Editing BigPrank
Pranks by HarveyMudder''''s, in (very) rough chronological order: * TheRift * WelcomeDeanChris * BigBlackTarps * TheTrebuchet ''(not exactly a prank, but whatever)'' * PeriodicTable * SheepPrank * PhysicsPig * FroshChemChineseFireDrill * HonnoldSplat * SuperMovieNight * ShamiksWackyBuddy * DrugsAtPitzer * SillyFroshForce * LunarEclipsePicnic * StemsSongs * AluminumRose * PuttPuttCourse * PosteringPranks * MortalKalculus * ElectricRose * DiscreteKillsCal * PinkTaggedFlagpole * CalTechEmbassyPrank * HochShanahanResidenceHall * PomonaSignPrank Pranks from AncientMyth: * The complete works of EricBusboom * The bat symbol * The Pitzer Clock Tower * The Pomona Clock Tower * The CalTechCannon * The PitzerGeodome * The PlattTacos * MotionShield / Rusto! * CaseDorm Surveying Stakes * CalTech/Pasadena City College Things that still should be done (although the first is probably too minor for this page): *a couch in lecture hall for some lecture. *Ye Hall of Pryne Munbers (Hint, please?) *Build a TARDIS (e.g. http://www.relative-dimensions.net/TARDISbuildersMANUALbyGLENWALKER.pdf) - there's still lumber behind the dorm right? ---- see also: GiantStuffedAnimal
This change is a minor edit.
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