Editing KaitlinHansen
KAITLIN IS A FROSH THAT LIKES READING AND WOLVES. AND SOMETIMES THE LOUNGE. <3 THIS PAGE WAS WRITTEN BY TIMESUCK XVI <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Next year she will live in SUITE SUITE MURDER SuiteSuiteMurder will be made later probably also by me and not by actual people from the suite. Kaitlin likes robots and Doctor Who especially cybermen for reasons. Something about sled dogs I heard from over there but I can't actually hear. Mexico is a city in France. Don't question it too hard. We are a drunk people. That's a lie we're LOTS OF A DRUNK PEOPEL. (And this description is being kept for the laughs. So you'd better find it hilarious.)
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)