Editing IhardlyKnowIm
A logical next step from IhardlyKnowEr. No known replacement ("ding inverse" maybe? PhilMiller suggested that which comes logically after "ding" - "dong!", and AndrewFarmer suggests "thwack" as the logical ''sucessor'' to "ding".). Slightly inferior because 'him' is not also a posessive pronoun, therefore phrases having either 'his' or 'him' are acceptable. Examples: *Syllogism?! *Synonym?! *Homonym?! *Logisim?! *Nepharim?! *Texas Hold 'em?! *Ashkenazim?! *Purim?! *System?! *HendrikOrem?! *Algorithm?! *Decorum?! *Quorum?! *Anachronism?! ** Do I dare ask what happens if we add every -ism to this page? There sure are a lot of them... *** Jism?! * Modem?! * Pokemon?! ** Pokemon Colosseum (dong dong!) *Vinculum?! *Freedom?! *Rectum?! *Alcoholism?! *Continuum?! *Ultimatum?! *Dictum?! See TheWitchIsDead
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)