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**Is Borderlands installed on any of the lab computers? --ChrisFerguson
**Is Borderlands installed on any of the lab computers? --ChrisFerguson
**No, but we're installing it. We might need an admin so that the setup can finish. For the time being we're still figuring out what to play.
* 4:40 pm - some people playing Killing Floor. also starting chipotle orders
* 5:30 pm - still playing Killing Floor. Berler about to leave to pick up chipotle
* 9:45 pm - sorry for not updating in a while. people just playing random games like LoL, Killing Floor, Worms Reloaded

Being a 12+ hour long version of Crack in the AC held during Fall Break since 2007 or 2008, I think.

Oct 16, 2010

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Last edited October 16, 2010 21:50 (diff)