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Added: 23a24
# If the number of your (newly created) word exceeds 10^60 but is less than 10^(10^60), you must write its number in scientific notation, using exactly as much precision as is required to end the decimal expansion with a 7. Any rule which requires more precision than this (e.g., stipulates that the number be prime) may never be applied to the word. (If there is no 7 in the number, it may not be created.)

Added: 208a210
3486691420883306504327863110729942656100000000000000000000 (3.4867*10^57) Sandwich (72899109000900000,4304562092579246698333199519271000000000000000) [3]

A word game with rules:


  1. If you make the word "sandwich," you may add another rule to this list.
  2. If word (n) ends in a vowel, you may make word (n+1) beginning with the same vowel, if it does not already exist. For the purposes of this rule, the letters A, E, I, O, R, U, W, and Y are considered to be vowels.
    1. This rule only applies to you if you did not make word (n).
  3. If word (n) begins in a consonant, you may make word (n-1) ending with the same consonant, if it does not already exist. For the purposes of this rule, all Roman-alphabet letters other than A, E, I, O, U, and Y are considered to be consonants.
    1. This rule only applies to you if you did not make word (n).
  4. If word (n) exists, you may make word (d), consisting exclusively of letters which also appear in word (n), if d is a prime factor of n.
    1. Word (d) cannot be identical to word (n).

  1. If words (n) and (k*n) exist, and k is prime, you may make word (n*k^2+1); it must contain at least one letter that appears in both word (n) and word (k*n).
  2. The numbers of the words used to create the new word must be placed in parentheses after each word.
  3. If words (n) and (m) exist and have no letters in common, you may make word (n*m) (if it does not already exist) using only letters which appear in neither word.
  4. You may make only English words which are not proper names. The null word is not an English word.
  5. If word (m) exists, you may make any word that anagrams to it. The number of the new word is found by applying to the digits of m (in base 10) the same permutation that takes word (m) to the new word (pad the number on the left with 0's, or the word on the left with spaces, until both are the same length). The new number must not already be assigned to a word. For example, (142) fire => (4102) rife.
  6. If you make the word "obfuscation", you may edit a current rule. There must remain ways to add rules to the list and words to the game.
  7. If words (n) and (m) exist, you may create word (n+m) which starts with the same letter as word (n) and ends with the same letter as word (m).
    1. Word (n+m) may not be identical to either (n) or (m).
  8. If a word (or stream of words) has been made illegal by a rule change, it may be preserved by the addition of an asterisk (*) marking it as a historical entry.
  9. If you make a word of containing not fewer than 10 letters which has not previously been made, you may remove all instances of a single word containing not greater than 5 letters. You may not use this rule to reduce the total number of words to fewer than 25, however, and there must always remain a way to create a new word.
  10. If the number of your (newly created) word exceeds G63 (TheNumber), you must delete all words and restart the game with a new word #5. The full acquired rules set still applies. Think of this as a challenge.
  11. If the number of your (newly created) word exceeds 10^60 but is less than 10^(10^60), you must write its number in scientific notation, using exactly as much precision as is required to end the decimal expansion with a 7. Any rule which requires more precision than this (e.g., stipulates that the number be prime) may never be applied to the word. (If there is no 7 in the number, it may not be created.)


1. Bathtub

2. Banana

3. Amputate

4. Expectations

5. Sandwich

6. Hamsters

7. Samba

8. After (7)

9. Ragged (8)

10. Somnambulate (1, 3)

11. Eschew (10)

12. Whimsically (11) [2]

13. Gimpy (3, 6)

14. Yesterday (13)

15. Yoke (14)

16. Underestimating (17) [3]

17. Game (4, 8)

18. Elongate (17)

19. Sandwich (40090)

21. Antipode (5, 10) [5]

22. Oligopoly (2, 11)

23. Acidic (1725)

24. Hate (18, 6)

25. Schwa

26. Archipelago (25)

27. Obfuscation (26)

29. Ban (58)

33. Sandwich (8,16) [5]

34. Superb (35)

35. Built (36)

36. Trip (37)

37. Pogo (9, 18)

38. Obfuscation (37)

42. Embassy

48. Orifices (49)

49. Sinister (50)

50. Rub (51)

51. Baseball (2, 10)

58. Banner

59. Rose

60. Estrogen (59)

65. Sandwich (1, 8) [5]

69. Sandwich (17, 34)

77. Obfuscation (48, 29)

82. Obfuscation (22, 60)

125. Marshmallow (126)

126. Wasabi

127. Sandwich (14, 42)

151. Salivate (127, 24)

152. Entered (151)

295. Erdos

344. Amputate (7, 49)

345. Elephant (344)

525. Sandwich (15, 35)

750. Sandwich (15, 50)

853. Treated (40091) [4]

863. Incarcerate (1726)

875. Oxygen (25, 35) [7]

967. Reconcile (17406)

1007. Mage (17) [9]

1275. Sandwich (525, 750) (*)

1724. Obsessed (1725)

1725. Didactic (1726)

1726. Clarinet (69, 345)

2267. Lo (4304562092579246698333199519271000000000000000)

3451. Cataclysmic (1725, 1726) [11]

5007. Obfuscation (5008)

5008. Nightingales (5009)

5009. Sore (59)

5801. Ordered (29005)

10935. Obfuscation (45, 243)

11087. Ordered (152, 10935)

17405. Archbishop (17406)

17406. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (5, 295)

29004. Add (29005)

29005. Doers (295)

40090. Sandwich (40091)

40091. Hatred (40092)

40092. Dad (29005, 11087)

899999. Odd (900000)

900000. Dagger (9)

809999100000. Bum (899999, 900000)

72899109000900000. Are (899999, 809999100000)

5904821268153089919999999997. Obfuscation (5904821268153089919999999998)

5904821268153089919999999998. Normalizing (5904821268153089919999999999)

5904821268153089919999999999. Gorges (5904821268153089919000000000)

5904821268153089919000000000. Sin (809999100000, 72899109000900000)

16481763162034778695440721451537. Arose (4304562092579246698333199519270999999999999999)

4304562092579246698333199519270999999999999999. Heterosexual (4304562092579246698333199519271000000000000000)

4304562092579246698333199519271000000000000000 (4.30*10^45). Log (72899109000900000, 5904821268153089919000000000)

3486691420883306504327863110729942656100000000000000000000 (3.4867*10^57) Sandwich (72899109000900000,4304562092579246698333199519271000000000000000) [3]

I don't understand why Samba (#7) is a legitimate word, but since it was there, I used it as a given... Otherwise, changing #6 to Hamster and #7 to Rotunda makes all of my additions valid.

Samba comes from Embassy (#42) via rule 4--Micah

Oh, ok, I hadn't read the rule carefully... I thought you couldn't do that because Samba has two a's and Embassy has only 1. Thanks for the clarification.

Umm . . . I assume that Ragged (#900000) is translated from Ragged (#9) through rule 9 . . . but in that case, wouldn't the correct number be (#000009)? --Will (Sorry, my bad. Fixed 900000 and 899999, which don't seem to affect anything else. --AdamBliss)

I believe the proper number for Dad must be either 29004 (taken), or 29400. Also, I claim that "" is not an English word (though admittedly it is not a proper name either.) --AdamBliss Taking Add from 29004 - pad add with spaces on the left. Move the last d to the front, the a to second, the other d to third, and both spaces to fourth and fifth. At least that was the impression I got from that rule. --BrianRoney But then the word is actually "dad  ", which is not an anagram of "add". The permutation applied to the numbers must be a permutation which can apply to the original word, before it is padded with spaces. That is, all spaces must be fixed by the permutation. There are only two permutations which take "add" to "dad", those being (123->213) and (123->312). That's what I had in mind, but if it isn't clear then OhWell?.--AdamBliss Oh. Oops. Sorta fixed. I made 49002 valid from a different path. -- BrianRoney

Is that number really really big, or is it just me? -- BenjAzose

In my opinion, the null-word discussion has ceased to be relevant to this page. Thus: TheNullWord. Thank you . . . beat me to it.

I'm assuming that in rules two and three, the 'if it does not already exist' applies to generic word (n +- 1), not the specific word that you are creating, right? That is, I see multiple instances of the word obfuscation created using those two rules, and I'm wordering whether that is actually valid. -- AlexWilkins

I was of the opinion that rules two and three refered to the idea that you could make word (n+1) if there isn't some other word (n+1) already at that slot. I assumed further rules just assumed it. If this isn't the case, oops. -- BrianRoney

Sounds fine to me; I was just curious. I guess this discussion can be removed now (or clarified in the rules, if someone cares to make 'obfuscation').

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Last edited September 13, 2004 19:29 (diff)