1 country left standing)
- Diplomacy for the Weak
Well, that was only true for Bret's Kingdom campaign. Someone had to fix the world, right?
RP'ing rules 101:
- Spells are for the weak. Real men use weapons.
- Weapons are for the weak. Real men use their hands.
- Monks are for the weak. Real men die with courage.
- Paladins are for the weak. They just die.
- Screaming like a little girl is ok. Afterall, the afterlife is hardly guarenteed, just ask the Cleric. He knows.
- There are worse fates than death. Just ask the Monk. He knows.
- Where Fantasy meets Horror, you can bet there are a lot of dead hero-wannabe's.