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No, not [this course catalogue]. This page is for all of those other items in our schedules...

Technology, Recreation and Society

 MGS  53  Remote-Controlled Espionage                        3.0
 NES  64  Super Smash Brothers Seminar                       1.0 repeatable for credit
 RPG  70  Console Role-Playing on the PSX                    3.0
 RPG 110  Gehennom: Geography and Peoples                    3.0
 RPG 151  Adv. Bd. & Dngns. & Diff. Eqns (AB&D&DEs)          3.0
 PHY 197  Topics in Smashing Machinery                       1.0 with a battleaxe!
 PHY 199  Blow Shit Up (lab)                                 1.0
 PHY 331  The One Electron Theory                            3.0 with a battleaxe!
 EGR 189  Design of ContactJuggling Balls and Fire Clubs     3.0
 MTH 191  Trebuchet Design w/ Lab                            1.0
 MTH 192  Tricks to Impress People at Dinner Parties         3.0
 DDR  22  Introductory DanceDanceRevolution                  1.0 Staff
 DDR 300  Advanced DanceDanceRevolution                      1.0 Profs Cicio and Erickson
 DDR 600  Catastrophic Doubles DanceDanceRevolution          1.0 Prof Enriquez    prereq: DDR300
 STP  52  Special Topics in StepMania                        1.0 Prof Wortman
 FFX 002  Advanced Topics in Fanservice                      1.0 Hotpants required

Psychological Fitness

 ZZZ  50  Somnolence in Society                              3.0
 ZZZ  51  Advanced Sleeping in Class		                  arr.
 ZZZ 199  Sleeping in Colloquium                             0.0
 CTCH 22  Skipping Class                        3.0 Attendance Mandatory
 ITR  52  Duct-Tape Dagger Construction                      1.0 
 ITR  60  Intro to Applied Paranoia                          1.0
 ITR 101  Basics of Duct-Tape Dagger Dueling                 0.0 Liability Waiver Required
 ITR 171  Sociology of Happyville                            3.0 Taught by Professor Bogart 
 UGH  80  Complaining, Whining and Griping                   0.0
 PUZ 101  Cubes, Skewbs and Groups                           3.0
 PUZ 120  Crossword Puzzle Solving                           3.0
 PUZ 192  Crossword Solving Seminar                          1.0 sundays only
 PUZ 210  Adv Topics: Crossword Puzzle Design                3.0
 GAM 119  Advanced Settlers of Catan                         1.0
 WTF 064  Surviving Hard Drive Crashes Near Thesis Deadlines 3.0 Liability Waiver Required
 LTR 101  Intro To Procrastination Theory                    3.0 Must be taken concurrently with ZZZ 102
 LTR 102  Procrastination Lab                                1.0 Must add < 30 min before add deadline

Metaphysical Fitness

 SQL 101  Intro. Squirrel Tech.                              3.0 Prerequisite for other SQL courses
 SQL 102  Basic Squirrel Management and Maintenance          3.0
 SQL 112  [Squirrel Management Technology]
 SOR  42  Modern Magical and Occult Practice                 1.0 Liability Waiver Required; Sign in Blood
 XXX 101  Dragon Keeping                                     7.0

Applied Sociology and Gender Studies

 SO  -1   Anti-Sociology                        3.0 Independent study
 SO  80	  Personal Relationship Seminar (with lab) 6.0 permission (and liability waiver?) req'd
 SEX 112  The Physics of Human Interaction      0.0 (PE credit)
 SEX 180  Independent Study in Autosexuality    0.0
 SEX 201  Porn Server Setup and Maintenance     1.0
 ENG 108  Intro. Woodworking and Fiber Arts     1.0 
 LDR 101  Human Sexuality Without Lab           3.0 correspondence course
 PAT 169  Applied Graph Theory                  3.0
 MCR 169  Applied Knot Theory                   3.0
 TMI 52   Q&A With Professor Bolton             3.0
 ART 156  Hentai Drawing                        1.0 Prof. Stuart

Badminton Department

 BAD  50  Intro to Badminton ("Little Bad")               3.0
 BAD 101  Advanced Badminton("Big Bad")                   3.0 Taught by Professor Wolfe
 BAD 115  Badminton Lab     ("Badlab")                    1.0
 BAD 124  Theoretical Badminton ("Theobad")               3.0
 BAD 130  Badminton Mechanics  ("Badmech")                3.0
 BAD 141  Assisting Instruction of Badminton  ("BadAss")  2.0
 BAD 153  Pottsylvanian Badminton: Having Fiendish Plan ("Badenov")  2.0
 BAD 157  Badminton: The German Approach ("BadGer?")      2.0
 BAD 159  Pakistani Badminton: Religious Aspects ("Islamabad") 2.0
 BAD 193  Badminton Clinic  ("Bad Clinic")                3.0
 BAD 198  Special Topics in Badminton  ("Jedi Bad")      arr.
 BAD 201  Strong Badminton Force   ("Strongbad")          3.0
 BAD 203  Playing Well, Looking Awful ("GoodBadUgly?")    3.0


 MP   3   Intro to Piracy                           Arr!
 SQD  51  Intro to Computing with VAX/VMS       3.0
 GP  101  Intro to Guinea Pig Chainsawing       1.0 (Eckert)
 MAD 101  Talking Religion & Politics at Dinner 3.0
 AYB 101  Setting Up Us The Bomb                2.0
 SOR  i   Invisibility, Disappearence,& Robbery 1.0 Physical Absence Mandatory
 THF  52  [Class suspended until further notice]
 TLA 101S IE  Intr. Obfusc. Acr. & Abbr.        arr. STS, CS & PPE majs. only; prereqs. GQ&S, PFD, knowledge of SQL; offered jointly with 
                                                     CST, JSD, CGU, and KGI; MWF at RSABG and BFS
 OWW 101  Iambic Pentameter through Testicle Kicking  1.0  Azose
 LBJ 036  Resurrection and Misuse of Government Officials   3.0 Staff

Weather Arts

 TOR 101  Tornado Keeping                        2.0 
 GOD 210  Butterfly Arrangement                  5.0
 GOD 300  Lightning                              0.02 
 LOV 100  Weather Love / Appreciation            1.0 (Student-taught by LauraKanofsky) 
 RUN 101  Weather Respect                        1.0 or as PE credit

Culinary Arts

 PLA   3  Platt Matter                          1.0 repeatable for credit
 MIX 101  Thai Appreciation                     3.0
 SUS 201  Japanese Appreciation	                3.0
 DEL 111  Introduction to Taco Runs             3.0 (Student-taught by RichardGarfinkel and RobinBaur)
 VEG  47  Vegetarian Food Preparation           1.0 (Casey, B, and Chef Reuben)
 BAC 151  Alcoholism                            1.0 waiver required

See also HypotheticalClasses, an earlier list in the same vein, and the slightly more serious WantedClasses.

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Last edited January 24, 2006 16:30 (diff)