
Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,3c1
It does exist and should!

SuperSmashBrothersBrawl is the direct sequel to SuperSmashBrothersMelee. It is awesome and you should buy it. Now.

Changed: 11c9
EvilSouthie: 5241-1717-7814
EvilSouthie: 5241-1717-7814

SuperSmashBrothersBrawl is the direct sequel to SuperSmashBrothersMelee. It is awesome and you should buy it. Now.

Friend code listing:

SuiteBetrayal: 0344-8947-4913

NearlyEmptyPagesNazi: 2707-1288-4364

EvilSouthie: 5241-1717-7814

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Last edited March 25, 2008 16:07 (diff)