Now Mrs. StonyLohr (creepy, that), JanelleJarboe was InvitedToRetire from Mudd rather than graduate with its class of 2000. A MatheMatics Major, she nonetheless wrote a novel for her thesis at ClaremontMcKennaCollege, where she transferred after being InvitedToRetire. CategoryHomePage |
Now Mrs. StonyLohr (creepy, that), JanelleJarboe was InvitedToRetire from Mudd rather than graduate with its class of 2000. A MatheMatics Major, she nonetheless wrote a novel for her thesis at ClaremontMcKennaCollege, where she transferred after being InvitedToRetire. Now she takes care of Typewriter the cat. The EtcPlayers still gets mail addressed to her. Some Publishing agencies should really update their contact info... CategoryHomePage |