Editing JaronKentDobias
http://pantski.net/pinup.jpg [parents getting tour of physics department from ProfessorTownsend, in modern lab]<br> ProfessorLyzenga: ''We get everyone down into the lab, even the theorists.''<br> ProfessorTownsend: ''Yeah, and sometimes even Jaron!'' [[pants]] is a Junior. He is sometimes known as Jazor "Jaron" Kent-Dobias (パンツ). Though he lives in EastDorm, the little time he does spend sleeping is done around. As of fall 2012 he is living in SontagDorm with JackMa and BradJensen and DietrichLangenbach and those other people. ---------------- = Facts = These are facts which have special relevance to the life of [[pants]]. *Is a PhysicsMajor and eats it, too. *Has a PurityScore of 30.6%. *Has a WhedonNumber of 4. *Has a strong PatriNumber of 4. *Has a weak PatriNumber of 3. *A past KeeperOfTheWiki. *May be associated with WOPR, but probably not. *Currently serves as both LoungeNazi and Lounge Sensitivity Officer. *Knows HowToBeAsAwesomeAsPants. *A resident of OctothorpeHMC since December 2009. *Jaron Still Owns Schmack as of May 2017 ---------------- = Random Facts = These things were all random one-liners people added to this page and are now a bulleted list. *Buys his own lunch meat and then beats it. What a weird guy. *Evidence suggests that he may in fact be Garret Wong wearing Pants' skin. *He will generalize your major as a point mass above an infinite plane of uniform change. ** He will then use a botnet to create a hashtable of all possible majors and use it to find yours *He is a co-founder of JP, along with JohnPeebles. Currently looking for investors. *At 14:30 on October 18, 2010, was observed in East Lounge NOT wearing a tie. *At 02:30 on November 9, 2012, was observed in East Lounge asleep. ** Tradition mandates that frosh sleeping in East Lounge have Stumpy placed atop them. *On 10/27/2010, wore women's clothing in a drag competition (the world will never forget). *Likes wearing pink panties (パンツ) around the lounge while making strong advances on JacobPeacock. *Began the regular calling of JustinsITRMovie. *Is known to call [[FridayMorningMovie|FMMs]] with impeccable taste. *Immersed his phone in coffee 13 December 2012 c.1120. Drank the coffee. *Voted "Dorm Alcoholic" during Eastmas 2011. *Voted "Dorm Drugs are Good for Life" during Eastmas 2012. ---------------- = Housing History = [[pants]] usually lives somewhere. Here are those places. '''Fall-Spring 2010-2011'''<br> Roomed in Atwood 226 MarkMann. Suite was populated by MarkEllis, EmilySnyder, AnneClark, MariaMorabe, JackieOlmos-Silverman, BonnieDavidson, and LaurenNishoku. Lovingly labelled SuiteBondage by a subset of its residents. '''Summer 2011'''<br> Roomed in Linde 145 by himself. Suite was populated by DavidLingenbrink, MattMcDermott, RebeccaThomas, KatyAnderson, and NicoleYu. '''Fall 2011'''<br> Roomed in East 103 with JackMa. Suite was populated by CarloVaccari and CoreyLoescher. Referred to as TimeCube by JackMa and [[pants]]. '''Spring 2012'''<br> Roomed in East 103 by himself. During this time, the suite become SingleDouble suite, occupied by only Carlo and [[pants]]. '''Summer 2012'''<br> Roomed in Sontag 204D with JakeLow. Suite was populated by KatyAnderson and MeganWheeler. '''Fall-Spring 2012-2013'''<br> Roomed in Sontag 204D with JackMa. Suite was populated by DietrichLangenbach and BradJensen. Called SuiteNames (SuitePotatoVodka) by its occupants. '''Fall-Spring 2013-2014'''<br> Roomed in Sontag 208B by himself. Suite was populated by GarrettWong, SteveIbanez, and FroshToBeDetermined. Called Sueder (Suite Ceder). ---------------- = Quotes = [[pants]] occasionally says things. Someone decided to put at least one of them on this wiki. See LoungeQuotes "Nice shoes, [[ProfessorDuron|ProfDuron]]. Want to have sex?" "That's why I like cheap electronics. I don't have to worry about it. Take this phone. This phone can take anything." **proceeds to drop phone into coffee mug** "Oh shit, its in the coffee." ---------------- = Classes Taken = [[pants]] has taken a few classes. Feel free to talk to him about any of them. '''Fall 2010''' CHEM 023E HM: Energetics CHEM 023S HM: Structure CSCI 005 HM: Introduction to Computer Science MATH 015 HM: Art & Application of Calculus MATH 025G HM: Calculus and Linear Algebra MUS 084 HM: Jazz Improvisation PHYS 022 HM: Physics Laboratory PHYS 023 HM: Special Relativity WRIT 001 HM: Introduction to Academic Writing '''Spring 2011''' BIOL 052 HM: Introduction to Biology CHEM 023D HM: Dynamics CHEM 024 HM: Chemistry Laboratory CSCI 189 HM: Programming Practicum HSA 010 HM: Critical Inquiry: Political Analysis MATH 035 HM: Probability and Statistics MATH 045 HM: Introduction to Differential Equations PE 046 HM: Floor Hockey PHYS 024A HM: Mechanics & Wave Motion PHYS 032 HM: Gravitation '''Summer 2011''' MATH 060 HM: Multivariable Calculus MATH 065 HM: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra II '''Fall 2011''' CL 057 HM: Choice Lab: What Makes Things Tick? ENGL 135 SC: The Satirical Imagination ENGR 059 HM: Introduction to Engineering Systems MATH 055 HM: Discrete Mathematics PHYS 051 HM: Electromagnetic Theory & Optics PHYS 111 HM: Theoretical Mechanics '''Spring 2012''' ECON 053 HM: Principles of Macroeconomics HIST 132E CM: European Intellectual History MATH 115 HM: Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems MATH 131 HM: Mathematical Analysis I PHYS 052 HM: Quantum Physics PHYS 054 HM: Modern Physics Laboratory PHYS 174 HM: Biolocomotion PHYS 196 HM: Physics Colloquium '''Fall 2012''' LIT 179D HM: Special Topics in Literature: Medieval/Renaissance Romance MATH 142 HM: Differential Geometry MATH 171 HM: Abstract Algebra MS 179C HM: Special Topics in Media Studies: Modern China Through the Lens PE 058 HM: Team Sports PHYS 117 HM: Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics PHYS 131 HM: Electromagnetic Fields PHYS 196 HM: Physics Colloquium '''Spring 2013''' LIT 110 HM: Shakespeare MATH 196 HM: Independent Study in Mathematics PHYS 116 HM: Quantum Mechanics PHYS 134 HM: Optics Laboratory PHYS 154 HM: Fields & Waves PHYS 170 HM: Computational Methods in Physics PHYS 172 HM: General Relativity and Cosmology PHYS 196 HM: Physics Colloquium '''Fall 2013''' ART 135 SC: Typography and the Book Arts HIST 179E HM: History of Modern Physics / Special Topics in History MATH 132 HM: Mathematical Analysis II PE 031 JP: Turbo Kick-Boxing PHYS 161 HM: Topics in Quantum Theory PHYS 195 HM: Physics Colloquium PHYS 191 HM: Research in Physics PHYS 196 HM: Readings in Physics ---------------- = Jobs = [[pants]] scrapes by as a poor physics major. To do this, he has worked a couple jobs. '''Current Jobs''' * AE Physics Tutor * CS Staff * CCMS Software Lab Tutor * Physics 18 Tutor '''Past Jobs''' * Mechanics Grader * CS Consultant * Core Math Grader * Theoretical Mechanics Grader * Physics Researcher ---------------- = Hobbies = [[pants]] is trying to make this page into a dating profile. See HowToBeAsAwesomeAsPants * Editing FunWiki. * Mixing drinks. * Drinking drinks. * Reading physics books. * Adding sentences explaining his FunWiki sections. * Riding a huge unicycle. * Drawing police brutality. * Interrogation. * Angering people on mailing lists. * Unnecessarily typesetting things in LaTeX. * Upgrading Perl. ---------------- = Poetry = '''Incantation of Caffeination''' ''To be recited while pressing the french press, the moka fills, etc.'' Oh ghost of Erdős, hear my desperate plea; that mine own mind enriched by coffee be and by that drinking, with its tender kiss, become machine that thine own conscious is. Dispel the sleep which vies to own my brain, and warm throughout the blood which fills my veins, lest maths, with beauty, do not this night fill and lack of thought doth finally slay my will. But should you fail and thought doth truly lack, I'll soon prepare the poetry for crack. ---------------- '''KissiWebNeighbors:''' * SarahLoeb * BobChen * AnnJohnston * KevinMcSwiggen ---------------- CategoryHomePage | HowToBeAsAwesomeAsPants
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