Editing StephGrush
''Bridge!'' ---- ''Biting JeffBrenion'' * Am not! As of Spring 2004: StephGrush is a ScrippSie. Yes, it's true. Double major: CS/studio art. StephGrush lives in BrightonPark 143FoUr! She has lots of snakes. ---- Stuff I watch: GroupStoryTwo, CampaignList, QuoteLists ---- StephGrush's wiki-related titles: * GhostWriter of the FrogsAreBad HumPaper * Instigator of LordOfTheReam * LOTRrumorMill Generator * First Acolyte of the PaperClipDelusion Other titles held? * RolePlaying campaigns (player): SagaOfClivesdale, EnorethianChronicles, Curtis' Technocrat campaign, SteveHaas' Night Below (also known as the revenge of the chaos priest), StarWars round robin, RyanRiegel's DonJon campaign. * RolePlaying campaigns (DM/StoryTeller): Spring Break Campaign (with Lori), SunderedRealms, EyeOfChaos, StarWars round robin * For more info: CampaignList * Filks for SagaOfClivesdale: QueensSacrifice (with WillShipley), WeRideOutOfWivesTales (to annoy WillShipley). ---- WhiteBoard: Steph is the guy. * ''I want to be the guy, too.'' ** Then you'll have to take it up with her. *** ::blinks:: Everybody says I'm the guy... **** No way. You're just a kid! Maybe when you're older. [On FrogsAreBad:] ''You may have written it, but it's'' by ''me. --JulieWortman'' <i> "It's not the cheescake! It's the hell!" -- [Steph] on CS70 </i> ''[Steph and Will are struggling with Graphics.]'' Will: Why?! Steph: Z. "Half of us were men and all I learned is that I can't tango." --StephGrush ---- 56 minutes. Julie, you WikiWhore. MacKenzieStuart says she's sorry, but she lies. SHE LIES! *I do <i>not</i> lie. --MacKenzieStuart ---- KissiWebNeighbors: * BrianYoung * ChaosMage (The abstract concept thereof. We were totally with the hot smooch-making. Then I turned into a cabbage, or something.) * MacKenzieStuart * ''You know the drill. Make it easier to figure out your weak patri number. I think mine is 2, by the way.''
This change is a minor edit.
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