Editing WarcraftIII
See Also: WarcraftIIIExpansion The Human campaign is... different. ''I'd say so! Strong, and none too heroic -- I would note, though, that I'm a little dubious about the main character's decision in Chapter 6 (Stratholme, for semi-spoilers) . . . it was a bit too far of a leap to make.'' --WillShipley ''Really... I had more trouble seeing Uther's point of view the first time around... I thought maybe some of the actions taken and things said by the main character were a bit extreme, but... --AndrewSchoonmaker'' ''As for the other campaigns: Undead was fun, but I don't identify with them; the Orc campaign was nothing short of awe-inspiring; and the Night-Elf campaign . . . ask me in a few levels, I'm still dubious. The cinematics, of course, are beautiful and terrible to behold; all shall love them and despair. Well done, Blizzard! --WillShipley'' * '''Update:''' The Night Elf campaign is ''short''! And it takes nearly its entire length to get up to speed; But the last level is spectacular. ''The Orc cinematic was oddly like watching StarWars... --AndrewSchoonmaker'' ---- Someone at Blizzard deserves congratulations and then a severe beating for the Ice Troll sound clips <I>and also the Dryad clips</I>. (Many of the other sound clips are funny as well, but there's something about certain puns at six in the morning...) ---- A '''challenge''' for those of you with access (or who can beg, borrow, or steal access) to the WarcraftIII soundtrack: ''Listen to Track 11 ("''Lordaeron Fall''"), paying special attention to the musical motif that begins at 2:40 and continues to the end of the track. What can you tell me about it?'' (''Lordaeron Fall'' can also be found in the '''Internal Music''' tab of the WarcraftIII Map Editor, under the title ''human2.mp3'') ---- Amusing Quotes: (there are millions . . .) ''"Ooooh, I'm all a-quiver"'' --Archer ''"Ph34r my l337 skillz"'' --Archer ''"And this one time, at bandit camp . . ."'' --Bandit :Is this where the phrase "made out like bandits" comes from? ''"Darkness called... But I was on the phone, so I missed it. I tried to star-69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled '''PICK UP THE PHONE, DARKNESS!''', but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls."'' --Demon Hunter ''*phone rings* . . . "Darkness! Hey, what's up? The Demon Hunter left you a message? No I don't have his number."'' --Dread Lord ''"Things are about to get grizzly!"'' --Druid of the Claw ''"He wasn't Fuzzy, wuzz he?"'' --Druid of the Claw ''"I'm not the Dryad you're looking for."'' --Dryad ''"Fall like . . . leaves! in . . . Fall!"'' --Dryad ''"I'm game"'' --Dryad ''"You communicate by clicking on me; I communicate by doing what you say."'' --Dryad ''"Feel the fearsome fury of the forest faun!"'' --Dryad ''"Me no sound like Yoda . . . do I?"'' --Grunt ''"It's not easy being greeeeeen!"'' --Grunt ''"This warhammer cost 40k, heh heh."'' --Gryphon Rider ''"I see"'' -- Ice Troll ''"My father was mounted over someone's fireplace."'' --KotG ''"Don't let the doe hit you on the way out."'' --KotG ''"'When I Attack! Part Three'"'' --KotG ''"So angry. '''So hungry!'''"'' --Ogre ''"I'm with stupid. '''Me too!'''"'' --Ogre ''"Clearly Tassadar has failed us. You must not."'' --Mortar Team ''"I have been chosen by the great metal hand in the sky!"'' --Priest ''"Guns don't kill people . . . '''I''' do! Heeheehee!"'' --Rifleman ''"I don't remember casting slow on you . . ."'' --Sorceress ''"You don't get out much, do you?"'' --Sorceress ''"I bring panda-monium!"'' --Earth Panda They won't let me link the text directly, but you can find a complete list of quotes linked here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/27337.html ---- I'll keep my comments on the campaigns short and brutal: I played through on Normal (Hard is hard, Normal is easy). The only time I had difficulties was the last level, which sucked all sorts of ass. Knowing what I do now, I probably wouldn't have as much trouble on it. The story was only so-so (but I really don't expect it from a Blizzard game), and rather tepid in my opinion. I'm not sure I liked the way they restricted unit availability so that you only saw some units in the last couple of missions, because it made it much harder to use them to prep for multiplayer. The campaign mode in RTS games today is basically what single-player has become in many FPS's: a way to learn the game for multiplayer. Warcraft III, in my opinion, is no different. The genre may be due for a renaissance; however, Blizzard is not the company to produce it. Blizzard's reputation is based on quality control, balance, support, and polish, not on innovation. Warcraft III is a fine example of the RTS genre, with a few interesting wrinkles, but it's not something new. Anyway, on to the real discussion I'm curious about, and that's multiplayer. I've been playing a lot of multiplayer recently on battle.net (Azeroth/US East). I've played 2 types of games: arranged team with my brother (2v2), and random team (2v2). I've never done much individual play in Starcraft or Warcraft III, because frankly I'm not very good at it (my reflexes are too poor to micro effectively) and because I find the strategy in team games more interesting. In my week or so of playing, I've achieved rank 10 in random team, and rank 8 in arranged team. I'm pretty sure I can go higher, if I devote more time. That's probably not going to happen, though, with the chaos of starting grad school. My current thoughts are that the game has some balance issues. Specifically, huntresses and bloodlust (goblin land mines were fixed in 1.02). Bloodlust is overpowered because it does something like 40% attack speed increase, and in my experience, if one side has lust and the other doesn't, the game usually ends in the former's favor. It seems like lust would be no more powerful than other spells (like, say, slow), but for some reason, lust just seems to be more brutal than those other spells. There are few effective counters: wand of negation sort of works, but it only has 3 charges (not enough to de-lust an entire army and do it again when the shamans recast, plus it has a really short range) and dispel sort of works. Abolish magic seems like it should work, but in practice it doesn't seem to; and purge is way too slow and awkward to use. I'm not really sure why huntresses are broken, but in combat with other units at their equivalent tech level and resource cost (220 gold, 20 wood, 3 food), they seem to just win. My suspicion is that occurs because of the bounce (more DoT than other similar units), their range (no, it doesn't seem like it would be significant, but in games I've seen, it allows them to make more effective use of their damage), their movement speed (fast rushing), and their HP (550). Against melee units like footmen or ghouls, the huntresses probably have less damage concentration, but seem to win because they can take damage and still live. Against ranged units (archers, riflemen, crypt fiends, and trolls), they butcher them because they have the speed to close and their attacks do enhanced damage vs. light armor. Grunts seem to do better than most units against huntresses, because they have the HP to absorb damage, but the huntresses still usually seem to win because they seem to dish out the damage faster (keep in mind these are observations from games under sort of real conditions; calculations may yield different DoT's than are observed in the field). I've been double-huntress rushed as all the races and if they do it right, I'm not sure what I can do to stop it (other than be night elves and produce huntresses just as fast). All air units suck except for killing other air units, with the exception of frost wyrms and chimeras. Good look getting to those during a game (it happens, just not often unless you happen to be playing Stromguarde). Siege units are rarely useful, because if someone builds enough base defenses to require them, they've usually lost (because you just out-expand them), and bases go down quickly anyways even with fortified armor. Spell-casters rule if you can micro them, and sometimes even if you can't (*cough* shamans *cough*). My personal weaknesses: sucking at creeping (i.e., losing units to creeps), not managing combat and unit construction well (i.e., not building units while fighting / not keeping up a steady stream of units), not building enough units in general, losing to double-hero rushes, not making double-hero rushes, rushing too slowly in general. And, always, ineffective micro. Sidenote: my brother really sucks at playing the undead. I'm curious what people playing multiplayer at Mudd have observed. --CurtisVinson ---- I'm currently playing through the campaign again on Hard (and I love the story, other than Arthas, who annoys me on all of his campaigns). I've gotten to level 9 on random team, and level 4 on solo games. I do not believe that the single player missions train you at all decently to play multiplayer. They do, however, train you in the use of the units. I've been of the habit of reading the stats and numbers for everything and figuring out my strategy from that, and it's worked decently so far. I've even sent a few articles to http://www.warcraftstrategy.com (although they aren't published yet) regarding the power of the human speed-building ability. I haven't been overwhelmed by the power of huntresses, largely because they become just another shock troop later in the game (where by 'later' I mean at around the ten minute mark). Admittedly you have to survive the first attack, but if you're worried about that you can build some defense. Towers tend to do a fair job of defending against huntresses with your troops as backup. And yes, bloodlust is powerful, but you know it's coming, and orcs really are not meant to be a finesse race in the first place. If you want style and micromanagement, play the elves with druids (Druids of the talon have won me a few games, incidentally. Cyclone is powerful). Orcs in particular are weak on anti-magic, so undead can go necros and banshee, elves go druids and dryads, and human's sorceress and priest do well. I just want a chance to win a game (or have a game won by) statis trap. I've established my build order for undead and human (undead are easy to have a build order for- you're limited in your options), and still need some tweaking for orc or elf. I think I'm doing pretty decently, though, and should probably shut up now because I'm tired and rambling. Will add to later, probably. After having played a few more games and having paid attention to such things, I am of the impression that the non-autocast versions of autocast spells are more powerful, but require some expertise in use - most spells that aren't autocast are the spells that should be specifically targetted. You don't want to use unholy frenzy on everything, but casting on your abominations before (or at the beginning of) a large battle can easily stomp down a few things. This recent game my allies and I had a grand total (between the three of us) of four abominations and a dreadlord for melee troops, but they were the recipients of unholy frenzy, bloodlust, vampiric aura, and healing wards. They were properly impressive and scary. Ensnare is more powerful than web (it can be cast on non-flying units), but as you don't want to waste your one ensnare (it's got a slow cooldown) on random footmen, as a knight makes a much better captive. Sleep, cripple, cyclone, and polymorph dominate slow in removing units from battle, but they're much more expensive, mana-wise. Unless you're playing Archmage, you'll want to spare some mana for other uses. I suspect that micromanagement will become just as important as it was in starcraft, with the step of 'finding the single unit with enough mana to cast so they don't all cast it' removed. The Hard campaign has taught me a few dirty tricks that I'll have to try at some point- apparently Arthas at level 3 divine shield can take out a town hall with minimum backup on some of the later levels. I saw somebody pull off the most amazing defense I'd ever seen a few games ago- they had a row of moon wells blocking their ancient protectors, but they had built it a funnel sort of shape, and had blocked the end off with huntresses with 'hide'. Their demon hunter was sitting right behind the huntresses, providing a nice juicy target. The opponents (I assume) clicked to attack the hunter or near the hunter, and with all the attempts to attack the hunter, the units couldn't figure out how to get through (The AI symptom of "Here's a path! Wait, I can't move there. Here's a path! Wait, I can't move there."), and sat there dying to the protectors for over a minute before they figured it out and started shredding moon wells. But that was enough time for our allies to regroup, and took out their remaining forces. I had heard about shade-walls, stone-form gargoyle-walls, and the spying ward walls (I still want to try this one), but hadn't seen a hide-wall before. I suspect they're more useful (despite only working half the time). -- BrianRoney ---- I enjoyed the story (although I ran into one too many characters like Arthas . . . eventually wanted to take the collective antihero archtype out back and beat it with a collective two-by-four.) I beat the game on (sigh) Normal, and am working through it slowly on Hard (without mid-level saves, for added enjoyment). I am level 5 for Solo games, level 7 for Team games, and am mustering about a 50-60% win record with random. True, the story was iffy: but the cinematics (as I've said above) are otherworldly. My weakest race at the moment is Night Elf (though I think I want to do fun stuff with the druids) . . . I love all three other races, albeit holding partiality towards <i>homo sapiens</i>. For Lordaeron! My response to huntresses is now to bunker in for about five minutes and tech quickly to heavy melee. Knights / taurens / abominations / bears eat huntresses for breakfast, as I've demonstrated to several stunned opponents. With any luck, in a 2v2 your partner can hold off / distract the huntress masser to give you the time you need to pull this off. As for bloodlust? Yeah, it hurts; but all the autocast spells are aggravating (Bloodlust is nasty, but so is Raise Dead when cast by 8-16 necromancers . . . or even 4 necromancers). I've found that the best way of dealing with spellcasters is to bring your melee units oryour melee hero over for a quick chat; the spellcasters won't bother you once they've seen the error of their ways. And I am in <i>love</i> with seige . . . although you can take 5-7 minutes and bash down fortified armor with your units if you really <i>want</i> to, it's much more satisfying to take 1 1/2 minutes and blaze through your opponent's buildings like so much tinder. Seige is slow, has a minimum range, and dies if not well-protected . . . but even one or two ballistae can turn an attack force from a nuisance into a nightmare. ''Four'' to ''six'' catapults, if not destroyed IMMEDIATELY, will fire over the heads of your line and wipe your base out at your back. And we're not even gonna ''talk'' about steam (seige?) tanks. But hey, this is from the person who gets goosebumps from the StarCraft 12-seige-tank game ender. More later: --WillShipley ---- I haven't played enough to really develop any advanced strategy (not owning the game or having a computer that runs it kinda does that to you), but I've noticed one thing so far: I don't suck quite ''as'' badly at WarcraftIII as I do at StarCraft. I think the emphasis on heroes and on managing small armies (thanks to upkeep issues) has helped eliminate the build-ten-zillion-guys-and-destroy-Alex-as-soon-as-he-completes-his-barracks tactic that seemed to work pretty flawlessly in Starcraft. OK, maybe I exagerate, but you get the idea.--AlexBobbs ---- A few responses: if the huntress rushers are playing it right, if you bunker in your base, they expand to get more resources, kill your expansions, and meet you with their own tier-3 units (talon and claw druids are both nasty), and win because they have more resources. I'm still convinced that huntresses dominate the early battlefield too much, though they do get slaughtered by tier-3 melee. As for lust, all I know is that I've only beaten blood-lust once without being me or my brother being orcs against players of comparable skill level. Siege does level a base quickly, but it has the following problems. It's slow, and easily separated from your army = ambushed and killed. It takes lots of food: 4-6 catapults/ballistae/meat wagons = 16-24 food. Assume 15ish workers (2 mines, 5ish builders/lumberjacks), and you're already almost into low upkeep, with only 30-42 food left for army (humans have an advantage here, because their siege requires less food; I use human siege more often than any other kind, because of this). Sure, they may lose some buildings, but then they beat your army, kill your expansions, and out-resource you. There are lots of good ways of taking lots of HP off units behind enemy lines quickly, most of which involve heroes and are thus really hard to stop (chain lightning, shockwave, stormbolt, blizzard, divine shield, frost nova, . . . ), and then it's usually a simple matter to finish them off with ranged units (I really like steam tanks because they have fortified armor and thus less vulnerable to this kind of bitching). I do use siege sometimes, but I've found that it's usually more productive to build only frontline troops, take the field in the decisive battle, kill expansions, and then out-resource them to victory. I like sorceresses more than druids of the talon, because polymorph and cyclone are similar while I think slow is better than faerie fire: reducing a lot of armor (which is what most tier-3 units have, if everyone has been upgrading) to some armor doesn't do wonders for your damage, though it does help a lot on hero killing. I like the analysis on warcraft3strategy.com. I'd be interested in reading your articles. Anyone want to play together sometime? Most of the people on battle.net are slime. --CurtisVinson ---- Hmm. I liked most of the single player, but thought that they could've done more with it. I'm kind of hoping that either somebody will put together a really awe-inspiring campaign series or that I'll find the time to do so (but the amount of design work that I would need, even without rewopping any units, would be phenomenal). They experimented with variant/branching levels in the Starcraft expansion; I don't see why they didn't make more use of the ability. Oh well. I would agree that there's nothing really new or innovative here, but it is a fairly solid game which presents a range of strategies (albeit not all of them are perfectly balanced...) I played a bit of MP on battle.net, but my skill level is not greatly enhanced over StarCraft (and anyone who's been teamed with me in SC knows what that was like). As such, I've gotten a little discouraged and have retreated back to the safety of DynastyWarriorsThree to nurse my ego. My most apparent failing (at this point) seems to be a complete lack of build order for most of the races; I can get a hero and some units up in decent time, but once the game gets much past tier 1 and early creeping I tend to lose focus. (Or I wind up playing somebody who does Ye Olde Cookie-Cutter Huntress Rush and has units at my base just after I've started creeping. I keep hearing about how necessary creeping is, but never manage to show my opponents the error of their ways... :-P) I like various bits about all of the races, but lean towards humans and Night Elves (for some reason, the heroes seem more effective at low level -- emphasis on seem). As Curtis notes, though, the SP is not really much training for MP, though on Hard you certainly learn how to deal with bunkered-in opponents (and you do have to build much more quickly). I would be interested to see some sort of "training" maps. I'm not sure how these would be implemented (the only game I can think of that had them was [Bolo], and there the object was to take all 16 pills in ~12 minutes -- you set the game timer and so if the game ended you lost), however. --AndrewSchoonmaker ---- Personally, my brother and I prepped for playing multiplayer by playing the computer lots and lots of times on a tiny map (I can't remember the name right now, but it's the only tiny map where you don't have to cut down trees to get to each other). We lost a lot at the beginning, but it taught us the rudiments of the multiplayer game. Specifically, we learned to stop really fast rushes, do basic creeping, and build quickly. Here are some standard build orders I use: Undead: 2 acolytes to mine gold, ghoul to lumber, queue up 2 more and waypoint them to the gold mine; the 3rd acolyte starts a crypt, then a ziggurat, then mines gold; as you get the resources, build an altar, followed by another ziggurat by taking an acolyte off the mine. Eventually, you need to get a graveyard and upgrade your necropolis. When you do so depends a lot upon strategy (in my opinion). A variant builds an extra acolyte who does building and then scouts or expands early. Orcs: 4 peons on gold, 5th builds an altar. 6th peon starts constructing a burrow. The rest go onto lumber as they come out, except for the 8th, who goes to gold; I usually build 5 lumberjacks/builders total. After the initial builders are done, build a barracks followed by another burrow, followed by a warmill. Then start the great hall upgrade and tech to lust. Humans: 4 peasants on gold, 5th builds altar. 6th goes farm, followed by 7th to lumber, 8th to gold, then 2 more to lumber/building. After the initial buildings are finished, get another barracks, followed by a farm. As soon as you have the resources, get a blacksmith; I try to avoid footmen, since they don't seem to work very well. Then, get another farm and a lumber mill, upgrade your town hall, and eventually get more farms (more farms is the motto of humans, I believe). <I>What have you been using your footmen against? Defend works well against missile creeps, static defense, and archers, in rough order of decreasing importance. They don't fare that badly against the other tier-1 units, either... (and if not footmen, then what do you buid for early game units?)</I> Night Elves: 4 wisps on gold, 5th builds altar. 6th builds a moonwell, 7th goes lumber, 8th gold, 9th and 10th lumber (usually). As the original builders finish, turn the first into an ancient of war followed by a moonwell. You need to build another wisp to replace the one lost to the ancient. Get a hunters hall ASAP after the 2nd moonwell (what goes for footmen also goes for archers). Then upgrade your tree of life. I dislike the 2 food units in general, though crypt fiends are not much better than ghouls. [Expanded comment about tier-1 units and footmen] I've found that footmen perform pretty well against missile creeps, but few of the tier-1 units people actually use have piercing attacks (huntresses, grunts, footmen, and ghouls are standard). Moreover, you have to stop unit production to research defend if you really want to get the advantage of the footmen's ability, and that hurts in the early opening (having fewer units then really sucks if you get rushed hard by a team; solo play is probably different). Moreover, footmen have (relatively speaking) low HP (420). In my experience, for Warcraft III units, more HP is a really powerful advantage because it slows the attentuation of your numbers and makes focus fire less effective (I think focus fire is more powerful in Warcraft III because of heroes with hefty direct damage spells). Units which have low HP seem to die quickly and not have much of a chance to do damage. Ghouls also don't hold up very well, for this exact same reason. The only place for ghouls and footmen I've seen are in fast brutal rushes. I've been on the receiving end of a really nasty dual Archmage/Footmen rush which my brother and I got totally crushed by; same thing with undead, only with ghouls, a Dread Lord, and a Death Knight. We've pulled off the undead version of that rush to good effect several times, as well. Other than that, for humans, if my teammate is other than human, I usually build riflemen. Riflemen have, for early piercing units, good HP (540) and decent attack power. I've tried crypt fiends with undead some, but they don't seem to work as well (I suspect it's an attack speed issue). With humans, teching to tier-2 solves most of your problems if you have a non-human partner (sorceresses and priests are both useful right out of the box and with their first upgrades). If both partners are human, you need tier-3 for knights. Undead problems are also solved by teching: necros can provide their own infantry if you have some units to soak the damage while you get started, and abominations are also good at tier-3 The competitive ladder faq on GameFAQs is a useful starter guide. The build orders are not fully detailed, though, so I provided my own here. Mine are probably not optimized (mainly because the supply building always finishes too late to get the hero out ASAP); however, if use a 2nd builder at the beginning, I find it's hard to make up the gold when you start building units. I'd like to hear what other people do. Once I get a good computer with a real Internet connection again, I'll be happy to help newbies. --CurtisVinson ---- Best victories (add your own stories): My partner was mostly, but not totally, incompetent. Mainly, he teched very ineffectively, going to Wyverns (instead of something useful) and not getting Bloodlust soon enough or in great enough quantity. We did have a successful early rush which wiped out the expansion of and hurt our orc opponent. Their combined armies wipe my ally's base, and both our armies, including all our heroes. I start reviving and keep constructing the frost wyrms I had building, plus some abominations. They wipe one of my two expansions. They attack my second expansion, which I defend with 3 Spirit Towers and my army of ~4 Frost Wyrms. They both turn on public chat to emphasize their victory. They leave and rebuild a huge mass of Taurens, Witch Doctors, Shamans, Necros, and Crypt Fiends. I successfully defeat their entire army using 1 player's food worth of heroes, Frost Wyrms, and Abomimations, then proceed to destroy the orc, whose player leaves. After going on to win completely, I had to get in a parting insult: "It ain't over till it's over." Playing a solo game on a map I wasn't terribly familiar with, I creeped fairly poorly in the beginning and was sure I would lose to my Night Elf opponent. He ended up with higher level heroes, had an army well-matched to mine, used targeted spells very well (I rely largely on autocast) but he ultimately lost because he ran out of money. For some reason that he apparently never caught on to, every time he started building an expansion, my army would suddenly appear and stomp it. He never successfully held a single expansion during the entire game, during which I got 4. Moral of the story: Undead have shades; they can see when you're building undefended buildings.--AlexBobbs *They're also useful for following around opposing heroes and creepjacking them. I lost a game, rather severely, to that exact tactic. --SteveHaas I had an amusing undead vs. undead game with a guy who just wouldn't shut up. In the fairly early game, I pulled off an attack that failed miserably, largely due to him possesing my crypt fiends with Banshees. He counterattacked, and managed to kill off the rest of my army (minus acolytes) and both heros, but got slaughtered by my spirit towers in the process. He decided at this point that he had already won, and spent the rest of the game trying to convince me to quit. In fact, I seriously think he said "Just quit man" about 30 times during the course of the game. Now, I don't like chatting (I generally don't even understand what people are saying with all their crazy abbreviations) and I didn't like him declaring an early victory, so I just didn't respond, ever. Over the course of the next half hour, he starts flipping out over the fact that I'm not chatting with him, so I get a constant barrage of messages that went something like this: "Are you there? Talk to me, man! Are you mute? What's wrong with you? Please, talk to me! Just quit man, you've got nothing. My hero's Level 7! Your's are like Level 2. My banshees will possess anything you send at me. Just quit man." I finally got him to shut up when I attacked his base with Frost Wyrms and Meat Wagons. By the time he took out the Meat Wagons, I had wiped out everything he had that could attack air and leveled his crypts. His Death Knight was now sitting, among an army of ghouls, against my 5 Frost Wyrms. I paused the attack and finally talked for the first time: "What are you going to do now, death-coil me to death?" He quit. --AlexBobbs An excellent (if unconventional) game of Undead vs. Orc on TwistedMeadows (a WarcraftIIIExpansion map). My opponent rushed me in a series of sucidal charges with grunts and a farseer, which I splattered with glee--not realizing that he was setting up a tower barricade while I was distracted. When the trees started raining arrows, I realized how doomed I was; the guy had built a barracks behind the towers, and was churning out mass siege. Unfortunately for him, he missed an entrance to my base . . . so I took advantage of a lull to creep out a gold mine and sneak some acolytes over to haunt it. What followed was a half-hour game of catapult-dancing, as my artillery engaged his artillery at maximum range, his units charged, I defended, he ran, my units pursued, I pulled them out of the towers, we repaired our surviving artillery . . . rinse, repeat. He must have charged up that hill a good 15 times or so (bringing my Crypt Lord up to level 8 on ''almost nothing but base defense'', mind) before the skies darkened with an armada of Frost Dragons from my expansion, bringing frozen sleep to his troops. He left promptly, and took his towers with him. --WillShipley ---- Worst random partner encounted on battle.net (add your own stories): When, after a hard-fought early game which we barely lost, we start seriously losing in the mid-game, a guy by the name of Scissors starts cursing me out, using standard variations on "fucker." Apparently, I was solely responsible for our loss. I start a game with a level 4 partner, macdaddyjay (that's uncapitalized). I watch as my partner's base accumulates Wisps in front of his Tree of Life. About the time my Archmage comes out and I start constructing Footmen, he starts moving units and says, "I was chatting on Yahoo," as if that was a valid excuse. When we get rushed (after I have creeped, started building my expansion, upgraded to castle, and am ready to start teching) he has 3 Archers and 3 Ancients of War. Granted, losing a game isn't the end of the world, but I consider it incredibly impolite to be so obviously negligent when playing random team games. All I know is, I know why he's level 4, and wonder why he's not lower. There are now people who are so enterprising as to play random team games and screw over their teammates. My brother got one of these in a 3v3 (by name of "ImGoingToLeave"). The third teammate dropped relatively quickly (we do think he lost connection)... so there's my brother, with two night-elf "teammates". All the wisps converge on his base. They all start building ancients of war. When those finish, they all uproot, and (we can see this coming) tear down the town hall. I think I have to give the most-amusing-bad-random-team-partner award to both memebers of a team I played against in a random team game. My partner was vaguely competent and we had done a reasonably nice rush; crept a little and attacked with level 2 heroes and maybe 15 food in supporting units each. Both opponents had tried to fast expand, and so each of us hit one expansion. I tore through mine fairly quickly and moved in on the guys main, as my partner finished up the other expansion. The following exchange then occurred: Opponent 1: gg Me: gg Opponent 1: My partner is a complete noob :( Opponent 2: I WAS AFK!!!!!! What's even funnier, I think, is that the guy who was AFK for a while outscored his ally fairly severely that game. I'm not entirely sure which is worse; being AFK for a random team game or getting outscored by someone who was AFK for a random team game. ---- WarCrack Quotes: "How did I not get the tower kill? There was six of me!" -KevinOelze "I call team balance" -spellman23 on every game WormholeX: "spellman, let me deny you!"<br> spellman23: "no, I think I'm gonna make it!" "That was totally the real Phantom Lancer" "Surprise! It's a tree!" "SURPRISE STONE GIANT!" "why did Venomancer build a scepter?" -referring to DarkShikari being nub ---- VideoGame
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