
Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 5c5
Some people put those drinkables in SoloCups?. And then play pong.
Some people put those drinkables in SoloCup?s. And then play pong.

Changed: 11c11
To be a game of BongPong, you can only use green SoloCups?.
To be a game of BongPong, you can only use green SoloCup?s.

Changed: 13c13
Aka WeedPong
Aka WeedPong

Some people eat edibles

Some people drink drinkables

Some people put those drinkables in SoloCup?s. And then play pong.

In its most basic form, not actually played with a bong.

Bongs can be an adequate form of pre-gaming. If pre-gaming, make sure to leave your bong on the table for the duration of the game, and if anyone makes a ball into the bong, that person must drink the bong water.

To be a game of BongPong, you can only use green SoloCup?s.

Aka WeedPong

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Last edited June 6, 2020 20:27 (diff)