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Added: 20a21
* A trifecta of trifectas: Classes [Pchem, Advanced Lab, Ochem with lab], Suitemate Angst [Girl who keeps turning the heat off, Girl who smokes in the suite, Girl who locked another girl in the bathroom with a random guy and didn't understand why she was upset], Summer Research Applications [On-Campus Chemistry, UW Biomaterials, UW Photonics] --ColleenSullivan

BrianYoung has proposed this counterpoint to the TrifectaOfHappiness offered by MacKenzieStuart. Whenever three things combine to make your life miserable, congratulations. You've found your very own personal TrifectaOfBitterness. You can now be miserable like the rest of us.


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Last edited March 28, 2007 11:58 (diff)