Editing ProfessorSparks
Physics professor. Frighteningly good at solving relativistic problems. Received simultaneous applause and derisive remarks from the spring 2001 FroshPhysics class for showing clips from a strange cartoon movie co-starring Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny. *''That would be Space Jam. It's actually not that bad a movie, or at least *I* think so, which means there are many people who would fight my opinion to the death --DuctTapeGuy'' **''I happen to agree; I found it really funny. I'm a huge Bugs Bunny fan, though, so that might have something to do with it.--DanCicio'' Taking a class with her is a lot like having your mother as a professor. *''This, however, I disagree with. If ProfessorSparks were my mom, I'd have gone insane.....or shot her.--DanCicio'' ----- Quotes: ''"How many bodies are there?"'' ''"This is a fairly broken instruction apparatus designed to take out the instructor's head"'' ''"What I want to know from you is how many conservation laws did he break?"'' --Prof. Sparks, on Michael Jordan's activities in above-mentioned cartoon. Geoff Romer: ''"but the proton has a magnetic dipole moment!"'' (minute of silence) Sparks: ''"That was an interesting statement."'' ''"This is the wallpaper you can get for your kids if you don't want them to grow up to be scientists."'' - Discussing [http://www.wallstory-murals.co.uk/mural_images/Rainbow%20clouds/Over%20the%20rainbow.gif this image], which she used on her optics slides for E&M. ''"The least they could do is get the colors right...and look at the butterflies in the interstellar medium!"''
This change is a minor edit.
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