[Home]History of FunWikiGeneration

Revision 31 . . August 24, 2024 10:38 by

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Just as a growing tree develops a new ring each year, the FunWiki enters a new generation every time it is passed on to a new host (due to the old host graduating or otherwise leaving HarveyMuddCollege). We are currently in FunWikiGeneration 7 (idemarcellus).
Just as a growing tree develops a new ring each year, the FunWiki enters a new generation every time it is passed on to a new host (due to the old host graduating or otherwise leaving HarveyMuddCollege). We are currently in FunWikiGeneration 8 (kdey). However this will likely be the LAST TIME funwiki will be passed onto a new host as we have been granted a dedicated `funwiki` account on knuth.

Added: 3a4
*FunWikiGeneration 7 (idemarcellus)

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