Editing SteveHaas
So, some time ago (I believe spring 2002 or so) I decided that, as I was currently about fourth on the list of WantedPages, I would make a page only when I topped out that list. During fall of 2002, I made the mistake of telling people about this decision. The bastards then proceded to link to me from every conceivable page they could think of (including the PlayStation page, which previously topped the list of WantedPages), thus moving me past most of the WantedPages, and made pages for the rest of them, removing them from the list. Thus I had to make a page. So here it is. ----- Now, as for *actual* content: SteveHaas was until recently a senior math major at HarveyMuddCollege who lived in EastDorm (there is a mildly amusing story regarding why he, after living in NorthDorm and socializing exclusively in SouthDorm that year, he moved to EastDorm sophomore year; but the fact that it happened is about as amusing). It turns out that this was a good decision, at his general sense of humor plus general enjoyment of both VideoGame""s and RolePlaying games makes him fit in well there (or at least, he thinks so). Was the DM of the EnorethianChronicles campaign during his senior year, a NightBelow campaign during his SophoMore year, and played in a fair number of other recent campaigns (including SagaOfClivesdale, most of EvilSouthie's campaigns, and a few others). These have combined to remind him why he generally prefers being a player to a DM in campaigns. But, given that DMing is better than not playing at all, will probably continue to run campaigns whenever there is a shortage of other people who will DM. Also plays a number of [[VideoGame]]s. Currently playing: *DiabloIi, in which, thanks to entirely too many hours of Meph runs, he has about 90% of the good items in the game. *StarCraft *WarcraftIII, which he is rather bad at, a fact he wishes he could remedy but, due to restricted web access from being at home, will probably remain true for a while. Have also played in the last year or so: *SuperSmashBrosMelee *DynastyWarriorsFour, in which he has become a great fan of NuWa, as opposed to DynastyWarriorsThree in which he was a large fan of WeiYan, and to a lesser extent DaQiao and LuBu. *FinalFantasyTen, another game he spent entirely too much time on, causing a ludicrously overpowered party (which induced JeffBrenion to do a bunch of capturing so he could see me fight Nemesis, which I did, and beat... though barely) and a (mostly) 99th level BlitzBall team (stupid goalies not leveling up). *SuperMarioSunshine, which he has beaten twice, and is reasonably convinced that he could beat it in under four hours with a little luck but isn't inclined to find out for sure. ----- So, a while back I decided to try to make a list of all characters I had played in RPGs to date. And I did... or at least all that I could remember. Then I lost the list. And I thought it was sort of an interesting list. Thus it is recreated below. Extremely short-lived campaigns are omitted. In roughly chronological order: *Whisperain Windsong, Paladin, AD&D 2nd. First character, I was about 7. Don't remember much else about him. *A fighter whose name I forget, played in a system developed by my brother and roughly based on AD&D 2nd. *A smuggler whose name I forget, Star Wars 1st ed. Excessively nobleminded and wholly committed to the rebel alliance. *A series of about 4 Runequest characters, all of whom died horribly or were permanently crippled in their first fight. Then I gave up on the system. *Bordlin, Dwarven Fighter, AD&D 2nd. Gruff, and entirely too fond of his liquor. Most memorable event: a rather impressive drinking contest with the other dwarf in the party. The drinks were brought in with radiation tongs. It was recommended that they be consumed quickly lest they dissolve the glass. *Halfling Thief, AD&D 2nd. Was working through Night Below. The party was just returning to town after a very nasty fight and was severely hurting. Upon arriving at town, some random guy starts blustering at us. Thief, deciding that a fight looks both likely and rather dangerous, sneaks around and backstabs the guy. The city guard disapproved. SPen the rest of his recorded history enjoying the... attentions... of fellow inmates in the local jail. *Thryn Bladesinger, elven fighter, AD&D 2nd. A practioner of the deadly long sword/short sword combination accessible to high-dex fighters. Exploits were numerous, though largely military in nature. Not terribly developed as a character... mostly worked off the badass factor. *Savage, Mongol-type fighter. Birthright campaign. Alternated and random intervals between Neutral Good and Neutral Evil. Tended to switch at the most inopportune moments, leading to annoying events like sticking a prisoners feet in the fire to get some answers out of him and abruptly becoming Neutral Good. *Retired Imperial Intelligence Agent, Star Wars 2nd ed. Complete with credentials and entirely too many dice in bluff. Whirled a fellow party member and took over a Star Destroyer in the first session. By the fourth or fifth session was the joint commander of a modest fleet of Star Destoyers, including a Super Star Destroyer. Campaign ended not too long after due to the interference of the omnipotent green goo, which eventually induced us to crash the fleet into Kuat. Fun campaign, though sorely lacking in realism. Basically consisted of doing whatever seemed the most ludicrous at the moment... and it all worked. *Chaos Mage, existing solely to torpedo the campaign. Went out of his way to abbrasive, contrary, etc. Died to a blink dog not too long after massively insulting a prominent NPC... who proceded to hire us anyway. *2 or 3 more characters in same campaign, existing more or less to kick ass. The campaign had more or less degenerated into gladitorial combat at this point. *Fudd, Nightspawn campaign. The most pathetically underpowered character ever in the most spectacularly overpowered campaign ever. Wallowed in his suckitude, but due to spectacularly good luck managed to be one of the few people in the campaign who accomplished anything. Defining moment: GM: "A hole opens in the roof in front of you." Me: "I jump in. Wait, how deep is it?" Three quarters of my hit points later, I find myself in the castle armory... *Xaqu Thallack, Drow Fighter-Thief, AD&D 2nd. Lived in Skullport, where after a brief career in robery opted to go into business. Managed a bar with his Illithid buddy. *Alza Swiftknife, Thief, AD&D 2nd. Was running through Return to the Tomb of Horrors and died shortly before the party got to the Tomb itself, due to curiosity, bad luck, and the fact that readied actions didn't exist in 2nd ed. Primarily interested in staying alive but realized that her best chance of doing so involved helping the party, and thus was remarkably community-minded. *Elven Thief, NickJohnson's campaign that wasn't SagaOfClivesdale. Not too memorable... left the party after an attempt on her life by a fellow PC, which shortly followed getting caught setting aside a small portion of the loot for her personal inspection at some future date. The rest of the party didn't so much appreciate that. *Dwarven Fighter, same campaign. Stereotypical Dwarf. Relished combat and booze. Consumed a beaker of plentiful potions filled with potions of delusion and thus left the campaign due to the belief that he was permanently drunk. *Elven Fighter, still the same campaign. Took pride in kicking ass, and somewhat mercenary in his inclinations. Was one of the motivating forces in the spat that felled the rest of the party. Yes, of the four characters that survived the campaign, three were mine. I don't know either. *Anya, Halfling Sorcerer/Rogue, D&D 3rd. EvilSouthie's Haven campaign. Lived a cozy life of information brokering but desided to seek some adventure for a while. Then got tired of adventuring and went back to information brokering. *Uejopa Bludi, same campaign. Blind monk with a perverse desire to remain blind. Enough said. *Altar the Superlative, same campaign. Excessively egotistical wizard. And I mean excessive. Octopus familiar. Left the campaign after stealing a major artifact from his former master and the entire party... he figured laying low was a good plan at that point. Worked out well, as he and the artifact turned out to be more or less made for each other. *Ellen Greenwood, Human Druid, SagaofClivesdale. Had no particular reason to be accompanying the party, but, to make life easy on the DM, she decided that she'd feel guilty if her fellow townspeople got killed and thus followed along to protect them, as she didn't trust them to not get killed by the first piece of string they found on the road. Never was convinced that they wouldn't have without her help. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment so I shall stop. ----- Content: SteveHaas is tall. He does math. His computer sucks. Yes, he has no bananas. Amendment: his computer no longer sucks... or at least not nearly as much. ''Peasant!'' ----- ''It has been suggested that DuctTape""ing SteveHaas to JeffBrenion would be lethal for Jeff and amusing for everyone else.'' <i>I'm not sure that it would be amusing for SteveHaas</i> --RobAdams Yeah, all the blood... it would take forever to get it off my clothes. --SteveHaas
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