NCD Configuration

The NCDs maintain no local configuration files. Other than their firmware, all their data is stored on muddcs, whence they download it at boot time via tftp.

Thus, to edit the configuration files for the NCDs, you must connect to muddcs. All of the NCD data is stored in the /tftpboot directory. The configuration files are in the /tftpboot/ncd_configs directory.

The configuration files are somewhat crypticaly named. Each name is actually an 8-digit hexadecimal number. This number is the IP address of the corresponding machine. The IP addresses are listed in the NCD inventory, and the config files list the name of the configured machine, which simplifies the process somewhat. Thus, to reconfigure a machine, look up it's IP address in the inventory, convert to hex, and edit the corresponding file. The contents of the file itself should confirm that you have found the right machine's config.


How do you change the display resolution of the NCDs?

For old NCDs which run NCDware (such as tiptoes) do the following:

  1. halt the OS with Stop-A
  2. hit the setup key or type "setup"
  3. use the menu to choose the resolution
  4. find the option to exit the setup menu
  5. type "bt" (for Boot via Tftp)
For the new NCDs which run NCBridge (such as the NC900 model), do the following:
  1. reboot with control-alt-delete (note that you really do need to use the key labelled alt, not the meta key)
  2. press a key to stop it from booting
  3. use the appropriate command to change the resolution:
    "selftest monset n" where n is a number corresponding to the resolution, refresh rate, and display size/type desired. The "selftest monset" command with no argument will list as many monitor types as are supported by the logic module and also display the current settings. 132 is optimal value for some of the ViewSonic flat panels, 131 is optimal for VG191 models. 132 means 1280x1024, 85Hz, 19inch. 131 is the same except 75Hz.
  4. type "boot" to continue booting with the new changes.
To fix blurryness on ViewSonic flat panels:
  1. set to correct resolution (if it is blurry in both dimensions it is using the wrong resolution). See above for comments on resolution.
  2. Next change the screen width so that everything on the screen is equally blurry (things might not become sharp yet). To change screen width press the hardware buttons on the monitor and go to the "Manual Image Adjust" section (may have a slightly different title on different models of ViewSonic flat panels). A good way to do this is to make a row of 'I' capital I characters across the entire screen.
  3. Use the "Fine tune" or "phase" menu item to fix the verticle blurryness. A good place to look is at an area made up of alternating white and black pixels.
  4. Things should be looking sharp now!