Also presumably not to be confused with Bubba, the big cliche scary guy in prison, who is unable to shoot passersby except with shivs. Also makes poor tea. PeterTu loves this drink, and considers BoBa in the US not as good as that in Taiwan. |
Also presumably not to be confused with Bubba, the big cliche scary guy in prison, who is unable to shoot passersby except with shivs. Also makes poor tea. |
If you plan on making BoBa from the packages you can buy in stores like NinetyNineRanchMarket?, be sure to boil the tapioca balls until the white powder that covers it dissolves almost completely and then start the 5 minute countdown. Also after you drain the BoBa, let it sit in a bowl with lots of honey and sugar. This will lead to a much sweeter and better tasting end product.
Is highly addicting and fun to shoot at passersby.
(Presumably) not to be confused with BobaFett?, who is probably not addicted to shooting random passers-by, since it's bad for business.
Also presumably not to be confused with Bubba, the big cliche scary guy in prison, who is unable to shoot passersby except with shivs. Also makes poor tea.