This list is from Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction; the second (1981), third (1987), and fourth (1995) editions. Also in existence are the first (1976) and fifth (2004) editions, but I don't (yet) have access to those. |
The important stuff first: ScienceFictionBookList/TheWholeThing (~1200 books total, organized by the number of recommendations each got) To reduce the size of this page, the books have been split up into categories (approximately) by year of writing. These categories are: ScienceFictionBookList/EmergenceOfScienceFiction (through 1915) ScienceFictionBookList/ScienceFictionBetweenTheWars (1916 - 1939) ScienceFictionBookList/FromTheGoldenAgeToTheAtomicAge (1940 - 1963) ScienceFictionBookList/TheNewWaveCyberpunkAndBeyond (1963 - present) This list is from Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction; the first (1976), second (1981), third (1987), fourth (1995), and fifth (2004) editions. |
The process of choosing these books was that the contributors to Anatomy first nominated the books they felt were the best among those they annotated (their nominations are indicated by the stars preceding entries). Six outside observers then went through the nominations and wrote up their own lists; their nominations are indicated by their respective initials after the books (JB, JC, SM, PN, FP, and GW). JC is John Clute, associate editor of The Science Fiction Encyclopedia. PN is Peter Nicholls, co-editor of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. FP is Frederik Pohl, the science fiction author (among other things). GW is Gary Wolfe, author of The Known and the Unknown. I don't remember who JB and SM are. In the second edition, the outside observers were Brian W. Aldiss (BA), Everett F. Bleiler (EB), John Clute (JC), Peter Nicholls (PN), Robert Silverberg (RS), Donald Tuck (DT), Jack Williamson (JW), and Gary Wolfe (GW). In the fourth edition, the following changes were made: * Many books were added/removed. Especially removed. A few changed cate gories; if this happened I have left them in their original (3rd edition) categories. * Certain books, deemed the 'most essential', were given two asterisks. Brian Stableford selected these books from those given an asterisk by the annotators. * Only three outside observers went through the nominations. These were BA (Brian W. Aldiss), PN (Peter Nicholls), and DW (David Wingrove). * Books were no longer automatically put on the list for winning a major award. The awards were instead moved to a separate listing. I have not included books which won awards after 1986 (that is, after the publishing of the 3rd edition). To reduce the size of this page, the books have been split up into categories (approximately) by year of writing. These categories are: ScienceFictionBookList/EmergenceOfScienceFiction (through 1915) ScienceFictionBookList/ScienceFictionBetweenTheWars (1916 - 1939) |
The process of choosing these books was that the contributors to Anatomy first nominated the books they felt were the best among those they annotated (their nominations are indicated by the stars preceding entries). Outside observers then went through the nominations and wrote up their own lists. Other sources were also consulted for additional nominations. |
ScienceFictionBookList/FromTheGoldenAgeToTheAtomicAge (1940 - 1963) |
The outside observers, by edition, were: |
ScienceFictionBookList/TheNewWaveCyberpunkAndBeyond (1963 - present) |
* 1st edition ** No outside observers * 2nd edition ** BA - Brian W. Aldiss ** EB - Everett F. Bleiler ** JC - John Clute ** PN - Peter Nicholls ** RS - Robert Silverberg ** DT - Donald Tuck ** FT - Frank H. Tucker (though he only commented on the Japanese and Russian book selections, neither of which I have yet included) ** JW - Jack Williamson ** GW - Gary Wolfe * 3rd edition ** EB - Everett F. Bleiler (again) ** JC - John Clute (again) ** SM - Sam Moskowitz ** PN - Peter Nicholls (again) ** FP - Frederik Pohl ** GW - Gary Wolfe (again) * 4th edition ** BA - Brian W. Aldiss (again) ** PN - Peter Nicholls (third time) ** DW - David Wingrove ** ** - Brian Stableford * 5th edition ** JC - John Clute (third time) ** DD - Don D'Ammassa ** JG - James Gunn ** DH - David Hartwell ** Pringle - David Pringle. Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels; an english-Language Selection, 1949-1984 ** Magill - T. A. Shippey and A. J. Sobczak, eds. Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature |
ScienceFictionBookList/TheWholeThing (~1200 books total, organized by the number of recommendations each got)
To reduce the size of this page, the books have been split up into categories (approximately) by year of writing. These categories are:
ScienceFictionBookList/EmergenceOfScienceFiction (through 1915)
ScienceFictionBookList/ScienceFictionBetweenTheWars (1916 - 1939)
ScienceFictionBookList/FromTheGoldenAgeToTheAtomicAge (1940 - 1963)
ScienceFictionBookList/TheNewWaveCyberpunkAndBeyond (1963 - present)
This list is from Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction; the first (1976), second (1981), third (1987), fourth (1995), and fifth (2004) editions.
The columns notations:
The four award columns are:
The process of choosing these books was that the contributors to Anatomy first nominated the books they felt were the best among those they annotated (their nominations are indicated by the stars preceding entries). Outside observers then went through the nominations and wrote up their own lists. Other sources were also consulted for additional nominations.
The outside observers, by edition, were: