
Difference (from prior minor revision) (major diff)

Changed: 1,2c1
Officially known as 'Khale' (like Khan) (but not like the way DavidScott pronounces it)

Officially known as 'Khale' (like Khaaaaaaaan)

Changed: 5c4
In room 165 with JandroAlderman
Is known to be running at all times, except for the times when sleeping. Or backpacking. Or being terribly awesome.

Changed: 7c6
Is known to be running at all times, except for the times when sleeping. Or backpacking.
In room 165 with JandroAlderman

Changed: 9c8
Occasionally spotted in EastDormLounge.
Occasionally spotted in EastDormLounge.

Officially known as 'Khale' (like Khaaaaaaaan) Class of 2015.

Is known to be running at all times, except for the times when sleeping. Or backpacking. Or being terribly awesome.

In room 165 with JandroAlderman

Occasionally spotted in EastDormLounge.


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Last edited August 30, 2012 20:36 (diff)