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Meanings of certain FootBall terms:

Fumble - Miscarriage (MattPrince)

Interception - Adultery (AlexEng)

Sacking the Quarterback - ... (AlexEng)

Field Goal - ... (AlexEng)

Apparently, AlexEng has a very dirty mind when it comes to FootBall.

The popular SontagFrosh euphemism for the making of babies, the sexual activity, the whatchamacallit, the thingamajig...

May have emerged during one of the SontagFrosh's spectacular dinner conversations. I believe the origin went something a bit like this:

"Two people go *insert hand motions of hands clapping together* boom! And a baby comes out!"
"You mean like FootBall?"

This leads to all sorts of hilarity.

Meanings of certain FootBall terms:

Fumble - Miscarriage (MattPrince)
Interception - Adultery (AlexEng)
Sacking the Quarterback - ... (AlexEng)
Field Goal - ... (AlexEng)

Apparently, AlexEng has a very dirty mind when it comes to FootBall.

One wonders what the World Cup would euphemise.

Quotes involving FootBall:

"Though football being the world's most popular sport makes so much sense now..." - MariaMorabe

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Last edited September 13, 2010 12:51 (diff)