(Disclaimer) This ruleset was created independently of
SuiteBetrayal and is in no way affiliated with them or other uses of the term
SettlersOfRoomDraw. Any similarity to other versions of Settlers, living or dead, is purely coincidental. It has never actually been playtested. May contain balance issues, omissions, nuts, dairy products, and soy. For entertainment purposes only. (/Disclaimer
Best with 3, works with 4.
Each dorm is a hex; so is each building in Ac End. Each building is adjacent to the ones on either side, but a strip of desert runs down the middle. Ports are on the outside edges.
18 buildings altogether (counting Galileo).
- Brick x4
- Bandwidth x4
- Sleep x4
- Beer x3
- Duct Tape x3
- Gigabit: Brick and Bandwidth. 0 credits.
- Double: Brick, Bandwidth, Sleep, and Duct Tape. 1 credit, generates 1 resource.
- Single (from double): 3 Beer, 2 Sleep. 2 credits, generates 2 resources.
- Special Cards (haven't thought of a name for these): Beer, Sleep, Duct Tape. Various effects.
Special Cards:
- Wanker: Move the Troll, steal 2 resources. No discards.
- Pass, Add, Registration: Straight up 1 credit.
- High Pass, Overload: Straight up 2 credits.
- Party: 4 free resources.
- Wireless: 2 free segments of Gigabit.
- Honor Code Violation: Take all of 1 resource.
The Troll:
Starts on desert, on a 7 moves to a dorm. Stops resource production, allows 2 stolen resources, everyone with 12 or more resources in hand must discard half.
- Longest Circuit: Longest (>6) pattern of Gigabit that can be traced without going over any piece twice. 3 credits.
- Biggest Thread: Most Wanker cards (>3). 3 credits.
1st player to reach 18 credits.