Academics: My Academic History

Academics: My Academic History

My academic past is rather interesting. I have a very good ability to 'burn out' schools after a few years of attending. Since moving to Virginia I have been enrolled in 5 schools (not including CNU). My first month in the state was spent at Grafton Bethel Elementary, the rest of that year and the next at Trinity Lutheren. I burnt out of Trinity (a religious school) very easily, and attended Grafton Bethel again for a year and three quarters. In under two years I managed to be a hated student (Virginia schools tend to discourage intelligence), and I was home tutored for a quarter of a year. After leaving Grafton Bethel shortly before being expelled, I went to Mt. Vernon Elementary. On the whole, I consider Mt. Vernon a very good school (this is one school I didn't burn myself out of). Before six grade, however, I 'transfered' to Hampton Roads Academy (HRA) which was, at the time, a very good private school. The headmaster, however, lost his job somehow...and was replaced by the purest specimen of SCUM I have ever met in my life. Ie: it became H*ll!

You may continue the story with The Present Situation or skip around using the following links.
The Beginning and My Future