Editing WorldOfWarcraft
A MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) created by the always-astounding Blizzard Entertainment, who brought you StarCraft, Diablo, DiabloIi, and all other versions of WarCraft. Like many other MMORPGs, WorldOfWarcraft consists primarily of leveling and questing through a gigantic world, but Blizzard's polish comes up front-stage to make this game insanely addictive. Fun quests, great stylish graphics (sticking with the cartoon-like theme seen in other WarCraft games), cool sound, and massive hype have helped to make WorldOfWarcraft a great MMORPG, and it's only in it's fourth week as of this writting. See Also: HeRoin Pits Alliance Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, and Night Elves against Horde Undead, Orc, Tauren, and Trolls. Available classes: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Priest, Paladin, Shaman, Warlock, Druid Professions: etc..... If you really want more details, check out www.worldofwarcraft.com ''It should be noted that this page would be filled with gigantic quantities of chatter about the game by its many players, except they're ''all'' off playing WorldOfWarcraft. And I'm ''SO'' not joking.'' * ''It's true-I'm writing this because I'm at work now, and they don't have WoW installed there'' * ''Likewise... my server is dowwwwwwwwwn :-( '' Like most MMORPGs, WorldOfWarcraft includes an obscene amount of very boring terrain to cross, although not as obscene as some other games, like first-generation ATaleInTheDesert. *''Hence the amazing emphasis on getting a mount'' This flamewar about Cataclysm is left as an exercise to the reader.
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