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SHAFT Buy the ticket, sit down, watch the previews, and then kick back for the opening credits. If you are in CA, you have already gotten your money's worth ($5.50 (not in the SF area...$8.50 here)). If you are elsewhere, you may have to stay for at least the first half of the movie. Many things are unchanged from the first movie. Richard Roundtree is still John Shaft, the black private dick who's a sex machine to all the chicks. Already we have a winner. Now comes the coup de grace: Samuel L Jackson (see also BadAss) is ALSO John Shaft, a complicated man, and no one understands HIM but his woman. John "Samuel" Shaft is John "Richard" Shaft's nephew! Good mood, good theme song, good Samuel L Jackson talking shit to the bad guys. All in all, it's not a summer movie. Shit does not blow up, and there are zero, count 'em, zero (0) aliens. It is, however, the feel-good hit of the new milennium. OK, not really, but I've wanted to say that for quite a while. *IanSchempp thinks that this is the feel-good hit of the new milennium. He also believes John Shaft to be one bad mutha...but he'll shut his mouth, even though he is talkin 'bout Shaft...can you dig it? * LucasBaker: Yeah, Shaft is one "bad mutha". And sexy as hell. Cool guy. And a fun movie, what I saw of it. Unfortunately I fell asleep halfway through. No recommendation here. * NickJohnson felt it was a fun movie. Really was all about the pre-movie dance party (with Shaft music) in the parking lot. Unfortunately, it didnt make the same type of social statement the original did. Too PC. So dont expect anything spectacular in that department. Just go enjoy Shaft being a bad mutha as he risks his life for his brutha man. * NateCappallo enjoyed this movie. It was some midless fun with a bit of humor. I love Samuel L. Jackson and Busta Rhymes was freakin' hilarious. Would be fun to rent with a bunch of friends for sure. * AlexBobbs thought it was OK. He agrees that Shaft is a cool character and is played well by Sam Jackson, and that the music is also fun. The story, while fairly interesting, definitely lacked drive. The central conflict is around a single brutal murder by a well-connected guy who evades the law, which was a great start, but 30 violent deaths later, you have to ask "What's the point?". IMHO, either the film should have been done as more serious detective fiction without over-the-top action scenes, or the villain should have been a dangerous killer (not just some racist guy who got drunk and beat someone). One way or the other. And the ending defeats the purpose of most of the plot. I dunno, the 2nd half of this movie really didn't jive with me at all... CategoryMovie |
Buy the ticket, sit down, watch the previews, and then kick back for the opening credits. If you are in CA, you have already gotten your money's worth ($5.50 (not in the SF area...$8.50 here)). If you are elsewhere, you may have to stay for at least the first half of the movie. Many things are unchanged from the first movie. Richard Roundtree is still John Shaft, the black private dick who's a sex machine to all the chicks. Already we have a winner. Now comes the coup de grace: Samuel L Jackson (see also BadAss) is ALSO John Shaft, a complicated man, and no one understands HIM but his woman. John "Samuel" Shaft is John "Richard" Shaft's nephew! Good mood, good theme song, good Samuel L Jackson talking shit to the bad guys.
All in all, it's not a summer movie. Shit does not blow up, and there are zero, count 'em, zero (0) aliens. It is, however, the feel-good hit of the new milennium. OK, not really, but I've wanted to say that for quite a while.