about me

I will be graduating from Harvey Mudd College in 2012 with a degree in "Physics with Computers". I enjoy physics because it's fascinating to dive head-first into a subject and understand it at a fundamental level from the ground up. My current and past areas of research are described here.

I'm taking many of the upper division computer science classes even though I'm not majoring in the field. I am hooked on the power computers lend to problem solving, and I enjoy making my own applications, games, and websites. A list of some of my projects is shown here.

On the humanities side, I am interested in economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. I've read the business section of the newspaper since elementary school because I enjoyed seeing how corporations influence technology and how the economy influences society. My first microeconomics course changed the way I look at the world and it hasn't stopped since. I am continually amazed how well these subjects dovetail well with physics and computer science.

In my free time, I play the French horn in orchestra, and I've only once contemplated switching to an easier instrument. I'll do anything outdoors, be it backpacking, hiking, running, or cycling.