Editing HelenNumber
HelenFitzmaurice may or may not be a girl. However, she only dates girls. HelenFitzmaurice has dated MichaelGilik, AndrewHunter, and ChrisRoberts. Therefore, AndrewHunter, MichaelGilik, and ChrisRoberts are girls. However, only a girl can be a roommate of a girl, by old room draw rules, or by current room draw rules in non-gender-blind suites! So, since AndrewFarmer and AndrewHunter were roommates prior to 2009-2010, AndrewFarmer is a girl. And since he's a girl, and he lived with RichardMehlinger prior to 2009-2010, RichardMehlinger is a girl too... Your HelenNumber is the number of links in the shortest chain that proves you to be a girl. We won't list those who are girls aside from having a connection to Helen. Negative Helen numbers represent those whose genders are questionable as a result of living with HelenFitzmaurice, or their transitive closure under the RoomedWithRelation. * ''What do you mean, "whose genders are questionable"? It looks like you mean "people who could be proven to be girls if they had no HelenNumber", but I don't see how this translates to "questionable". If anything, it should be "unquestionable"...'' ** because HelenFitzmaurice may or may not be a girl, but she has to room with someone of her same gender. Therefore, since her gender is indeterminate, her roomate's genders are also indeterminate. RichardBowen wonders what the effect of gender-blind housing will be on HelenNumbers. Challenge: Prove ProfessorVanHecke to be a girl. -7: * JennFukuto ** This gets us a bunch of Westie Girls, too ** Except she never actually roomed with Christine -- she moved to South instead. --HannahHoersting *** Who did Christine room with that year, then? --AndrewHunter **** Nobody. That room was empty after the end of October. She did, however, room with Marissa the first half of freshman year. --HannahHoersting * MarissaQuitt -6: * ChristineMcGinn * EllenKephart * AliLee -5: * HannahHoersting -4: * LeslieMallinger -3: * LizFlannery -2: * GlennisRayerman * HeatherJustice * NancyEisenmenger * LindsayTice -1: (believed complete for Mudd) * JudyHines * JanePan * SarahFletcher 0: (believed complete for Mudd) * HelenFitzmaurice 1: (believed complete for Mudd) * AndrewHunter * MichaelGilik * ChrisRoberts * BenKeller 2: * AlanKraut (roomed with ChrisRoberts junior year) * ClifMobbs (TimeSuck with ChrisRoberts sophomore year) * MikeBuchanan (roomed with ChrisRoberts summer after sophomore year) * MikeRoberts (one assumes that identical twins are of the same sex) * AndrewTaylor (pulled AndrewHunter in RoomDraw, TimeSuck with ChrisRoberts) * AndrewFarmer (roomed with AndrewHunter) * JulianEvans (roomed with MichaelGilik) * TedSpaide (roomed with AndrewHunter) * ChrisSauro (roomed with BenKeller) 3: * DakotaMartinez (roomed with MikeBuchanan first part of sophomore year) * MarkHubenschmidt (roomed with AndrewFarmer freshman year) * RichardMehlinger (roomed with AndrewFarmer junior year) * NikhilSonde (roomed with MikeRoberts) * PhilMiller (roomed with AlanKraut junior year) * StevenSloss (roomed with JulianEvans freshman year) 4: * DavidLapayowker (roomed with RichardMehlinger freshman year) * KevinOelze (roomed with RichardMehlinger the summer after freshman year) * IvanHernandez (roomed with RichardMehlinger sophomore year) * JayMarkello (roomed with PhilMiller junior year) * MorganConbere (roomed with StevenSloss sophomore year) -- Also notable for having an Erdos number of 4, giving him an Erdos-Helen Number of 8. Now we need to get him in film. And in bed with Patri.... * JayJayBoyles (roomed with MarkHubenschmidt junior year) * JoshuaPeraza (roomed with MarkHubenschmidt sophomore year) * EricBright (roomed with DakotaMartinez second half of junior year) 5: * MartinPyne (roomed with DavidLapayowker sophomore year) * HendrikOrem (roomed with DavidLapayowker sophomore year) * RichardGarfinkel (roomed with IvanHernandez super-senior semester) * ScottTriglia (roomed with MorganConbere frosh year) **This last link means that a significant number of Westies and others may now have Helen numbers. * ScottParkey (roomed with JayJayBoyles sophomore year) * JasonWinerip (roomed with Eric Bright first semester frosh year) * HowardChen (roomed with JayMarkello frosh and jounior year) * Colin O'byrne (roomed with IvanHernandez during Fall 2010) 6: * RichardBowen (roomed with HendrikOrem summer after sophomore year) * AkashRakholia (roomed with MartinPyne freshman year) * TahirYusufaly (roomed with HendrikOrem freshman year) * AdamField (roomed with MartinPyne the summer after junior year) * WillShipley (roomed with RichardGarfinkel senior year) * EricBerglund (roomed with RichardGarfinkel freshman year) * BenJones (roomed with Colin O'byrne freshman year) 7: * YanivOvadia (roomed with RichardBowen during SummerMath) * TrystanKoch (TimeSuck with RichardBowen sophomore year) * NikFloyd (TimeSuck with RichardBowen sophomore year) * TarunNarayan (TimeSuck with RichardBowen sophomore year) * WilliamWarriner (roomed with EricBurglund junior year) * MichaelBraly (roomed with AkashRakholia sophomore and junior years) * TrevinMurakami (roomed with AkashRakholia during SummerMath) * CalPierog (TimeSuck with WillShipley sophomore year) * EliBogart (TimeSuck with WillShipley sophomore year) * ConorMcNassar (TimeSuck with WillShipley sophomore year) * DuctTapeGuy (roomed with EricBerglund junior year) * JamesBrown (roomed with RichardBowen junior year) * AaronGable (TimeSuck with BenJones sophomore year) * EricAleshire (TimeSuck with BenJones sophomore year) * SpencerTung (TimeSuck with BenJones sophomores year) * JoshuaEhrlich (roomed with BenJones senior year) 8: * TimGarvey (roomed with WilliamWarriner sophomore year) * ThePyro (roomed with DuctTapeGuy sophomore year) ''(This basically infests North Dorm)'' * MattKeeter (roomed with MichaelBraly summer 2008) * FredJohnson (roomed with TrystanKoch as freshmen) * ZekeKoziol (roomed with JamesBrown freshman year) * ZviEffron (roomed with JamesBrown sophomore year) * MatthewLawson (roomed with TrevinMurakami freshman and sophomore years) * JulienDevin (roomed with SpencerTung freshman year) 9: * LittleTiffany (roomed with ThePyro senior year) * PeterTu (roomed with MattKeeter as freshmen) * JacobHeller (roomed with FredJohnson sophomore year) * AlexYoung (roomed with FredJohnson during Summer math) * DanCiliske (roomed with ZekeKoziol during Zeke's junior year) * WilliamGrabill (roomed with MattKeeter during Matt's junior year) * MichaelNoback (roomed with MattKeeter sophomore year) * EdwardWang (roomed with JulienDevin sophomore year) 10: * MikeBeyer (roomed with LittleTiffany sophomore year) * TimNguyen (roomed with PeterTu sophmore year) * SamJust (roomed with AlexYoung sophomore and junior years) * BobChen (M. Buchanan -> K. Fleming -> M. Hoss -> J. Gomes -> A. Ellett -> R. Klare -> B. Lampe -> B. Bosak) * Jason Garrett-Glaser (roomed with MichaelNoback freshman year) * SimeonKoh (roomed with EdwardWang freshman year) 11: * CoreyHebert (N. Sonde -> E. Baxter -> Y. Chang -> A. Bakalov -> T. Ashley -> D. Stachnik -> J. Kao) * MaxwellLee (roomed with TimNguyen freshman year) * KwangKetcham (roomed with SamJust during Summer math) * StevenBerler (roomed with BobChen sophomore year) * AlanGilder (roomed with BobChen during summer math) * MartijnVanSchaardenburg (roomed with BobChen junior year) * SvenWijtmans (roomed with Jason Garrett-Glaser sophomore year) * AaronPribadi (SuiteJesus with SimeonKoh sophomore year) * PaulRiggins (SuiteJesus with SimeonKoh sophomore year) * LeifGaebler (SuiteJesus with SimeonKoh sophomore year) 12: * MichaelErnst (roomed with CoreyHebert senior year) * KevinYeung (roomed with MaxwellLee sophmore year) * MarcDavidson (roomed with AlanGilder freshman year and StevenBerler during summer research) * EliYoung (roomed with StevenBerler freshman year) * GregBickerman (roomed with AlanGilder sophomore year) * MattRichman (roomed with SvenWijtmans during Sven's junior year) * JosephMin (roomed with LeifGaebler freshman year) 13: * StevenDell (S. Parkey -> A. Wong -> E. Peterson -> R. Horn -> T. Sakai -> B. Cooper -> J. Hubbard) * AndreyShur (roomed with KevinYeung freshman year) * VincentPai (roomed with JosephMin sophomore year) 14: * AlexHagen (SuiteJesus with StevenDell sophomore year) * AngusHo (SuiteJesus with StevenDell sophomore year) * JoshuaRay (SuiteJesus with StevenDell sophomore year) * ScottAlmond (roomed with AndreyShur sophomore year) * AlexMcAuley (roomed with AndreyShur junior year) 15: * MatthewWodrich (roomed with AlexHagen freshman year) * HamsterBob (roomed with ScottAlmond freshman year) * DmitriSkjorshammer (roomed with AlexMcAuley sophomore year) * JacobScott (roomed with ScottAlmond junior year) * ChrisFerguson (roomed with AlexMcAuley freshman year) 16: * DanMoore (roomed with DmitriSkjorshammer freshman year)
This change is a minor edit.
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