[Home]History of AvaniGadani

Revision 14 . . June 30, 2009 16:22 by

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Avani ('oven - ee') is a random EastiePerson JointMajor Alumna *puff*
Avani ('oven - ee') is a random EastiePerson JointMajor Alumna *puff*

Changed: 3c3,5
RealWorld? I'll have none of it!
Currently doing distributed systems research at UCSC.

(RealWorld? I'll have none of it!)

Changed: 19c21
* SuiteMates?: ProfessorLevin and random squatters.
* SuiteMates?: GoGo? the Laptop

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