Editing Monolith
= New Update: Monolith is Alive Again!! = As of April 19th, 2023 Monolith is up and running! We were not able to decrypt the old hard drives (more on that later) but we bought new hard drives and we are getting new content! == Accessing Monolith == === Short === '''TO WATCH''' ''Jellyfin Streaming Server'' Jellyfin is a video streaming server. All the files that are uploaded to the smb folder are automatically accessible from the web http://monolith.st.hmc.edu:8096 Username: monolith Password: ILoveFroshChem '''TO UPLOAD''' Reading the Google Doc first is HIGHLY recommended ''SMB'' smb://monolith.st.hmc.edu/media Username: media Password: ILoveFroshChem Note: PLEASE FOLLOW JELLYFIN FORMATTING ''Admin Dashboard'' !!PLEASE ONLY EDIT STUFF HERE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. IT IS EASY TO BREAK SOMETHING!! http://monolith.st.hmc.edu/ Username: root Password: ILoveFroshChem If you want to learn about how monolith works and how we set it up, the full documentation is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1edq0ZH3akhaPstl121-pKH9NBD9L8NFlRO9P5wdhhMI/edit# === Long === See this google doc for a full tutorial with more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hfiQBIkncPG_viWdvOUo8Hsyu9ofyJKkspKxtxhw7Wc/edit?usp=sharing ---- All information below is outdated as of April 2023 ---- '''NOTE:''' As of the 2021-2022 school year, Monolith seems to be permanently inaccessible. No current Easties know how to access it, and until it is fixed for the future, that is how it is going to stay. '''Addendum:''' As of January 2023, KaviDey has volunteered to be Monolith's new curator, so hopefully that inaccessibility will change. Instructions to connect: http://monolith.st.hmc.edu/ (limited to 134.173.* IPs) Has much (22 TB) content. Needs more content (14 TB left). ---- From ''Storage/info'': Short Version: Enjoy. The purpose of this server is sharing and censorship resistance. We have never censored content by request. Long Version: Content herein has been added by community members since the inception of this server. It is here for the benefit of the community. Use it well. As should be obvious, this server was built with the intent of freely sharing information. Though most early administrators have largely moved on, every administrator continues to believe strongly in freedom of information (possibly moreso than at the outset). Any removal or restriction of content for the sake of preventing that content from being shared is a form of censorship. Any legitimate argument for censorship must be firmly grounded in real harm caused to others. In the operation of this server, the administrators do not consider censorship laws based on the concepts of conpyright, patent, etc. to be unethical restrictions of free speech. The only harm caused in and of itself by the contravention of those laws is abridging the "right" of censorship --- the "right" of exclusive communication on the censoring party's terms. There are naturally more thorough expositions of this ethic, however it seems worthwhile to mention here, since takedown requests for individual files have been received in the past from individuals. Don't bother. ---- = How to access monolith (outdated as of 2023) = Copied from http://monolith.st.hmc.edu/ All of this is only available from a 134.173.* IP (Claremont Colleges). Using the Claremont Colleges VPN (https://vpn.claremont.edu/) should work. == HTTP == Read-only access is available via HTTP. Follow the links in the HTTP section of http://monolith.st.hmc.edu/ == SMB == Read/write access is available over SMB, so long as you're ethernet or Claremont-WPA. * On mac, connect to ''smb://monolith.st.hmc.edu/'' (via that link or cmd+K in finder). * On linux, install ''cifs-utils'', and mount ''\\monolith.st.hmc.edu\Storage'' or ''\\monolith.st.hmc.edu\Upload''. * On Windows < 10, just put ''\\monolith.st.hmc.edu'' in the address bar of Windows Explorer. * On Windows 10, SMB access just doesn't work. Sorry. == W''''''ebDAV == Read/write access should also be available over W''''''ebDAV from any claremont colleges IP, although it doesn't work very well. In theory, upload should be writable, although in practice that doesn't seem to work very well. If possible, use SMB instead. Currently the only reason to use W''''''ebDAV is to stream things on Windows 10, as SMB is better on all other OSes and writing doesn't work yet on Windows. Connect to ''http://monolith.st.hmc.edu/storage'' or ''http://monolith.st.hmc.edu/upload'' * On mac, open the "connect to server" dialog by opening Finder and pressing Cmd+K, then paste in the address above and click "connect".\ You may run into issues viewing large files; if possible, prefer SMB. * On linux, install davfs (or davfs2) and run "mount -t davfs ''address'' ''mountpoint''". (Enter a blank username and password if prompted). For the address, choose one of the addresses listed above. The mountpoint should be an empty folder. * On windows, right click "Network" -> Map Network Drive. Click "Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures" -> Next -> "Choose a custom network location", then enter in the address (above). Click "Next" -> enter a name -> "Next" -> "Finish" and you should be connected. To make it work well, however, you need to set the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\C''''''urrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters" -> "FileSizeLimitInBytes" to "ffffffff" and restart "WebClient" (in Task Manager) in order to work with files over 50MB (most videos).
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)